Simultaneous Equations Models SEM Chapter 16 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Simultaneous Equations Models SEM Chapter 16


Murder Rates and Police Force. Reactions of potential murderers. murdpc= a1polpc 10 11income u1 ... The author construct a model to forecast the Treasury ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Simultaneous Equations Models SEM Chapter 16

Simultaneous Equations Models (SEM) (Chapter 16)
  • Course Applied Econometrics
  • Lecturer Zhigang Li

  • Simultaneity is an important source of
  • Simultaneity arises when some explanatory
    variables are jointly determined with the
    dependent variable.
  • These explanatory variables are generally
  • A Simultaneous Equation Model (SEM) explicitly
    models all those endogenous variables that are
    jointly determined.
  • A correctly formed SEM is very useful because it
    could suggest instrumental variables to solve the
    simultaneity problem.

A Classical Example of SEM
  • Supply and demand for some product
  • Labor Supply
  • hsa1wß1z1u1
  • Higher wage w, higher supply of labor. This is a
    positive causal effect on employees.
  • Labor Demand
  • hda2wß2z2u2
  • Higher wage w, lower demand for labor. This is a
    negative causal effect on employers.
  • Wage w is endogenous in equilibrium. Both zs are

  • OLS regression of h on w can not identify either
    the causal effect on employees or the causal
    effect on employers.
  • IV
  • If z1 and z2 are not the same, then z1 can be the
    IV for w in the demand equation while z2 can be
    the IV for w in the supply equation
  • 2SLS can be used to estimate the coefficients of
    w in demand and supply equations separately.
  • In general, you need at least as many IVs as
    endogenous variables for the IV method to work.

Two More SEM ExamplesOne Good, One Bad (p.
  • Murder Rates and Police Force
  • Reactions of potential murderers
  • murdpc a1polpcß10ß11incomeu1
  • Decision of city officials
  • polpc a2murdpcß20u2
  • Can we identify the effect of police force on
    murderers using IV approach?
  • Housing Expenditures and Saving
  • housing a1savingß10ß11incomeu1
  • saving a2housingß20ß21incomeu2

The Effect of an Open-Market Operation on Federal
Funds Rate (Hamilton, 1997)
  • Bank reserves and federal funds rate are
    simultaneously determined.
  • Liquidity Effect The effects on banks
  • The Fed also chooses the supply of reserves each
    day based on the expected fed fund rate
  • The study suggests using errors the Fed makes in
    forecasting the Treasury balance as an
  • The errors induces changes in bank reserves but
    is exogenous to federal fund rates.
  • The errors are not made public. The author
    construct a model to forecast the Treasury
    balance and used the fitted residuals as a proxy.

  • A reduction in nonborrowed researves of 30
    million may cause the federal funds rate to rise
    by 10 basis points.

Does Trade Liberalization Harm the Environment?
(Dean, 2002)
  • Effect on Firms
  • ?Y aD?D aF?Fß(T)?d
  • Effect on environment
  • ?D ß(?p1-?p2-?T) aF?F
  • Only Y and D are endogenous
  • Using provincial data on Chinese water pollution,
    the study finds that income growth had
    significantly negative effect on pollution while
    the inverse effect is negligible.

Effect of Pollution Control on Pollution (Wang
and Wheeler, 2005)
  • Levy Equation
  • ELf(EMI, Waste, Local, Plant)
  • Emissions Equation
  • EMIf(EL, Other Policy, Cost, Ownership)
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