Title: Welcome to this Presentation
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2Welcome to this Presentation by The Olive Tree
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4The Vision
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69/11 And Most Other Terror Attacks Around the
- are they mere political statements?
- or they are expressions by devout followers of
Islam/Muhammad/Allah who long for the fulfilment
of Quranic mandates to see the world converted
to Allah? - Political Christian leaders romancing with
Islamic politicians (UN) and clergy, e.g. George
Bush, Tony Blair, John Howard, the Pope,
Archbishop Carey, 9/11 Prayer-meetings, Arabic
clergy in the Middle East, Greek Orthodox
Patriarch of Jerusalem, most leaders of the EU
the UN et al.
7 Most of these leaders, as well as many leaders
of local churches, appear to be unaware of the
spiritual implications in this rise of Islam.
- Are they caught up in a spiritual deception due
to their rejection of Israel by ignoring the
warning in the NT see Rom.1117-20
8- you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in
among them, and with them became a partaker of
the root and fatness of the olive tree, 18do not
boast against the branches. But if you do boast,
remember that you do not support the root, but
the root supports you. 19You will say then,
Branches were broken off that I might be grafted
in. 20Well said. Because of unbelief they were
broken off, and you stand by faith. Do not be
haughty, but fear. 21For if God did not spare the
natural branches, He may not spare you either.
Rom. 1117-21 - The Holy Bible, New King James Version,
(Nashville, Tennessee Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.
9Did the prophet Daniel foresee the rise of Islam?
Did the prophet Daniel foresee the rise of Islam?
- could there be an apocalyptic scenario
foreshadowed for our time? - What do those mysterious numbers mean in the
final chapters of Daniel? - Is there a way of unlocking their meaning?
- What could be blocking our understanding?
10Christian Replacement Theology
11- The church has replaced Israel as the true people
of God
- The Old Testament, ie. the Torah is irrelevant
- Pagan festivals have replaced Biblical
Festivals e.g. Easter - Sunday replaced the Sabbath
- Has R.T. has blinded many Christian leaders to
the true significance of Israel in the purposes
of God and thereby to the true issues involved in
this battle.
12Biblical History is being re-written in the
Middle East
13- Many Christian Theologians who subscribe to
higher criticism are rewriting Biblical History
- Islamic Scholars are seeking to rewrite Israels
history, which in turn changes Biblical Christian
History. What are the consequences? - No Israel - No God of Israel No People of God
No Book of God OT No Fall - No sin No need
for salvation No need for a Historical Jesus
14- Outcome if there is no need for Salvation,
religious experiences can be centered around a
generic god or saviour
- a user friendly Christ of Faith as long a
people have faith - any faith will do. - Jesus has successfully been replaced. He can
take His redundancy package and retire. -
15- History and Biblical history are all
interconnected one cannot wipe out one part of
Biblical history without affecting the rest
- No separation of OT and NT - it is a complete
package. - Torah - the divine instruction of God
16Islamic Replacement Theology
17- In Islam, Allah has replaced the YHWH Elohim of
the Bible
- The Bible says of God that He changes not Mal.
36 - In contrast - in the Quran Allah calls himself
the greatest of all deceivers Sura 354 And
they (the disbelievers) schemed/deceived and
Allah schemed (against them) for Allah is the
best of deceivers. c/f Sura 830
18- Muhammad has replaced Jesus as the final
revelation of God.
- The Quran has replaced the Bible.
- The Quran has replaced Isaac with Ishmael as
the Abrahamic sacrifice - The Torah is replaced with Shariah
- The site of the Temple is occupied by a shrine
and house of worship to Allah.
19- Both Sunday and Sabbath have been replaced
with Friday prayers
- The Islamic Calendar begins in 622 AD, the flight
of Muhammad to Medina - The birth of Jesus marking the Christian
Calendar, as the start of a new era, is rendered
insignificant with the Islamic Calendar.
20- The twin Islamic concept of peace
- Dhar al Islam (House of Peace)
- When ALL is Islamic
- Dhar al Harb (House of War or Conflict)
- As long as Muslims are living under the rule of
infidels ie. Australia
21Consequences for the Christian and the World
22The Quran declares,
23and again.
- c/f. Sura 557 The Messiah, son of Mary, was no
other than a messenger, messengers (the like of
whom) had passed away before him.
24The Quran denies
- The death of Jesus on the cross (a substitute
was crucified) - And because of their saying We slew the
Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allahs messenger
they slew him not nor crucified Him, but it
appeared so unto them and Lo! Those who disagree
concerning it are in doubt thereof they have no
knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture
they slew Him not for certain but Allah took Him
up to himself Sura 4157-158
25- consequence No resurrection
- consequence No resurrection NO hope for the
Christian (1 Cor.1514-19 text) - Without the Christian Gospel humanity is cast
into a sea of despair
26The Abomination of Desolation
27- Middle-Eastern Islam espouses a culture of death
28- Desolation was decreed for those nations desiring
to control Gods land,e.g. - Because you have had an ancient hatred, and have
shed the blood of the children of Israel by the
power of the sword at the time of their calamity,
when their iniquity came to an end, 6therefore,
as I live, says the Lord God, I will prepare
you for blood, and blood shall pursue you since
you have not hated blood, therefore blood shall
pursue you. 7Thus I will make Mount Seir most
desolate, and cut off from it the one who leaves
and the one who returns. 8And I will fill its
mountains with the slain on your hills and in
your valleys and in all your ravines those who
are slain by the sword shall fall. 9I will make
you perpetually desolate, and your cities shall
be uninhabited then you shall know that I am the
Lord. - The Holy Bible, New King James Version,
(Nashville, Tennessee Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.
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30The Dome of the Rock
31The Bible says For God so loved the world that
He gave His only begotten Son John 316-17
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33He is antichrist who denies the Father and the
Son. The Holy Bible, New King James Version,
(Nashville, Tennessee Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982
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42Al Aqsa
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44- There is an awakening among Biblical minded
Israelis that the Dome of the Rock is affront, an
Abomination to the God of their fathers. - The Temple MUST BE REBUILT in our day
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47 The site of the Temple occupied by a shrine and
house of worship to a false god replacing YHWH
(consider the anger of YHWH in Ezekiel Chs.8-10)
- Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is
the Christ? He is antichrist (antixristoj)1 who
denies the Father and the Son. - Antichrist its primary meaning is 'replacement
or instead of' (Mt.222 Lk.1111) 'false or in
opposition is inconsistent with the rest of the
NT. - 1 Aland, Kurt, Black, Matthew, Martini, Carlo
M., Metzger, Bruce M., and Wikgren, Allen, The
Greek New Testament, (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft
Stuttgart) 1983
48The Prophecies of Daniel
49- Can the book of Daniel be trusted?
- Was it written in the 6th century?
- Endorsed by Jesus
- Matt.2415 Mark 1314
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52Common Views
- The Time of the Gentiles began with the
destruction of the 2nd Temple - The Time of the Gentiles commenced when Paul
turned his back on the Synagogue Acts 2828
53The Bible says
The time of the Gentiles may have already began
with the arrival Alexander The Great ca. 321
B.C.E. Daniel 85-8 In ancient mythology, Satan
is often depicted as resembling a goats head
inside a five-pointed star
54And as I was considering, suddenly a male goat
came from the west, across the surface of the
whole earth, without touching the ground and the
goat had a notable horn between his eyes. 6Then
he came to the ram that had two horns, which I
had seen standing beside the river, and ran at
him with furious power. 7And I saw him
confronting the ram he was moved with rage
against him, attacked the ram, and broke his two
horns. There was no power in the ram to withstand
him, but he cast him down to the ground and
trampled him and there was no one that could
deliver the ram from his hand. 8Therefore the
male goat grew very great but when he became
strong, the large horn was broken, and in place
of it four notable ones came up toward the four
winds of heaven. The Holy Bible, New King James
Version, (Nashville, Tennessee Thomas Nelson,
Inc.) 1982.
55Evidence from History
- Hellenism is considered by the Jewish People to
be the greatest disasters to visit them apart
from the exiles or dispersions in 586 BCE and 70
CE - The writings of the Maccabees (Apocrypha),
extra-biblical Jewish writings and the
development of the Septuagint in Alexandria
clearly testify to the dominating influence of
Hellenism over Hebrew culture and life.
56Evidence from History
- Jewish history the New Covenant writings show
that the Holy Land and Jerusalem were already
under continued Gentile domination well before
Jesus e.g. Greeks, Syrians, Egyptians Romans - The book of Acts (61 929) indicates a strong
conflict between Hellenists and Hebraists
57Daniels Time Line
- If Daniel was written in the 6th Century
- God gave Daniel a telescopic view of the future
until the end of time. - Daniel accurately foretold the birth of Jesus
- Daniels vision of the He-Goat (85,8) is of
greater significance than a record of a
historical fact
58Daniels Time Line
- If the prediction of the Messiahs birth is
correct, then the other numbers of Daniel must
also have meaning - Daniels visions from Ch.8 12 appear to be in
chronological order.
59Daniels Time Line
- 2300 mornings evenings (or day) appear to
represent prophetic years - The Hebrew and Islamic year is reckoned _at_ 360
days - 2300 Biblical years from the time of Alexander
the Great point to the year 1948 - the year
Israel was reborn as a nation the dominance by
Gentiles over Jewish lives was over.
60Daniels Time Line
- 1967 1290 Biblical years after the
construction of the Al Aqsa/ Dome of the Rock
complex on the Temple Mount Jerusalem returned
again to Jewish hands as the capital of Israel - 1335 days or Prophetic years appear to be an
extension of the 1290 years, a time of grace
extended or of endurance needed
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62What then must we do?
63Semite vs. Greek Mind
- For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after
wisdom 23but we preach Christ crucified, to the
Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks
foolishness 1 Cor.122 - The Muslim, like the Jew, needs to see that our
righteousness is greater than theirs that we
have love for one another Matt.520 John 1335 - The Holy Bible, New King James Version,
(Nashville, Tennessee Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.
64It is the Quran itself, which gives us the clue
Say O People of the Scripture! Ye have naught
(of guidance) till ye observe the Torah and the
Gospel and that which was revealed unto you from
your Lord ... follow not the vain desires of folk
who erred ... Sura 568, 77 c/f vv.65-66.
- Allah IS NOT the God of the Bible he is a
substitute c/f. Isaiah Ch.14 - Ps 1226-9 commands us to pray for the Peace of
Jerusalem for the sake of the House of God - Christianity the World are faced with the most
serious attack since the Fall - Christians need to come to terms with the fact
that Biblical TRUTH is ABSOLUTE not relative,
as many modernists would like to have it - Christians MUST own the central truth that Jesus
IS the Son of God, that He died on the cross and
was raised from the dead for our Salvation
- A change of some magnitude is coming toward to
human race - We are rapidly creating a world
- where only the rich powerful will be able to
survive - That is contrary to the Beatitudes
67How then should we live . . .
if the thoughts expressed here are correct?
if the thoughts expressed here are correct?
68- Seeing that we have a great High Priest, Who has
passed through the heavens, - Jesus, the Son of God,
- Let us hold fast of our confession!
- Hebrews 414
- And let us, therefore, surrender in true
submission to the true God of the Universe - And His Messiah, Jesus!
69Maranatha! Come Quickly, Lord Jesus!