Title: Learning
- A relatively permanent change in an organisms
behavior due to experience - How does learning occur?
- through associations
- (Classical Conditioning)
- through outcomes
- (Operant Conditioning)
- though observation
- (Observational Learning)
2Non-associative learningthe simplest form of
The simplest form of learning. The response to
a repeated stimulus will decline
across repetitions. A form of non-associative
learning, it involves only one stimulus.
- Habituation
- The response to a repeated stimulus will decline
across repetitions.
- Sensitization
- The response to an important stimulus will
increase for a while.
3Classical Conditioning
- first studied by
- Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936)
- two stimuli close together allow a response to
transfer from one to the other - Pavlovs explanation excitatory links form
between centres in the brain this process
occures automatically.
4Salivary Conditioning Apparatus
... how to ask the right question ....
5Classical conditioning
- Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS or US)
- Unconditioned Response (UCR or UR)
- Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
- Conditioned Response (CR)
6Pavlovs Work
- Before Conditioning
- During Conditioning After Conditioning
- The neutral stimulus (the tone) becomes a CS
through association
7How long does it last?
- Extinction
- Elimination of a learned response by removal of
the unconditioned stimulus - Spontaneous Recovery
- Re-emergence of an extinguished conditioned
response after a rest period
8(No Transcript)
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- Response Generalization
- The tendency to respond to a stimulus that is
somewhat similar to the conditioned stimulus
- Stimulus Discrimination
- The ability to distinguish between different
12Real-Life Examples
- Conditioned Taste Aversion
- a taste (CS) associated with a toxin (US) leads
to nausea (UR) - later, the taste alone evokes nausea (CR)
Biological restraints
13Rats are sensitive to taste
Birds to sight
14- Drug Tolerance
- tolerance is specific to specific environments
(e.g. bedroom) - taking drug in unfamiliar environment leads to
lack of tolerance
dangerous stimulus associated with neutral one
results fear from the later
16Little Albert
17Instrumental or Operant Conditioning
- - involves stimuli with
- motivational significance
- the consequences of
- behaviors influence the
- likelihood of their being
- repeated
- far more flexible than classical
- conditioning, can give rise to novel responses.
B. F. Skinner
19(No Transcript)
20Trial and error
21The dog gets time to find the lever
22Operant Conditioning
- for Classical Conditioning
- expectations are important
- for Operant Conditioning
- outcomes are important
23Thorndikes Law of Effect
- Behaviors that
- have pleasurable consequences tend to be
- repeated under similar circumstances
- Good consequence? Do it again!
- Bad consequence? Dont do it again!
24Schedules of Reinforcement
- Rate at which a reinforcer is delivered
- influences the nature of response(s)
- Continuous Reinforcement
- reinforcing the desired response each time it
occurs - (rapid learning, rapid extinction)
25- Partial Reinforcement
- reinforcing a response only part of the time
- results in slower acquisition, greater
resistance to extinction - Partial Reinforcement Schedules
- Ratio schedule
- Fixed ratio
- Variable ratio
26Fixed ratio
- Reward after a fixed number of responses (people
being paid on a "commission)
27Variable ratio
- Reward after an unpredictable number of responses
- (inserting coins and pulling the handle of a
"one-armed bandit.)
28Interval schedule
- Fixed interval Reward after a specified length
of time from the last reinforcement (checking
your mail in the mailbox)
29Interval schedule
- Variable interval
- Reward for first response after
- a variable amount of time
- (pressing the "redial" button
- when there is a "busy" signal on the other end of
the line.)
(electronic mail)
Stimulus is ...
Stimulus is ...
Stimulus is ...
Stimulus is ...
31Reinforcement Punishment
- decreases likelihood of behavior happening
again, because the consequence is not good - Positive Punishment
- Negative Punishment
33Problems with Punishment
- Punished behavior is not forgotten, it's
suppressed - behavior returns when punishment is no longer
eminent - Physical Punishment Linked to Increased
Aggression - shows that aggression is a way to cope with
problems - Creates fear that can generalize to desirable
behaviors, e.g. fear of school, learned
helplessness, depression - Does not necessarily guide toward desired
behavior - reinforcement tells you what to do,
- - punishment tells you what not to do
34Operant Conditioning Concepts
- Shaping
- Reducing complex behaviors into several more
simple behaviors - Reinforcing successive approximations to the
complex behavior
- when meeting a dangerous stimulus
36Avoidance learning
38Observational Learning
Albert Bandura. Bobo Doll Study
- occurs when an organisms responding is
- influenced by the observation of others (models).
- Children watched a film of a women being
aggressive towards a Bobo doll. In the playground
the children imitated the women in the film
acted aggressively towards the bobo doll
39Cognitive-Social Theory
Cognitive maps in rats men (Edward Tolman 1948)
- mental representations
- images
40Latent learning
- learning that has occurred but not currently
manifested in behavior
41Cognitive-Social Learning
Learned Helplessnes (Seligman, 1975)
- the expectancy that one cannot escape aversive
events - motivational learning deficits result from the
42Human depression
43Learning by insight
- Kohlers classic experiment
- The animal mind
- Chimp (Sultan) and bananas
44 45Smart ravens