Machine Learning Interview Questions In 2022 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Machine Learning Interview Questions In 2022


With machine learning algorithms, one is offered ample information for the data to learn and identify patterns from the data. One is not required to write new rules for each problem in machine learning. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Machine Learning Interview Questions In 2022

The best programmers in the bay areaPeriod!
Top 19 Machine Learning Interview Questions
1. Why reasons resulted in Machine learning
introduction? The simplest answer is for making
our lives easier. In the early days of
intelligent applications, numerous systems
depended on hardcode rules of if and else
decisions for processing data or adjusting the
user input. Imagine spam filter whose job is to
move the right incoming email messages to a spam
folder. With machine learning algorithms, one is
offered ample information for the data to learn
and identify patterns from the data. One is not
required to write new rules for each problem in
machine learning. 2. What are several Types of
Machine Learning algorithms? There are several
machine learning algorithms. Broadly speaking
Machine learning algorithms are divided in
supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement
  • 3. What is Supervised Learning?
  • Supervised learning simply putmachine learning
    algorithm of deducing a function from labelled
    training data. Some of the supervised learning
    algorithms are
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Regression
  • Naive Bayes
  • Decision Trees
  • 4. What is Unsupervised Learning?
  • Unsupervised learning is second type of ML
    algorithm considered for finding patterns on the
    set of data provided. In this one does not have
    to dependent on variable or label to predict.
  • Unsupervised learning algorithms include
  • Clustering,
  • Anomaly Detection,
  • Neural Networks and Latent Variable Models.
  • In case you wish to gain more clarity
    then machine learning coding bootcamp can offer
    you the right guidance for successful career

5. What is Naive concept in Naive Bayes? Naive
Bayes methodology is a supervised learning
algorithm it is naive as it makes supposition by
applying Bayes theorem that all characteristics
are independent of each other. Consult a machine
learning bootcamp to understand the technique and
further tools for cracking the interview.
6. What is PCA? When do you use it?Principal
component analysis (PCA) is the most commonly
used for dimension reduction and measures the
variation in each variable. If there is little
alteration, it throws the variable out.Principal
component analysis makes the dataset easy to
visualize, and is used in finance, neuroscience,
and pharmacology. It is further useful in
pre-processing stage, when linear correlations
are present between features. Consider coding
bootcamp for learning tools and techniques.7.
Explain SVM Algorithm.A SVM or Support Vector
Machine is a strong and versatile supervised
machine learning model, capable of performing
linear or non-linear classification, outlier
detection and regression.
  • 8. What are Support Vectors in SVM?
  • Support Vector Machine (SVM) is an algorithm
    which makes fitting line between different
    classes that maximizes the distance from line to
    the points of the classes. In this manner, it
    tries to find a robust separation between
    classes. Support Vectors are points of edge of
    dividing hyper plane.
  • 9. What are Different Kernels in SVM?
  • There are 6 types of kernels in SVM however,
    following four are widely used
  • Linear Kernel- used when data is linearly
  • Polynomial kernel When one has discrete data
    that has no natural notion of efficiency.
  • Radial basis kernel Is used for creating a
    decision boundary for doing a better job of
    separating two classes compared to the the linear
  • Sigmoid kernel Is used as an activation
    function for neural networks.

  • 10. What is Cross-Validation?
  • Cross-Validation is a method of splitting data in
    three parts- training, validation and testing.
    Data is split into K subsets, and models have
    trained on k-1 of the datasets. The last subset
    is held for testing and is conducted for each of
    the subsets. This is k-fold cross-validation.
    Lastly, the scores from all the k-folds are
    averaged for producing final score.
  • 11. What is Bias in Machine Learning?
  • Bias in data indicates there is inconsistency in
    data. The inconsistency may be cause due to
    several reasons which are not reciprocally

  • 12. What is the Difference Between Classification
    and Regression?
  • Classification is used for producing discrete
    results whereas, classification is used for
    classifying data into some definite categories.
  • 13. Define Precision and Recall?
  • Precision and recall are ways of monitoring power
    of machine learning implementation. But these are
    often used at the same time. Precision may
    inspect relevance whereas recall answers the
    questions. Basically, the meaning of precision is
    the fact of being exact and accurate. Same goes
    in machine learning models as well. In case one
    has set of items that model needs to predict to
    be relevant then it could answer how many items
    are truly relevant.

  • 15. How to Tackle Overfitting and Underfitting?
  • Overfitting means model fitted for training data
    well, in this case, one needs to resample the
    data and estimate model accuracy using techniques
    like K-fold cross-validation. Whereas in case of
    underfitting one is not able to understand or
    capture the patterns from data, in such case, one
    needs to change the algorithms, or one needs to
    feed more data points in the model for accuracy.
  • 16. What is a Neural Network?
  • Neural Network to put in simple words is model of
    human brain. Much like brain, it has neurons that
    activate when encountering something relatable.
    Different neurons are connected via connections
    which help information flow from one neuron to

  • 17. What is Ensemble learning?
  • Ensemble learning is a method that joins multiple
    machine learning models for creating powerful
  • There are numerous reasons for a mode to be
    different. Some are
  • Different Hypothesis
  • Different Population
  • Different Modelling techniques
  • When working with models training and testing
    data, one can experience an error. This error
    might be bias, irreducible error or variance.
  • Now model should have a balance between bias and
    variance, this one call a bias-variance
    trade-off. This ensemble learning is a manner to
    perform this trade-off. There are numerous
    ensemble techniques available but when
    aggregating multiple models there are general two
    methods- Bagging and Boosting.

  • 18 . How does one make sure which Machine
    Learning Algorithm to use?
  • It solely depends on the dataset one has. If the
    data is discrete one makes use of SVM. If the
    dataset is continuous one uses linear regression.
    So, while there is no specific way for knowing
    which ML algorithm to use, it entirely depends on
    the exploratory data analysis (EDA)

  • 19. How to Handle Outlier Values?
  • An outlier is an action in the dataset which is
    far away from other observations in the dataset.
    Tools used for discovering outlier are
  • Z-score
  • Box plot
  • Z-score
  • Scatter plot
  • Conclusion,
  • The above listed questions cover the basics of
    machine learning. With the advancement in machine
    learning growing rapidly so in case one has to
    consider joining the communities, and cracking
    the interview machine learning bootcamp is the
    way forward.
  • Source https//
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