Title: Legal Issues in Higher Education
1Legal Issues in Higher Education
- PARENTS ON BOARD Legal Issues on Campus
- The University of Vermont Continuing Education
- 14th Annual Conference
- October 24-26, 2004
- Burlington, Vermont
- Wendy S. White
- Senior Vice President and General Counsel
- To what extent is the University considered a
surrogate parent?
- To what extent do parents have legal rights on
our campuses?
- What is the right balance between student
independence and parental involvement?
5In Loco Parentis Doctrine - History
- Pre 1960 College was a surrogate parent
- 1960s and 70s Courts moved away from this
doctrine - A. University was no longer viewed as the
insurer of student safety - B. Students should be considered adults
6In Loco Parentis Doctrine - History
- 1980s Pine Manor decision
- A. Parents can reasonably expect universities
to use reasonable care to protect students from
foreseeable harm - B. Universities voluntarily assume this
responsibility by providing dormitory security - 1980s 1990 Prevailing view remains that
universities were not responsible for students
irresponsible conduct
7In Loco Parentis Doctrine Emerging Liability
- 1991 Furek decision Finding that the
University had a duty to protect students from
hazing because it undertook to provide
anti-hazing services
8In Loco Parentis Doctrine Emerging Liability
- Courts found no special relationship between
student and university, but are more likely to
find university responsible when a student is
9In Loco Parentis Doctrine Emerging Liability
- 2003 McClure decision University had the
responsibility to protect students traveling to
and from parties on the beach because it provided
a shuttle service
10University Responsibility Today
- Courts finding greater responsibility for student
conduct in hazing, sexual assault, and alcohol
related cases - Not in loco parentis but a newly created
relationship - WHY?
11Parents Legal Rights
- Parents want to be more involved the law
restricts this access - FERPA enacted when courts were holding students
accountable - Restricts disclosure without student consent
even to parents
12The Universitys Dilemma
- The law treats students as adults, while holding
Universities liable for their students own
irresponsible conduct
13The Universitys Dilemma
- Students believe they are adults their parents
may not - A. Paying Bills
- B. Helped select college
- C. Been actively involved in childs life
14The Broad Recognition of the Problem
- Press coverage
- NACUA Net Conversation
- Parent Programs
- Web-Sites and other communication strategies
- Student workshops
- Administrator Training
16Guidance for Administrators Responding to a
Parent Complaint (From Ohio States Policy)
17Guidance for Administrators Responding to a
Parent Complaint (From Ohio States Policy)
- If the problem is in your area, handle it.
Otherwise, refer it. - Handle complaints at the lowest appropriate
administrative level in the first instance.
18Guidance for Administrators Responding to a
Parent Complaint (From Ohio States Policy)
- Be decisive.
- Be consistent and follow the rules.
- Do not allow the parent complainant to set the
19Guidance for Administrators Answering a Parent
Call(From Scripps College)
20Guidance for Administrators Answering a Parent
Call(From Scripps College)
- Describe for me the problem that you are
concerned about. - Does your child know you are calling?
- How can we best support you in talking to your
- What is the appropriate role for parents in
dealing with a student disciplinary matter? -
- What is the appropriate role for parents in
dealing with a student disciplinary matter? - A. Student as subject of discipline
- B. Student who is alleged victim
- What is the appropriate role for parents in
dealing with a student who has emotional problems?
- What is the appropriate role for parents in
dealing with a students academic issues? -
- How do you handle a parent who is also a
significant donor?
26- No children or animals were harmed during the
creation of this presentation.
27Legal Issues in Higher Education
- PARENTS ON BOARD Legal Issues on Campus
- The University of Vermont Continuing Education
- 14th Annual Conference
- October 24-26, 2004
- Burlington, Vermont
- Wendy S. White
- Senior Vice President and General Counsel