Title: Stations of the Cross
1Stations of the Cross
2Station 1Jesus is Condemned to Death
- Jesus is standing before Pontius Pilate.
He is going to let Jesus get killed so everyone
will like him, but deep down inside he knows
Jesus is a good man.
3Station 2Jesus Takes His Cross
- Look at the cross. That is what Jesus had to
carry for us. He wanted to do this for us. He
didn't fight the men who put it on Him. He
carried it because God wanted Him to.
43 Jesus Falls The First Time
- The cross that Jesus is carrying is very
heavy. It is crushing His shoulder. Jesus tries
to move fast but He stumbles and falls.
5Station 4 Jesus meets his mother
- Jesus is walking slowly carrying the
cross.He sees a person in the distance. It is
his mother Mary. She looks very sad that Jesus is
going through this.
6 Station 5 Simon Helps Jesus Carry His
- Simon tries to carry the cross for Jesus. Simon
was a strong guy, but the cross was very heavy
for Simon. Jesus would never ask us to do
something we cant do. That is what Simon is
76 Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
- Jesus is hot, tired, and sweating from
walking a long time. - All of a sudden, a brave, young woman pushes
herself through the crowd and kneels before
Jesus. She takes a clean, white cloth and softly
wipes Jesus face. Jesus is so thankful, that he
leaves an imprint of his face on her cloth.
8 7Jesus Falls the Second Time
- It is very hard to walk with a heavy cross
on your back. Then Jesus trips and stumbles over
a rock and the rocks cut into his feet.
9Station 8 Jesus Meets the Weeping Women
- Jesus is walking down the road to
Calvary. A few women stop, and they are crying.
Jesus tells them not to cry for Him but to cry
for their children. Jesus is never thinking about
Himself, but always for others. The women leave
and Jesus walks on. - Kylie
10Station9 Jesus Falls the Third Time
- Jesus is really tired, because He hadnt
eaten anything in awhile. He is trying to walk
fast, but he falls. Jesus asks God to help him
1110 Jesus is Striped
Jesus is finally to the hill where he is to
die. The soldiers know Jesus is in pain, but they
go and pull all His clothes off but a little to
cover his waist .
1211 Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
- Jesus is under pain, when he is being
nailed to the cross. One man hammers spikes into
His hands and feet. The fit the cross into a
hole and there Jesus lays.
1312 Jesus Dies On The Cross
He is dead on the cross. Jesus did all of this
to put down death and give new life for us.
Jesus has won the fight with it. Ashley
14Station 13Jesus is TakingDown from the Cross
- This is when Jesus was taken down from the
cross. See Mary holding Jesus in her hands, she
doesnt like seeing him in pain but they have to
go through it for God. Mary does not complain.
1514 Jesus is Laid in the Tomb!
- Jesus is taken to the tomb. A huge
stone covers the entrance. Jesus friends wash
his body and wrap him in a sheet. When they are
finished they push a large stone over the
entrance. Now there is just darkness in the tomb,
and everyone goes home because they are tired and