1- Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge,
- and where is the knowledge we have lost in
information. - T S Eliot
2Evidence-Based MedicineShould We Stop the
- Mark C. Wilson, M.D., M.P.H.
- Wake Forest University School of Medicine
3Reason for Healthy Skepticism
4Whats Irritating AboutEvidence-Based
5Why EBM Chafes
- Arrogant Posture
- to publish the gold that intellectually intense
processes will mine from the ore of 100 of the
worlds top journals - Elitism
- how dare you insinuate Im a bad doc
- Unfamiliar Trendy Terminology
- Threatens the Art of Medicine
- Best Evidence Frequently Incomplete/Contradictory
6Initial Evidence-Based Resources
- Secondary Publications
7Explosion of Evidence-Based Stuff
- Secondary Publications
- Evidence-Based Cardiovascular Medicine
- Evidence-Based Nursing
- Evidence-Based Mental Health
- Evidence-Based Health Policy and Management
8Isnt This Getting Out of Control???
- Secondary Publications
- Evidence-Based Cardiovascular Medicine
- Evidence-Based Nursing
- Evidence-Based Mental Health
- Evidence-Based Health Policy and Management
- New Series
- Evidence-Based Critical Care
- Evidence-Based Emergency Medicine
9Evidence-Based is EVERYWHERE
- Evidence-Based Patient Information
- Evidence-Based Patient Choice
- Evidence-Based Sports Medicine
- Evidence-Based Outpatient Dermatology
- Evidence-Based Dental Care
- Evidence-Based Chiropractic Care
- Evidence-Based Alternative Medicine
- Evidence-Based Veterinarian Practice
10Todays Road Map
- Evolution of EBM
- Patients Clarify EBMs Place
- EBM An Imperfect Label
- Where to From Here?
11Its a Paradigm Shift
- When defects in an existing paradigm accumulate
to the extent that the paradigm is no longer
tenable, the paradigm is challenged and replaced
by a new way of looking at the world - A new paradigm for medical practice is emerging
- Evidence-based medicine requires new skills of
the physician - JAMA 1992 2682420-5
12Evidence Based Medicine
- Clinical intuition, unsystematic experience,
pathophysiologic rationale
Evidence from clinical research
13Users Guides Series in JAMA(Evidence-Based
Medicine Working Group)
- Are the Results Valid?
- Are the Results Important?
- Will the Results Help Me Care for My Patients?
14Other Emerging EBM Descriptors
15Routine Concerns about EBM
- Old Hat
- Ivory Tower Exercise
- Wont Vanquish Uncertainty Thus Paralyzing
- Fixed Cookbook Approach
- A Tool for Cost Cutters
- Just about RCTs Statistics
16EBM A Hierarchy of Evidence
- N-of-1 Trials
- Meta-Analysis of Homogeneous RCTs
- Single RCT
- Cohort Study
- Case-Control Study
- Case Series
- Individual Clinical Experience
17Remember ...
- Whenever You Get Confused,
- Start Back with the Patient
18Patients with New Proximal DVTs
- What Are Your Current Practice Patterns?
19Where Would You Turn for Quick High Quality
- Up to Date
- Best Evidence
20Ahh The Best Evidence
- RCT at 15 Centers in Canada
- 500 patients with acute proximal DVT
- Enoxaparin 1mg/kg SQ bid versus Standard
continuous heparin infusion - Equal rates of recurrent VTE (5-6) and major
bleeding rare (1-2) - 50 of LMWH group never hospitalized
- Levine, et al. NEJM 1996 334677-81
21How Would You Treat These Patients With Newly
Diagnosed DVT?
- 43 y/o truck driver whose husband is a nurse
- 68 y/o man 3 weeks s/p TKR who was participating
in rehab program 3X/week - 75 y/o woman with metastatic ovarian cancer who
is non-communicative after CVA 2 yrs ago and has
no advance directives
22So we discovered that ...
- Evidence Alone
- Never
- Makes Clinical Decisions
23Determinants of Decision-Making
- Evidence
- clinical evidence from patient
- best available external evidence
- systematic research
- pathophysiology
- local experts
- Values
- your patients
- your own
24Lots of Decisions Are Lacedwith Uncertainty ...
25EBM What it is
- Evidence-Based Medicine is the conscientious,
explicit, and judicious use of current best
evidence in making decisions about the care of
individual patients. - Practice of evidence-based medicine means
integrating individual clinical expertise with
the best available external clinical evidence
from systematic research. - EBM What it is and what it isnt. Br Med J
1996 31271-72
26EBM What it is
- Evidence-Based Medicine is the conscientious,
explicit, and judicious use of current best
evidence in making decisions about the care of
individual patients. - Practice of evidence-based medicine means
integrating individual clinical expertise with
the best available external clinical evidence
from systematic research. - EBM What it is and what it isnt. Br Med J
1996 31271-72
27EBM What it is
- Evidence-Based Medicine is the conscientious,
explicit, and judicious use of current best
evidence in making decisions about the care of
individual patients. - Practice of evidence-based medicine means
integrating individual clinical expertise with
the best available external clinical evidence
from systematic research. - EBM What it is and what it isnt. Br Med J
1996 31271-72
28EBM What it is
- Evidence-Based Medicine is the conscientious,
explicit, and judicious use of current best
evidence in making decisions about the care of
individual patients. - Practice of evidence-based medicine means
integrating individual clinical expertise with
the best available external clinical evidence
from systematic research. - EBM What it is and what it isnt. Br Med J
1996 31271-72
29Problems in the Evidence of EBM
- Major Constraints in Best Available Evidence to
Help Care for Individual Patients - Implying that a Specific Collection of Evidence
is the Best Available Sets Stage for Abuses by
Guideline Makers and Health Systems - EBM Places Excess Emphasis on Gathering RCTs and
Doing Meta-analyses - EBM Advocates De-emphasize Soft Data
- Am J Med 1997 103529-35
30Is Life Too Short For EBM?
- YES!
- Excessively Emphasizes Biomedical Model of
Decision-Making - Insufficient to Explain All that Occurs in a
Doctor-Patient Relationship - Editorial, Internal Medicine News, 10/98
31Is Life Too Short For EBM?
- NO!
- Its Empowering
- Its a Challenging Form of Self-Directed Learning
- Its Fun
- Editorial, Internal Medicine News 10/98
32Perhaps EBM is a Concept/Paradigm with an
Imperfect Label
- Consider the Perspectives of the 3 Blind Men
Encountering the Elephant of Individualized
Clinical Decision Making - Theres No Better Name at Present
- So lets just get on with our work of seeking
to integrate external evidence with our other
professional tools
33Evidence-Based Health Care
Best External Evidence
Patient Preferences
Flexible Management Strategies
Establishing Effective Physician-Patient Communica
Patients Clinical Problems
Social Support
34EBM Attempts to
- Inspire Us to Conscientiously Pursue Best
Available Evidence - Help Us Explicitly Acknowledge the Strengths
Limitations of Evidence that Influence Our
Decisions - Motivate Us to Tackle the Difficult Judgements
for Individual Patients that We Must Make - Empower Us to Keep Up-to-Date and Maintain Our
35Much Work Still to Do
- EBM is Still in its Infancy
- EBM is Not a Panacea
36Much Work Still to Do
- EBM is Still in its Infancy
- EBM is Not a Panacea
- But the process of EBM is quite appealing on
multiple levels
37So Where to Now?
38So Where to Now?
39So Where to Now?
- Cultivate Curiosity
- Carefully Select When to Pursue Best Evidence
40So Where to Now?
- Cultivate Curiosity
- Carefully Select When to Pursue Best Evidence
- Hone Your Basic EBM Skills
- Focusing Clinical Questions
- Efficient Searching
- Critical Appraisal
- Make Judgements about Applicability
41So Where to Now?
- Cultivate Curiosity
- Carefully Select When to Pursue Best Evidence
- Hone Your Basic EBM Skills
- Focusing Clinical Questions
- Efficient Searching
- Critical Appraisal
- Make Judgements about Applicability
- Explicitly Wrestle with the Components of
Clinical Decision-making Think Out Loud
42So Where to Now?
- Cultivate Curiosity
- Carefully Select When to Pursue Best Evidence
- Hone Your Basic EBM Skills
- Focusing Clinical Questions
- Efficient Searching
- Critical Appraisal
- Make Judgements about Applicability
- Explicitly Wrestle with the Components of
Clinical Decision-making Think Out Loud - Have FUN!!!
43Where Our Road Took Us
- Evolution of EBM
- Patients Clarify EBMs Place
- EBM An Imperfect Label
- Where to From Here?
- Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge,
and where is the knowledge we have lost in
information. - T S Eliot
45EBM Will It Really Ever Matter?
46(No Transcript)
47Cochrane Collaboration
- International, volunteer initiative to evaluate
healthcare interventions. - Collaboration works to prepare, disseminate, and
continuously update systematic reviews of
controlled trials for specific patient problems. - Concerns include
- meta-analysis -philia
- quality control nightmare
- poised for abuse by labeling best evidence
- diverts clinical researchers from original
48(No Transcript)
49Reason for Healthy Skepticism
50Evidence-Based Medicine
- Essential EBM Skills
- 1) Focus Clinical Questions
- 2) Efficient Information Retrieval
- 3) Appraise Information
- 4) Apply to Patient
51The Practice of EBM Requires
- Life-long, self-directed learning skills when
caring for patients that creates the need for
specific types of information about clinical
52Evidence-Based MedicineAn Imperfect Label
- Mark C. Wilson, M.D., M.P.H.
- Wake Forest University School of Medicine