Title: Exporting Data to the Data Repository
1DOEHRS-HC v3.2.13 Exporting Data
2- DOEHRS-HC Data Can Be Exported to the
- Data Repository (DR)
- Local Workstation
3Export to DR
4DOEHRS-HC v3.2.13 Export to DR Improvements
Minimizes user actions when connected to
the internet Minimizes and clarifies required
user actions when not connected to the
internet Provides a monthly check of the last
date DOEHRS-HC data was exported to the DR and
notifies the user if an export is needed
Export messages more clearly reflect where the
user is in the DOEHRS-HC export process
5Export to DR with Internet Connectivity
Messages which appear when an export is being
completed and does not require user intervention
6Possible Export to DR Connection Messages with
Internet Connectivity
If DR account info is not contained within
User can enter it now - if not entered user will
not be able to complete an Export to DR or a
DR Inquire
7Possible Export to DR Connection Messages with
Internet Connectivity (Cont)
DR account info contained within DOEHRS-HC has
DOEHRS-HC provides user with an immediate ability
to change their DR password
DOEHRS DR password change was successful
8Possible Export to DR Connection Messages with
Internet Connectivity (Cont)
Window which appears if Forgot Password button
(previous slide) was selected when attempting to
change DR Password
E-mail message which is received after Forgot
Password Form is completed
9Possible Export to DR Connection Messages with
Internet Connectivity (Cont)
If the users DR account is locked a message
requesting it be unlocked is automatically sent
to the DOEHRS-HC functional POCs after OK is
10Possible Export to DR Connection Messages with
Internet Connectivity (Cont)
Messages which may appear if there are internet
connectivity issues
Local issue
DR issue
Message which will appear if the export process
is not completed successfully
11Export to DR without Internet Connectivity
If Connected to the Internet box is not checked
- After Export to DR is selected the Save
As window opens
After user selects the location to save the
file the export process starts
12Export to DR without Internet Connectivity
Instructions to follow to move the export file,
from the DOEHRS-HC computer to a computer which
is internet connected, appear after the export
file has been created
Instructions and filename can be printed to
assist in completing the task
13Export to DR with or without Internet
Summary of Data included in the DOEHRS-HC export
14User is Returned to the DOEHRS-HC Main Window
15Export Status Messages
If data has not been exported in the last month
If an Export to DR was requested on a DOEHRS-HC
computer not connected to the internet
Saying Yes, marks all records included in the
export file so they are not included in another
export request.
If user indicated data was not uploaded from an
internet-connected computer
16Export to Workstation
17Go to DatagtExport to Workstation
18Date Range window appears, when applicable
IDN window appears, when applicable
19Save As window appears, when by Installation is
Use Save in field to select where you want to
save the file
20Export process starts
21Export summary appears
Information is reported by Zip/Pas/UIC and types
of tests provided
22User is returned to the DOEHRS-HC main
window Disk can be sent to another test location
to import the data