Title: Effective PowerPoint
1Effective PowerPoint
- Raleigh Way
- Georgia Southern University
2Effective PowerPoint?
What does that mean?What do you hope to get out
of this workshop?
3Background Color
- Wastes ink in your dept. and library
4Computer Screen Colors?Projection Colors
5Color blindness
6Careful with Color Contrast
Blue on Blue
Red on Pink
Red on Blue
7Font Size
- 12 Point
- 15 Point
- 20 Point
- 25 Point
- 30 Point
- 35 Point
- 40 Point
- 45 Point
- 50 Point
8Font Face
Serif Times Century
Sans Serif Arial Verdana
(best for screen)
(best for print)
9Arial vs. Verdana
This is a sentence using arial. This is a
sentence using verdana.
10Dont Use Long Paragraphs(Cognitive Overload)
As a result of the grant, Georgia
Southern University was able to set up a Web Page
Accessibility Office, which is located in the
Center for Excellence in Teaching. The site
serves as a central repository for tools,
techniques and other resources used to make Web
pages accessible to people with disabilities.
Creating accessible Web sites not only enhances
accessibility for people with disabilities, it
enhances the usability of sites in general for
everyone. Web page accessibility guidelines
foster good Web page construction techniques.
11Dont Center Align Paragraphs
As a result of the grant, Georgia
Southern University was able to set up a Web Page
Accessibility Office, which is located in the
Center for Excellence in Teaching. The site
serves as a central repository for tools,
techniques and other resources used to make Web
pages accessible to people with disabilities.
Creating accessible Web sites not only enhances
accessibility for people with disabilities, it
enhances the usability of sites in general for
everyone. Web page accessibility guidelines
foster good Web page construction techniques.
126/6 Rule
- No more than 6 words per line (oops)
- No more than 6 lines per slide
- Avoid death by bullets
13Limit Use of Colors for Text
- This is important information
- This is important information
- This is important information
- This is important information
- Limit to 2 to 3 colors?
14Dont Use Caps
We rely on word morphing to read fast.
Font size of both 32 Which is easier to read?
15Animation, Transitions, Sounds
- Lions
- and Tigers
- And Bears
- Oh, my!
Dont you just HATE this?!!
16Education vs. Marketing
Persuasion (Captive Audience)
17Marketing Cognitive Effect
- Fixed Mode - Linear like TV
- Promotes Passive Learning
- Does not promote class participation
- Students become scribes
- Students become slide-swiped
Straight lecture causes students to zone out.
18Straight Lecture with PowerPoint
Your Student
Deer in Headlights
19Attention Span over Time(Lecture Stupor)
- Attention constant first 5 min
- Drops to lowest Level 15-20 min
- Cycle repeats throughout lecture
20Countering Lecture StuporUse Lecture Time Outs
Review previous Lecture
0 min
20 min
40 min
LS begins
LS cycle repeats
Happy to be there
21Active Learning
- Time Out to focus during lecture
- Reenergizes the class (breaks stupor)
- Promotes engagement and ownership in learning
process - Improves learning
- Every 7-5 or 15-20 minutes or as needed?
- Incorporate a Time Out slide to prompt you
22Time Out!
- Do you notice a cycle in YOUR classes?
- Do students go into stupor?
- How do you deal with it?
23Active Learning Techniques 3-5 minutes for
active learning session
- Think-Pair-Share
- One-Minute Paper
- Muddiest Moment
- Let students suggest test questions
- Many others (See References - last slide)
24Another Question
- Do you use active learning techniques? (See
References - last slide) - Have you ever sat through a lecture that did not
bore you? If yes, why was that?
25My General, opinionated recommendations
- Use PPT to augment, not deliver
- Outline of lecture topics only
- Major themes
- Pertinent pictures
- Watch verbal speed (Important!!)
- They will write everything on ppt and try to
write everything you say!
26Other Uses of PowerPoint
- Audio
- Video
- Links to the Web
These could also be your Active Learning moments.
28Link to WebExample
Attention Span of Students http//www.ntlf.com/ht
Active Learning Information and
Techniques http//www1.umn.edu/ohr/teachlearn/tut
orials/powerpoint/ http//www.calstatela.edu/dept