Title: Snow Monkey
1Snow Monkey
Donna colbert
By the age of five a Snow Monkey is ready to have
its own family.
2Asian Hairy Rhinoceros
Andrea Campos
Asian Hairy Rhinos have two horns.
Ashley Guardado
Gibbons can jump long distances.
4 Red Fox
Jonathan Amaya
The Red Fox will hunt a mouse by looking and
listening very hard.
5Siberian Tiger
Jamila kouyateh
Siberian Tigers are the largest tigers.
6Black Bear Hamster
Melenny Mata
A Black Bear Hamster must gnaw on hard things to
keep wearing the teeth down.
7Tawny Owl
Niki Chao
The Tawny Owl has a few different calls. One of
its sounds like tu-whit-who-oo-oo.
8Asian Elephant
Brian Estrada
One fact about an Asian Elephant is that Asian
Elephants are mammals.
9Arctic Fox
Jason Pineda
The Arctic Fox lives in the cold.
10Insect-eating Bat
Jerell Harling
The wing of an Insect-eating Bat look like hands
with long fingers.
11Barn Owl
Tatiana Laguna
Barn Owls pick up food in their beaks and swallow
it whote.
12Burmese Python
Abraham Villatoro
Burmese Pythons squeeze their pray so it cannot
13Saltwater Crocodile
Isaias Martinez
A Saltwater Crocodile lays fifty-five eggs in her
14Panda Bear
Evelyn Sagastume
Panda Bears chew bamboo.