Title: DIF2006
1DIF06FRASCATI 3 March 2006
Why a SuperB
- Marcello A. GiorgiUniversità di Pisa and INFN
- Physics at B Factory
- Status of the art
- Few examples of Physics Reach at very High
luminosity - Super Flavour Factory
3Great Success of PEPII and KEKB
- 0.8 ab-1 in total (sum) !
- Peak luminosity gt 1034cm-2s-1 in both experiments
M.Hazumi Cern 11.07.05
Many new measurements cannot be summarized in one
4Great success of BaBar and Belle
Sides and angles
only angles
5UNIVERSAL UT fit with 50 ab-1
Universal fit makes only use of quantities
independent of NP contributions within MFV
6sin2b and loops a road to NP?
New phases from SUSY?
The usual 3s effect!!
Deviation from SM No theory error 3.7
s Naïve theory errors 2.9 s
8Extrapolation at high Lumi
9b?sll- precision measurements
New Physics K() ll-, sll- New Physics K() ll-, sll- ee- Precision ee- Precision ee- Precision ee- Precision
Measurement Goal 3/ab 10/ab 50/ab 100/ab
B(B?Kmm- ) /B(B?Kee-) SM 1 8 4 2 1.5
ACP(B?K ll-) (all) (high mass) SM lt 0.05 6 12 3 6 1.5 3 1.1 2
AFB(B?Kll-) s0 SM 5 20 9 9
AFB(B?sll-) s0 27 15 6.7 5.0
AFB (B?sll-) C9 , C10 36-55 20-30 9-13 7-10
10Rare Decays
MEASUREMENT Goal 3/ab 10/ab 50/ab 100/ab
B(B?Dtn) SM B 8x10-3 10.2 5.6 2.5
B(B?snn)K,K SMTheory 51 excl 4x10-6 1s gt3s gt4s gt5s
B(B?invisible) lt2x10-6 lt1x10-6 lt4x10-7 lt2.5x10-7
B(Bd ?mm) 8x10-11 lt3x10-8 lt1.6x10-8 lt7x10-9 lt5x10-9
B(Bd ?tt) 1x10-8 lt1x10-3 O(10-4) ? ?
B(t ?mg) nowlt 7 10-8 lt10-10
B(t ?mh) now lt 10-7 lt10-10
11Physics case
- On the physics case a lot of documents are
available they are the result of three years of
Physics workshops in Slac ,in KEK and Joint
meetings in Hawaii . - Three years of Physics Workshops have produced
heavy documents . See for example - The Discovery Potential of a Super B Factory
(Slac-R-709) - Letter of Intent for KEK Super B Factory ( KEK
Report 2004-4 ) - Physics at Super B Factory ( hep-ex/0406071 )
- At the URL
- www.pi.infn.it/SuperB you can find documents
and links to documents - The physics case for a Super Flavour Factory is
solid if - The sample of data available in a few years of
running can reach 100 ab -1 (10 11 BBbar, tau
and charm pairs) - The running period is overlapped to LHC. (Results
from Super Flavour and LHC are largely
complementary). - As asked by the president of INFN an
international study group has been formed to
study the case, to evaluate the solution with
time, costs, synergies, surface required - An international group is at work we had a
workshop in LNF the 11 and 12 Nov 2005, a second
workshop will be held in LNF on 16,17 and 18
march 2006 - The Physics focus will be on Charm and Taus
- Participants from US,Italy,Japan,France,Germany
UK and Russia are expected. I m completing now
the formation of the International Steering group.
12(No Transcript)
13Machine Requirements
- Peak luminosity at Y4s gt 1036
- Geometrical acceptancegt 99
- Background in the detector lt present background
in BaBar and Belle - Narrow beams and low bkgd allowing better
vertexing - Possible operations at lower energy as a
symmetric SuperTauCharm - One polarized beam should be available, allowing
direct measurements of asymmetris due to T odd
observables in tau decay with a sensitivity of
the order 10 -5 - No need of any major RD
- Cost between 4 and 10 of ILC.
- Wall power ltlt50MW
14Solution under discussion (see M.Biagini at this
- USE of ILC DR ILC FF Requires virtually no RD
- Uses all the work done for ILC
- Ring and ff layouts virtually done, 3km
circunference rings - 100 Synergy with ILC
- IR extremely simplified 80-100 m straight line
- Beam stay clear about 30sigmas with 1cm radius
beam pipe - Currents around 1.5Amps
- Background better than PEP and KEKB
- Possibly to operate at the tau with L1035
- Polarization of one beam considered
- UNDER STUDY the possibility to run down to the
phi with lumilt1034 - Total cost about half of the ILC e DRs (2 e 6km
rings in ILC) - Power around 40MW, still to be further optimized
(goal 25MW) - Possible to reuse PEP RF system, power supplies,
Vacuum pumps, etc., further reducing the overall
cost - Needs the standard injector system, probably a
C-band 7GeV linac like in KEKB upgrade (already
15- For a clean flavour physics in the era of LHC
- We pursue a
- SUPERB Super Flavour Factory
16 17Solution under study
- Optimized flat case in multi-turn
regime with Np21010, - Nbunches5000 (3Km ring), Colliding every
turn - IP parameters
- sigx2.67um sigy12.6nm Crab focus on in
vertical plane - betx2.5mm bety80um
- X_crossing_angle225mrad
- sigz4mm sige5MeV (sige/e110-3)
(Lum_sige7MeV) - emix0.4nm (emix_norm4um)
- emiy0.002nm (emiy_norm20pm)
- emiz4.0um
- Damping_time (Tau)10msec
- Stored time between collision10usec0.001Ta
u1turn - Collision_frequency100KHz5000
- Lmultiturn0.81036 (Lsingleturn1.2103
6) - Vertical tune shift like in PEP!!! (similar
currents,100 times - more luminosity, 100 times smaller betay)
18ILC ring with ILC FF Uncompressed
bunches Colliding every turn crossing
19SUPER KEKB Project
LHCb may produce physics equivalent to 50 /ab in
ee- in some channels within a few years
15 /ab/year
9 /ab/year 3.51035 40 weeks
Installation of Crab Cavity
We are here.
- Shutdown for 18-26 months in 2009-2010 for the
upgrade. - 0.9 /ab/month in 2020.
- M.A.G. Introduzione (10)
- M. Ciuchini B Physics BSM (205)
- P.Raimondi Superb Machine scenarios (205)
21Da Napoli 23 Settembre ..
- Meeting settimanali del gruppo di supporto.
- (I meetings sono aperti si puo partecipare per
telefono , chi einteressato puo mandarmi un
e-mail ,gli faro avere le coordinate per il
collegamento) - Meeting con Masanori Yamauchi (19.10.05)
- (Totsuka si e dimesso da DG di KEK, I tempi in
giappone possono essere piu lunghi se ce una
iniziativa in Europa, I giapponesi sono
interessati ad una partecipazione al detector ed
alla macchina in una struttura internazionale
partecipando in kind in modo cospicuo O(15-20)
22Ancora sullaspetto internazionale
- conferma la partecipazione del gruppo macchina ed
in kind con elementi di PEPII - ORSAY ed IN2P3
- Interesse di fisici francesi di Babar in generale
e del laboratorio alla partecipazione promessa di
far partecipare al progetto 2 macchinisti. - Laspetto internazionale sottolineato e proposta
di richiesta congiunta alla Unione Europea.
23Workshop a LNF 11,12 Novembre
- Larga partecipazione sopratutto di macchinisti
anche da KEK. - Physics case
- M.Ciuchini BSM with 50 ab-1
- T.Iijima the SuperKEKB motivation
- Machine WG1
- Detector WG2
2410 ab-1 1010 BB 1010 ??
25Reference Design of a SBF
26A lot of activity and progress in WG1
- There was an important evolution of the original
Pantaleo idea with the contribution of all the
27LinearB scheme
LER injection
Her injection
LER Bunch compressor and FF
HER Bunch compressor and FF
Overall rings lenght about 6Km (at the
present), Collision frequency about
120Hz10000bunch_trains1.200MHz Bunch train
stays in the rings for 8.3msec, then is
extracted, compressed and focused. After the
collision is reinjected in its ring
28New SBF Layout with SC Linacs
- New possible scheme. Asymmetry is an open
parameter. Wall power linear with the DR energy
is an issue.
E source
Make up DE
1 GeV DR
5 GeV
3 GeV
3 GeV
29SLC stile Super B
7GeV e
2 GeV e injection
2GeV e DR
5 GeV e 3.5GeV e- SC Linac
4 GeV e-
0.5GeV SC Linac
e- Gun
e- Dump
30Linear Super B
2 GeV e injection
4 GeV e-
2GeV e DR
e- Gun
5GeV e SC Linac
4GeV e- SC Linac
7GeV e
e- Dump
Wall powerlt100MW (a tremendous Syncrotron light
Source. Possible short pulse FEL in linacs Lgt1036
31Expected low BKGD
- Negli schemi di macchina considerati, la
luminosita puo essere molto elevata un fattore
10 e piu maggiore di quella di progetto di
SuperKEKB. - Sorgenti polarizzate possono consentire misure
dirette di T violation in Tau decays - Il BKGD nel detector puo essere inferiore
allattuale in Babar, infatti la corrente
circolante nella zona di interazione puo essere
una decina di mA soltanto.
- Il detector per Superb non sembra il punto
critico.La ermeticita puo essere accresciuta
(99.5) , la beam pipe ridotta a 10mm (diametro)
. - Un rivelatore con un upgrade ragionevole deve
essere il risultato di un progetto aperto (Babar,
Belle ed altri) - Masahashi Hazumi nel workshop del Cern su Flavour
nellera di LHC ha proposto scherzosamente - BARBABELLE
33BEAM Energy Asymmetry
Nicola will discuss in detail the resolution
needed in time dependent analysis as functon of bg
Present PEPII bg
- If machine could have low Bkg then designing the
detector wouldnt be terrible - It could be based on the present Babar or Belle
with an improved vertex (beam pipe down to 10mm?) - PID improved
- and with a reduced asymmetry (74 GeV ?) a more
hermetic detector is feasible then - A NEW EMC ENDCAPS also needed.
35What from now!
- Simulations of a proposed strawman design needed
to optimize - Luminosity/(Wall power ) ratio.
- Evaluation of Bkgd inside the detector O(10) or
O(102) less then in the original Super PEPII - Choice of the machine asymmetry (74 GeV i.e.
For the Y(4s) bg0.3 or bg0.2) - Better definition of the synergy with ILC
activities. - Preliminary definition of the machine RD needed.
- What we learned
- MACHINE parameters is the issue.
- We need a common effort of machine experts, most
of them involved in ILC project. - DETECTOR appears feasible and reasonably
obtainable from a joint effort of Babar and Belle
communities. - A draft will be written from now and the end of
37INFN Super B group
- INFN has setup a roadmap program to evaluate
future options and commitments in major physics
projects. - Groups (as a sort of advisory bodies) have been
setup to collect informations in a coherent way
to be presented to the INFN management. - In the area covered by Gruppo I (Particle Physics
with accelerators) a group has been setupto study
the possibility of a SuperB Factory in Italy .
38Structure and How to move on
- Marco Ciuchini has been appointed as a theorist
member of the group. - I hope to be able to assemble the entire group
(Pannel, Thing, COSA?) by the end of next week ,
of course coordinators of GruppoI are welcome and
their contributions based on their experience
and wisdom will be particularly valuable. - The report to my understanding should be ready by
the end of January 06, that is TOMORROW. - The charge I received was to limit the membership
of the group to people of INFN, and that is fine
since it will act as an advisory group internal
to INFN. However a larger community , from Slac,
us in general, Canada, Europe, is interested in
the possibility of the SuperB in Italy, they have
studied the case in the past few years and
volunteered to continue their activity in
studying the parameters of the machine and the
detector and in supplying all possible
information as consulting group to our INFN
39How to move on
- Regular weekly meetings of the consulting group
have been setup on mondays , they are open and
volunteers can freely subscribe! - The group contains machine physicists from LNF
and Slac, italian european and US experimental
physicists . - Material will be collected about the machine and
the detector and given in real time to our Panel. - We think that the documents on the physics case
are already available, so I think that on this
subject the task for the panel and in particular
for Marco would be somehow easier than the
evaluation of the other parameters.
- Unitarity Triangle sides measurements
- From (semi)leptonic decays, inclusive or
exclusive - Vub, Vcb, Vtd
- UT angles precision measurements
- b?s penguin transitions very sensitive to new
physics - CPV Asymmetries in B?fKs, Ksp0 compared with
sin2b. - a measurement with B?pp and rr
- direct CPV
- g measurement with B?DK or similar channels.
- Rare decays
- Exclusive and inclusive b sg BFs, direct
asymmetries, photon helicities - Exclusive and inclusive b sll- BFs, AFB, CP
asymmetries - B decays to states with large missing energy,
such as B(d,s) tt-, B K()nn , b
snn , B D()tnt , B XCtnt, B nn - LFV in t mg , t mh and similar channels
41In the basket of BFACTORIES Direct CP
PRL 93 (2004) 131801
42New unitarity triangle with new values
New value of Sin2b vs. UT general fit with new
Vub/Vcb value
43Including F3/g mainly from Dalitz analysis
Summer 05 CKM is a success so far..
44Comparison with LHCb
M.Yamauchi PisaOct19,05
LHCb 2fb-1
CPV (b g s)
w/ n
45Complementary information
Super B Factory
Squark mass matrix (d sector) A Super B Factory
(with 1036 BETTER with 1037 ), early in the LHC
era, can provide the meansto eliminate potential
models as well as unique information on CP phases
46Is Physics case solid?
- Question
- Is there still a physics case for highly precise
flavour experiments in the next decade? - Evidence for New Physics could be found by ATLAS
and CMS in the first few years of LHC operation
(25 years?) - LHCb will take data on the same time scale
- My view
- It is a solid case if the SuperB is really SUPER
- (10 10 10 11 B and t pair per year well
before 2015 ) - ( in the same running period as LHC and before
ILC). - 3years of Physics Workshop have produced heavy
documents - The Discovery Potential of a Super B Factory
(Slac-R-709) - Support of Physics case also in
- Letter of Intent for KEK Super B Factory ( KEK
Report 2004-4 ) - Physics at Super B Factory ( hep-ex/0406071 )
47Extrapolation at high Lumi
48b?sll- precision measurements
New Physics K() ll-, sll- New Physics K() ll-, sll- ee- Precision ee- Precision ee- Precision ee- Precision
Measurement Goal 3/ab 10/ab 50/ab 100/ab
B(B?Kmm- ) /B(B?Kee-) SM 1 8 4 2 1.5
ACP(B?K ll-) (all) (high mass) SM lt 0.05 6 12 3 6 1.5 3 1.1 2
AFB(B?Kll-) s0 SM 5 20 9 9
AFB(B?sll-) s0 27 15 6.7 5.0
AFB (B?sll-) C9 , C10 36-55 20-30 9-13 7-10
49Goals with high statistics
Yamahuchi 19.10.05