Title: Providing homes and hope for
1- Providing homes and hope for
- Palestinian Christians in Jerusalem
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3Who will benefit from the housing project?
4Who will benefit from the housing project?
5Who will benefit from the housing project?
6Project Partners
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the
Holy Land (ELCJHL) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
- The Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Foundation (KAVF)
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10Housing Project Progress
11Housing Project Progress
12Housing Project Progress
13Al-Aqsa Mosque, Old City, Jerusalem
14Palm Sunday Procession Saint Stephens Gate, Old
City, Jerusalem
15Western Wall, Old City, Jerusalem
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18The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and
the Holy Land
19Lutheran Church of the RedeemerOld City,
20The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and
the Holy Land
21The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and
the Holy Land
22The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and
the Holy Land
23The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the
Holy Land
24Augusta Victoria HospitalMount of Olives,
25The Lutheran World Federation, Jerusalem
26Augusta Victoria Hospital
The Lutheran World Federation, Jerusalem
27Serving those most in need
The Lutheran World Federation, Jerusalem
28Vocational Training Program
Since 1949
The Lutheran World Federation, Jerusalem
The Lutheran World Federation, Jerusalem
29Village Health Clinics (VHC)
Since 1949
LWF Village Health Clinic, Shoqba, West Bank
30Humanitarian Supplies
The Lutheran World Federation, Jerusalem
31Church of the Holy SepulcherChristian Quarter,
Old City, Jerusalem
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33Israeli Separation Wall, Jerusalem
34Jerusalem Housing
35Jerusalem Housing
36Jerusalem Housing
Source BTselem, The Israeli Information Center
for Human Rights
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39- Providing homes and hope for
- Palestinian Christians in Jerusalem
40AIMS of the Mount of Olives Housing Project
- To contribute to the overall presence of the
three religions in Jerusalem -- Judaism,
Christianity and Islam -- by strengthening the
Christian minority communities in a spirit of
ecumenical and inter-religious openness and by
curbing the exodus of the Christian population
from the city
41- To support the human rights of Palestinians by
providing housing at reasonable prices, making it
possible for them to remain in East Jerusalem
The Lutheran World Federation, Jerusalem
42- To protect and preserve the LWF property on
the Mount of Olives in order to continue to
provide humanitarian services, serve the
Palestinian people, and promote peace,
understanding, and reconciliation through a
continued international and ecumenical presence.
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44For more informationand updates
www.HolyLand-Lutherans.org www.LWFJerusalem.o
rg www.mtofoliveshousing.org
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46LWF Central Office - Jerusalem
Augusta Victoria Hospital
Site of the Mount of Olives Housing Project
47- The Mount of Olives Housing Project is vital
to the future of the Christian presence and
witness in Jerusalem and it is important,
therefore, to the future of Jerusalem as a city
of peace for Jews, Christians, and Muslims and as
an example of reconciliation for the world. -
- Bishop Mark S. Hanson
- Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America and - President of the Lutheran World Federation
48- I hope you will learn more about the needs of
our sisters and brothers in the Holy Land and
consider supporting the Mount of Olives Housing
Bishop Mark S. Hanson
49- Providing homes and hope for
- Palestinian Christians in Jerusalem