Title: HTML Notes for Self Study
1HTML Notes for Self Study
2What you should know about HTML
- General Structure of HTML
- headings, setting style
- Text, paragraphs, and lists
- Anchors, Names and Links
- Images
- Tables
- fames and miscellaneous
- style sheets
3What is HTML
- HTML was developed by Tim Berners-Lee of CERN
around 1990 - HTML is understood by WWW browserse.g.,
Netscapes Navigator, and Microsofts Internet
Explorerwhich interpret and display the output
to the viewer - Depends on browsers, same html page may look
4What is HTML
- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a language in
which one can describe - The display and format of text
- The display of graphics
- Pointers to other html files
- Pointers to files containing graphics, digitized
video and sound - Forms that capture information from the viewer
5An Example
- The nine planets of the solar system are
- mercury,
- venus,
- earth,
- mars,
- jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto.
- The very nearest star is about 7,000 times
farther away than pluto is to our sun. - Save this file as example1.txt as example1.html
6Browser Output - Example 1
7Example 2 Adding Some Markup
- ltPgtThe nine planets of the solar system are
ltBgtmercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn,
uranus, neptune and pluto.lt/Bgtlt/Pgt - ltPgtThe very nearest star is about ltIgt7,000lt/Igt
times farther away than pluto is to our sun. lt/Pgt
8General Structure
- HTML documents have a head and body
- head should contain a title
- body may have paragraphs
- A leading line indicates which version of HTML
this document conforms to - lt!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"
- "http//www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"gt
- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgtThe Solar Systemlt/TITLEgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt
- ltPgtThe nine planets of the solar system are...
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
9Browsers Are Tolerant
- Browsers follow the rule of being tolerant of
mistakes in the input - They ignore markup they dont understand
- Netscape Navigator/Microsoft Internet Explorer
are tolerant browsers - They do not insist that the HTML document begin
and end with ltHTMLgt - ltHEADgt and/or ltBODYgt tags are not required
- But, there is no guarantee that this behavior
will be the same for all browsers
10Example - Browsers are Tolerant
- Suppose the entire document is one line, such as
- ltHEADgtText placed between ltODDTAGgt HEAD markers
is not normally displayed.lt/HEADgt -
11HTML Elements and Tags
- Each element consists of a start tag, content,
and an end tag - E.g. ltBODYgt some text lt/BODYgt
- A slash after the lt indicates an end tag
- Some elements do not require end tags,
- e.g. ltPgt paragraph tag
- Some elements do not require content,
- e.g. ltHRgt
- horizontal rule tag places a straight line
across the page
- Elements may have parameters, called attributes
- Attributes are placed in the start tag before the
final "gt" - Attributes have the form namevalue
- E.g. ltH1gt is the first heading tag
- ltH1 id"Chapter1"gt
- Start of Chapter 1
- lt/H1gt
- Attribute values are often enclosed in quotes,
either double or single - Quotes are not required when the value contains
only letters, digits, hyphens, and periods. - Attribute names are case insensitive, but not
necessarily attribute values
13Comments in HTML
- Comments start with
- lt!--
- and end with
- --gt
- Comments cannot be nested
- Whitespace is permitted between the -- and the
closing angle bracket, gt - It is not permitted between the opening angle
bracket, exclamation point, and the -- - E.g.
- ltBODYgt
- lt!-- This is a comment
- and hence not displayed --gt
- But this will be displayed
- lt/BODYgt
14Example of ltBODYgt tag attributes
- Using inline style settings to set the font size,
background and color of text - ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgtSetting Body Attributeslt/TITLEgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltBODY style"font-size 20pt
- background green color fuchsia"gt
- The nine planets of the solar system ...
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
15Browser Output - Body Tag Attributes
- There are six levels of headings ltH1,H2,...,H6gt
- Navigator and Internet Explorer render them left
aligned and bold - Includes paragraph breaks before and after and
sufficient white space to render the heading - ltHTMLgtltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgtThe Solar System Headingslt/TITLEgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt
- ltH1gtThe Solar System lt/H1gt
- ltH2gtThe Solar System lt/H2gt
- ltH3gtThe Solar System lt/H3gt
- ltH4gtThe Solar System lt/H4gt
- ltH5gtThe Solar System lt/H5gt
- ltH6gtThe Solar System lt/H6gt
- lt/BODYgtlt/HTMLgt
17Browser Output
18Text Styling
- Underline style
- ltUgtlt/Ugt
- Align elements with ALIGN attribute
- right, left or center
- Close nested tags in the reverse order from which
they were opened - Emphasis (italics) style
- ltEMgtlt/EMgt
- Strong (bold) style
- ltBgt and ltIgt tags deprecated
- Overstep boundary between content and presentation
19Stylizing text on Web pages
20Formatting Text With ltFONTgt
- To make text larger, set SIZE x
- To make text smaller, set SIZE -x
- x is the number of font point sizes
- Font of the text you are formatting
- Be careful to use common fonts like Times, Arial,
Courier and Helvetica - Browser will display default if unable to display
specified font - Example
21(No Transcript)
22Using the FONT element to format text
23Horizontal Rule
- The tag ltHRgt causes a horizontal line to be
drawn attributes include - Size, thickness in pixels
- ltHR SIZE"15"gt
- Width, either pixels or percent
- ltHR NOSHADE WIDTH"25" ALIGN"right" SIZE"25"gt
- The default positioning of a line is centered,
but that can be overridden with the ALIGN
attribute its options are left, right, and
24Example - Horizontal Rule
- ltHTMLgtltHEADgtltTITLEgtExamples of Horizontal
rulelt/TITLEgtlt/headgt - ltBODYgtltH2gtExamples of Horizontal Ruleslt/H2gt
- ltHRgt
- Rules of different sizes, SIZE5, 10, and 25.
SIZE25 NOSHADEgt - Rules of different alignment, ALIGNleft, center
and right. - ltHR width50 alignleftgt ltHR width50
aligncentergt ltHR width50 alignrightgt - Rules of different width, width10, 25, and 50
- ltHR width10 aligncentergt ltHR width25
aligncentergt ltHR width50 aligncentergt
25Browser Output
- An anchor is a way to designate a link to another
document or to a specific place in the same
document - Begins with ltAgt and ends with lt/Agt
- The link location is given by the attribute HREF
(Hypertext Reference) e.g., - See ltA HREF"http//nunki.usc.edu/file.html"gtClas
s Home Pagelt/Agt for a description of the class
project - Hypertext links are displayed using underlining,
color, or highlighting - Depends on the browser defaults or the use of
style settings - Once a link is taken, it should change color
27Example Using Anchors for Naming
- ltBODYgtltH1gtWelcome to my HTML Tutoriallt/H1gt
- ltA HREF"intro"gtIntroductionlt/AgtltBRgt
- ltA HREF"chap1"gtChapter 1lt/AgtltBRgt
- ltA HREF"chap2"gtChapter 2lt/AgtltBRgt
- . . . Lots of text here . . .
- ltA NAME"intro"gtlt/AgtltHRgt
- Introduction This document contains a short
tutorial on how to write HTML. ...ltPgt - ltA NAME"chap1"gtlt/Agt
- ltBgtChapter 1lt/BgtltBRgt
- In this chapter we learn what a markup language
- . . .ltPgt
- ltA NAME"chap2"gtlt/Agt
- ltBgtChapter 2lt/BgtltBRgt
- In this chapter we learn about anchors and
28Browser Output for Naming
29Examples of Anchors
- ltA hrefmyfile.htmlgt a file in the same directory
and same domain as the current page - lta hreffile//g\351\myfile.htmlgt a file on your
local machine in directory G\351 - ltA hrefhttp//tlaloc.sfsu.edu/mydocs/book.docgt a
file in directory mydocs on machine
tlaloc.sfsu.edu, a WWW site - ltA hrefnewscomp.compilersgt the newsgroup
computers.compilers - ltA hrefmailtosales_at_xyz.comgt opens an an e-mail
window for sending a message - ltA HREF"http//www.lycos.com/cgi-bin/pursuit?Hyp
ertextMarkupLanguage"gt lt/Agt Connects to lycos
and runs pursuit with three arguments - ltA HREF"ftp//ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1866.txt"gtD
ownload RFC1866 lt/Agt An anchor that executes the
ftp program to fetch a file
30ltIMGgt Element
- The IMG element embeds an image in the current
document, e.g. ltIMG SRC"file.gif"gt - Some attributes of ltIMGgt include
- Aligntop, middle, or bottom to align text around
an image - border to place a border around an image
- If set to 1 or higher, places a black box around
the image - If set to 0, leaves no surrounding box
- height and width to control the dimensions of the
image - Alt to replace an image with text, if the image
is unavailable or a text browser is used e.g., - ltIMG SRC"eiffel.gif" ALT"picture of the Eiffel
31Image - Formats
- Four image formats are always supported by Web
browsers - x-bitmaps
- Commonly found on UNIX workstations
- Black and white
- x-pixelmaps
- Similar to x-bitmaps, but 8 bits are given to
each pixel, permitting 256 colors in the image - Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) images
- The most common
- Support black and white, grayscale, and color
- Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image
format - Designed for photographic images
- Includes image compression
32Active Images Animated GIF
- Active images are images that can be clicked and,
just like an anchor, they act as a hypertext link - ltA HREF"http//sunset.usc.edu8080/index.html"gt
- ltIMG SRC"USCimage.gif"gt lt/Agt
- Active images have a border around them and the
cursor changes shape when passed over - Active images can be quite attractive, but
remember, some people run line-only browsers,
while others have low-bandwidth Internet
connections and typically turn off the
downloading of images - Animated GIF provides a multiframe images in one
image file
33Image Maps
- Image maps are active images with multiple
clickable regions - each region can be associated with a specific
action (e.g., retrieve a document, run a program,
etc.) - yahoo.com starts with an image map
- When the region is activated by the user, e.g.
by a mouse click, the action is taken - There are two types of image maps
- Client-side the pixel coordinates are
interpreted by the browser. - Server-side the pixel coordinates are
interpreted by a server-side program.