Title: Welcome to MAT 142 Self-paced Hybrid
1WelcometoMAT 142Self-paced Hybrid
2Basic Course Information
Instructor and Office Hours
- Instructor
- Office
- Office Hours
Tuesday 10 am 1045 am Wednesday 815 am 915
am Thursday 10 am 11 am and by appointment
There will be no office hours November 11.
3Basic Course Information
Web Information
4Basic Course Information
- Course Withdrawal Deadline November 3
- Complete Withdrawal Deadline December 7
5Basic Course Information
You may use any scientific or graphing calculator
you like as long as it can calculate factorials,
permutations, combinations, means and standard
deviations and has trigonometric functions. no
calculators with computer algebra systems
6Basic Course Information
A 90 to 100
B 80 to 89.9
C 70 to 79.9
D 60 to 69.9
E below 60
- Grade Scale
- Grade Breakdown
There will be no /- grading
Midterm Exams 50 Final Exam (exam 6)
10 Homework and quizzes 40
7Basic Course Information
Exams and Final
- Midterm Exams
- Final Date and Time
Pick up test tickets from the instructor on
Fridays during class time. These exams are taken
in the Math Testing Center (PSA 21)
Exam 6 will be taken at the time of the scheduled
final exam if it is not taken prior to December 7.
8Basic Course Information
Book, Videos, and Homework
- Readings
- Videos and Homework
OPTIONAL Mathematics, A Practical Odyssey, MAT
142 at ASU, Johnson/Mowry
Moodle http//mathcms.asu.edu
9Basic Course Information
Homework Assignments All homework assignments
are submitted in WeBWorK through Moodle. This
can be accessed directly through the website
10Basic Course Information
Videos and Homework
11Basic Course Information
Videos and Homework
12Basic Course Information
Videos and Homework
13Basic Course Information
Videos and Homework
14Basic Course Information
Videos and Homework
15Basic Course Information
Studying and Preparation Time The course
requires you to spend time preparing and
completing assignments. A three-credit course
requires a minimum of 135 hours of student work.
16Basic Course Information
Course Set-up
This course is sectioned into six modules. Each
module consists of homework assignments, quizzes,
and a test.
17Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Modules)
Module ContentsSets and Counting Module 4
homework assignments, 2 quizzes, and 1 test
covering Sets and Set Operations, Applications
of Venn Diagrams, Introductions to Combinatorics,
and Permutations and Combinations
18Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Modules)
Module ContentsProbability Module 5 homework
assignments, 2 quizzes, and 1 test covering
History of Probability, Basic Terms of
Probability, Basic Rules of Probability,
Expected Value, and Conditional Probability
19Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Modules)
Module ContentsStatistics Module 3 homework
assignments, 2 quizzes, and 1 test covering
Population, Sample, and Data, Measures of
Central Tendency, and Measures of Dispersion
20Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Modules)
Module ContentsDimensional Analysis and
Exponential Models Module 3 homework
assignments, 2 quizzes, and 1 test covering
Dimensional Analysis, Exponential Functions and
their Inverses, and Exponential Growth and Decay.
21Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Modules)
Module ContentsFinance Module 4 homework
assignments, 2 quizzes, and 1 test covering
Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Annuities,
and Amortized Loans
22Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Modules)
Module ContentsGeometry Module 3 homework
assignments, 2 quizzes, and 1 test covering
Perimeter and Area, Volume and Surface Area,
The Greeks (similar triangles), and Right
Triangle Trigonometry
23Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Quizzes)
Quizzes Quizzes will be given during the
regularly scheduled class meeting time and will
be based upon homework problems. Quizzes will be
"open notes". Only one attempt is permitted per
24Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Quizzes)
Quizzes In order to take a quiz, you must have a
score of 70 or better on the homework
assignments covered by the quiz. This minimum
score must be achieved no later than 24 hours
before the beginning of the class during which
you plan to take the quiz.
25Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Quizzes)
Quizzes You must have a score of 70 or better
by 835 am on the Sunday before you plan to take
the quiz.
26Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Tests)
Tests When all homework for a module is
completed with an average of 70 or better and
all quizzes for a module are taken, you may
arrange with the instructor to take the exam for
the module.
27Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Tests)
Tests Most exams will be taken in the Math
Testing Center (PSA 21). Exams taken in the Math
Testing Center are untimed. A test that is taken
during the scheduled final exam period is timed
(maximum of 1 hour and 50 minutes). Only one
attempt is permitted per test.
28Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Tests)
Tests You must complete the test for one
module before you can take any quiz for the next
29Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Deadlines)
Benchmark deadlines It will take a minimum of
7 class meetings (including today) to complete
this course. If you have not completed the first
two quizzes and arranged to take test 1 by
Monday, November 1, you WILL NOT be able to
complete all modules of the course.
30Basic Course Information
Course Set-up (Deadlines)
Benchmark deadlines Academic status reports
will be based on your progress on the suggested
schedule for your class. This suggested
schedule is included at the end of the
syllabus. You are free to go at a faster pace
than the suggested pace.