Self-Regulated Learning in a Reading Context - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Self-Regulated Learning in a Reading Context


Title: Promoting Independent and Strategic Learning by Adolescents with Learning Disabilities Author: Deborah L. Butler Last modified by: izguglie – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Self-Regulated Learning in a Reading Context

Self-Regulated Learning in a Reading Context
  • Deborah Butler
  • Faculty of Education
  • University of British Columbia
  • Changing Results for Young Readers Symposium
  • August 26, 2013

  • What is self-regulated learning in a reading
  • How can we support SRL in reading?
  • What questions might learning teams take up in
    relation to self-regulation in reading?

What is self-regulation in a reading context?
What is Self-Regulated Learning in a Reading
  • Classic Definition of Self-Regulation
  • The ability to control thoughts and actions to
    achieve personal goals and respond to
    environmental demands (Zimmerman, 2008)
  • Self-regulation is "active," strategic engagement

Learners can take, and feel in control, over
activities by deliberately and reflectively
self-regulating learning
Self-Regulating Emotions and Behaviour
Successful performance involves understanding and
managing ones emotions and behaviour so as to
successfully engage in activities and with others
Emotions experienced Challenges to focus or
Using strategies to participate effectively
(e.g., avoid being distracted focus manage
emotions work well with others)
Awareness of expectations ones own strengths
and challenges ones emotions others emotions
  • Think of a time when you were engaged in a an
    activity where you experienced distracting
    emotions (stress, worry, excitement) or struggled
    with motivation
  • What did you feel?
  • What led you to feel that way?
  • What did you do to stay engaged in the activity
    (or did you)?

Promoting Emotional and Behavioural Regulation
  • Support learners to understand their own and
    others emotions and behaviour
  • Support learners to learn how to strategically
    manage their emotions, behaviour, and motivation
    in/through activities
  • Social relationships
  • Sport/recreation
  • Learning in school

Supporting Emotional and Behavioral
Self-Regulation Case Study Example
  • Approach
  • Daily conferences
  • Building positive trusting relationship with
    the student
  • End-of-Year Observation
  • "He is removing himself from a situation where he
    is feeling frustrated or has had enough"

Supporting Emotional and Behavioral
Self-Regulation Case Study Example
  • Approach
  • Teaching "MindUp" and Breathing.
  • "The student would stop and take 3 long, deep
    breaths and then tell the other student 'no thank
    you' or later in the year, 'I feel ___, when you
  • End-of-Year Observation
  • "It took the majority of the year to get the
    student to finally be able to say this sentence
    on his own without my support, but now into May I
    am starting to hear small "I feel" sentences...
    he is using his words more than his hands now...
    and saying the sentence correctly!"

Imagine Reading
What Does Self-Regulated Reading Look Like in
Classroom Contexts?
Activity in Context
Emotions Motivation
Interpreting Tasks
History, Strengths, Challenges, Metacognition, Kno
wledge, Beliefs, Agency
Cycles of Self-Regulated Activity
Enacting Strategies
Butler, 2002 Butler et al., 2011
What Students' Bring to Reading Metacognitive
Task Performance Derailed Misconceptions about
(Based on 100 case studies of post-secondary
learners see Butler, 2003)
Task Performance Derailed Metacognition and
Strategic Action
(Butler, 2003)
What Students' Bring to Reading Self-Perceptions
and Beliefs
Self-Efficacy and Motivation
  • Students may have experienced challenges that
    lead to
  • a lack of confidence
  • little sense of control over outcomes (i.e., low
  • frustration, boredom, anxiety
  • They may
  • try but be actively inefficient
  • give up
  • rebel

"Even Geniuses Work Hard"Fostering a "Growth
Mindset"(Dweck, 2010)
Accounting for Success
"Success comes from applying and refining
Fabricus Hagen (1984) 90 of Grade 1 2
students who attributed recall success to their
use of "sorting strategy" used that strategy the
"next time" they did the task (vs. 32)
  • Consider the kinds of metacognitive knowledge and
    motivationally-charged "beliefs" learners bring
    to reading
  • Have you seen these kinds of beliefs "in action"
    during reading activities?
  • How can they support or derail engagement?
  • What can we do to support students' construction
    of constructive knowledge and beliefs?

How Can We Support Self-Regulation in Reading?
Create Environments that Support SRL (see Perry
Drummond, 2002)
  • Create activities/tasks that provide
    opportunities for self-regulation
  • Promote autonomy
  • Choice
  • Control over challenge
  • Student self-assessment
  • Scaffold support
  • Teacher Support
  • Peer Support
  • Support SRL through non-threatening assessment
    practices feedback

Design Tasks that Afford Opportunities for
Self-Regulation Autonomy
Imagine a grade 2/3 classroom in which students
are asked to complete a research project on an
animal of their choice. They are asked to do
research on their animal by selecting and reading
resources, and to write, edit, and publish
expository text (using the computer working
together) (Perry Drummond, 2002)
Imagine a Kindergarten/Grade 1 classroom in which
across a series of lessons students read The
Three Little Pigs (twice), sequence events in the
story, write sentences to describe each event,
consider the social and moral dimensions of the
story, and then choose and write an alternative
ending (Perry, Nordby, VandeKamp, 2003)
Support That Empowers Learners Three Themes
  • Strategic Questioning
  • supporting self-regulation in activity
  • making learning processes explicit
  • Bridging to independence
  • from teaching strategies to strategic learning
  • Supporting cycles of learning
  • feedback and self-assessment

Strategic Questioning to Foster SRL
  • Interpreting Tasks
  • What is your job?
  • What is this assignment asking you to do?
  • How will you know if youve done a good job?
  • Choosing and Using Strategies
  • How will you approach this task (given what you
    are trying to do)?
  • What strategies have worked for you before?
  • Why dont you show me what you can try?
  • I noticed you did this. Is that a strategy you
    are using?
  • What are you doing here that you can do again and
    again and again?
  • Monitoring/Adjusting
  • How are you doing? How do you know?
  • What criteria are you using here to judge your
  • What can you do differently to solve that

What Is Self-Regulation In Kid Friendly Terms?
From Learning Strategies to Strategic
Learning Case Study Example Jennifer
Perceptions of writing ability unorganized,
choppy would be the best way to describe
it Ineffective strategies I write down my
point and in the end I have a mess.
Frustration/giving up I had to write a
researched 500 word ... essay for a scholarship
application. I couldnt organize it at all. I
couldnt get any organization flow going. I kept
jumping from point to point. So I got frustrated
with it and didnt apply.
(Butler, 1995)
Jennifers Challenges?
Example of Jens problem taking ownership of a
strategy she had been taught for writing papers
Had be taught outlining but didnt like or
understand it
Developed a strategy of making plans
(Butler, 1995)
Benefits of Supporting Jennifers Self-Regulated
Writing improved (Bs and As on
assignments) Developed personalized strategies
(her plans) Transfer of strategic action Im
so concentrating on flow, I can pick up on other
peoples flow now. So like, you know, the
teachers going on, I no longer write down like,
scribbling madly about every single point he
makes, but I can almost summarize ... my
note-taking is better now.
Self-perceptions of writing ability And then
just the marks are a lot different. That, I feel
like, you know, like, when youre walking around
the class and were getting our essays back, my
marks are average or above average. So I feel
better about it. Like, I dont feel like Im such
a dunce.
(Butler, 1995)
From the Richmond Learning through Reading"
Based on formative assessments of secondary
students learning through reading, subject
area teachers worked together to set goals
  • They collaborated to refine classroom practices
    to foster self-regulated LTR
  • Outcomes showed a positive impact on students
  • Understandings about academic work
  • Learning in relation to provincial curricula and
    performance standards

(Butler, Schnellert, Cartier, 2008, 2013)
From the Richmond Learning through Reading"
Project (continued)
  • Student gains were greatest when practices
  • Sustained attention to goals
  • Integrated learning goals into the curriculum
  • Attended explicitly to reading, thinking,
    learning processes
  • Fostered student independence (e.g., in
    decision-making to achieve goals)

(Butler, Schnellert, Cartier, 2008, 2013)
How can you construct practices that (a)
explicitly support students development of
knowledge, beliefs, and strategic action, BUT
ALSO (b) enable students to take control over
their own learning?
Self-Assessment and Feedback
  • "Teacher feedback is input that, together with
    students' own internal input, will help the
    students decide where they are in regard to the
    learning goals they need or want to meet and what
    they will tackle next." (Brookhart, 2008)

Interpreting assessments feedback
Generating "internal" feedback
(Butler Winne, 1995)
The Power of Feedback
  • Halbert Kaser (2013) "The purpose of feedback
    is to increase the extent to which learners are
    the owners of their own learning" (p. 21)
  • Timperley (n.d.) "Feedback can be detrimental,
    "When it does not give information about how to
    improve, for example
  • Tentative grades with no comments
  • Feedback associated with extrinsic rewards
  • Personal praise / criticism that distracts from
    the task"

You are so clever
The Power of FeedbackHattie Timperley (2007)
  • Purpose for feedback To reduce any discrepancy
    between goals and where students are now

Feedback that had these qualities was related to
students gains in writing performance (Parr
Timperley, 2010)
Encouraging Self-Assessment Strategy Revision
Growth Mindset FeedbackDweck (2010)
  • Praising students for the process they have
    engaged inthe effort they applied, the
    strategies they used, the choices they made, the
    persistence they displayed, and so onyields more
    long-term benefits than telling them they are
    smart when they succeed. (p. 18)
  • Emphasize challenge, not success
  • Give a sense of progress
  • Grade for growth
  • Add "yet"

  • How can progress monitoring tools, formative
    assessments, and other forms of feedback support
  • student's engagement in cycles of learning?
  • development of metacognition positive
    motivational beliefs?
  • students' taking control over learning?

Summary Empowering Readers
If students are to take control over learning,
they need to be supported to
  • Build and apply productive metacognitive
    knowledge and beliefs
  • Be clear on what they are supposed to be doing
    (anchoring learning in goals)
  • Actively and reflectively self-direct learning
    with goals, criteria in mind
  • Self-monitor progress and self-assess
  • Adjust performance (during the activity and "next
  • Manage engagement (motivation, emotions,

Common Features of SRL-Supportive Practices?
They connect and surface learners strengths,
interests and experiences They make discussion
about reading, learning, and writing processes
explicit They integrate discussions about
reading, learning, and writing processes with
content instruction They put responsibility on
students to manage their learning
They require students to articulate their
understandings about content learning processes
Supporting Self-Regulated Reading Case Study
  • He is much more aware of his learning and he can
    express specific details about his learning
  • This student is more confident in his learning
  • She recalls and uses reading strategies we have
    been practicing, has favourites (metacognition
    strategic action)
  • I see this student now corrects himself (in oral
    language) (self-monitoring/adjusting)
  • She doesn't give up, even if something is hard
    (growth mindset, persistence)

What questions might learning teams take up this
year, in relation to self-regulated learning in a
reading context?
Research to Practice in SRL Initiatives and
Building Supports for Inquiry-Based Professional
BEd Program SRL Cohort (Middle Years)
Supports to On-Going Professional Learning SRL
Institute June 2013 CR4YR, Learning Team
Facilitation, PD Engagements SRL Canada
-to-learning-in-bc-schools/ http//
  • UBC SRL Masters Concentrations
  • MEd Cohort Jan 2014
  • MA/MEd On-Campus Sept 2014

gulated-learning-srl http//
Selected References
Brookhart, S. M. (2008). How to give effective
feedback to your students. ACSD Brownlie, F.,
Feniak, C., Schnellert, L. (2006). Student
Diversity (2nd ed.). Markham, ON Pembroke
Publishers. Butler, D. L. (2002).
Individualizing instruction in self-regulated
learning. Theory into Practice, 41, 81-92.
Butler, D. L. (1995). Promoting strategic
learning by postsecondary students with learning
disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities,
28, 170-190. Butler, D. L. (1994). From learning
strategies to strategic learning Promoting
self-regulation by postsecondary students with
learning disabilities. Canadian Journal of
Special Education, 4, 69-101. Butler, D. L.,
Beckingham, B., Novak Lauscher, H. J. (2005).
Promoting strategic learning by eighth-grade
students struggling in mathematics A report of
three case studies. Learning Disabilities
Research and Practice, 20, 156-174. Butler, D.
L., Cartier, S. (2004). Promoting students
active and productive interpretation of academic
work A Key to successful teaching and learning.
Teachers College Record, 106, 1729-1758. Butler,
D. L., Cartier, S.C., Schnellert, L., Gagnon, F.,
Giammarino, M. (2011). Secondary students
self-regulated engagement in reading Researching
self-regulation as situated in context.
Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling,
11(1), 73-105. Butler, D. L., Elaschuk, C. L.,
Poole, S. (2000). Promoting strategic writing by
postsecondary students with learning
disabilities A report of three case studies.
Learning Disability Quarterly, 23,
196-213. Butler, D. L., Novak Lauscher, H. J.,
Jarvis-Selinger, S., Beckingham, B. (2004).
Collaboration and self-regulation in teachers
professional development. Teaching and Teacher
Education, 20, 435-455. Butler, D. L.,
Schnellert, L. (2012). Collaborative inquiry in
teacher professional development. Teaching and
Teacher Education, 28, 1206-1220.
 http// Butl
er, D. L., Schnellert, L. (2008). Bridging the
research-to-practice divide Improving outcomes
for students. Education Canada, 48(5),
36-40. Butler, D. L., Schnellert, L. Cartier,
S. C. (2012, May). Supporting secondary students
self-regulated learning through reading in
subject-area classrooms. Research Spotlight
Session, Canadian Society for the Study of
Education. Available at http//
EP-FINAL.pdf Cartier, S. C., Butler, D. L.
(2012, May). Teachers working together to foster
self-regulated learning. Research Spotlight
Session, Canadian Society for the Study of
Education. Available at http//
Cartier, S. C., Butler, D. L., Bouchard, N.
(2010). Teachers working together to foster
self-regulated learning through reading by
students in an elementary school located in a
disadvantaged area. Psychological Test and
Assessment Modeling, 52(4), 382-418. Dweck, C.
S. (2010). Even geniuses work hard. Educational
Leadership, 68(1), 16-20. Fabricius, W. V.,
Hagen, J. W. (1984). Use of causal attributions
about recall performance to asses metamemory and
predict strategic memory behavior in young
children. Developmental Psychology, 20(5),
975-987. Hattie, J., Timperley, H. (2007). The
power of feedback. Review of Educational
Research, 77(1), 81-112. Parr, J. M.,
Timperley, H. S. (2010). Feedback to writing,
assessment for teaching, and learning and student
progress. Assessing writing, 15, 68-85. Perry,
N. E. (2012, May). Classroom contexts for
self-regulated learning. Research Spotlight
Session, Canadian Society for the Study of
Education. Available at http//
P-FINAL.pdf Perry, N. E. (2004). Using
self-regulated learning to accommodate
differences amongst students in classrooms.
Exceptionality Education Canada, 14(23),
65-87. Perry, N. E., Drummond, L. (2002).
Helping young students become self-regulated
researchers and writers. The Reading Teacher,
56(3), 298-310. Perry, N. E., Nordby, C. J.,
VandeKamp, K. O. (2003). Promoting self-regulated
reading and writing at home and school. The
Elementary School Journal, 103(4),
317-338. Schnellert, L. (2011). Collaborative
inquiry Teacher professional development as
situated, responsive co-construction of practice
and learning. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved
from https//
Schnellert, L., Butler, D. L., Higginson, S.
(2008). Co-constructors of data, co-constructors
of meaning Teacher professional development in
an age of accountability. Teaching and Teacher
Education, 24(3), 725-750. Timperley, H. (n.d.).
Feedback and improvement in student learning.
Powerpoint presentation available at
3DOTAiwKQ0oHYAw Zimmerman, B. J. (2008).
Investigating self-regulation and motivation
Historical background, methodological
developments, and future prospects. American
Educational Research Journal, 45, 166-183.
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