Title: Animal Disease Emergency
1AnimalDisease Emergency
- George Teagarden
- Livestock Commissioner
- KS Animal Health Dept
- Cattle
- 6.6m head feedlot capacity
- 8.9m head processed
- Ranks 2nd
- 5.5m fed
- Ranks 2nd
- 1.5m grazed
- 1.5m cows
- Swine
- 150,000 sows
- 3m feeder pigs
- Dairy
- 88,000 cows
- Sheep
- 100,000 head
- Meat processing - 18,700 employees
3Kansas Beef
- 2nd, 5.5 m , fed cattle marketed
- 2nd, 8.9m, cattle processed by packers
- 2nd, 322.6 m, value of exported hides
- 3rd, 5.63 bn , red meat production
- 3rd, 6.65 m, cattle on ranches feedlots
- 6th, 1.55 m, beef cows
4United States
- 1 in 6 US jobs
- Direct or indirect tied to Agriculture
5Emergency Plan
- Quick Action
- USDA Secretarys Declaration
- Governors Declaration of Emergency
- County Emergency Declaration
- Presidential Declaration
6Gold Standard for Intentional Introduction Foot
and Mouth
- Most contagious animal virus
- One virus inhaled, ten ingested infection
- 10 20 mortality, up to 95 morbidity
- Susceptible cloven hoofed (cattle, swine,
sheep, goats, deer, NOT humans)
7Ramifications of an FMD Outbreak
- Routine Foreign Animal Investigation in Holton,
KS- word leaks out cattle futures, live prices,
grain prices, stocks plummet - Real outbreak costs untold billions
- Recent exercise 20 states affected at day 30
gt700,000 personnel needed
8FMD National Emergency
- 1 case Exports stop, animal movements halted,
quarantine zones, animals destroyed, entire
economy affected - Infected premises pay for all livestock
depopulated at pre-disaster prices - Government pays all costs associated with
response - Many producer costs not reimbursed, unless
congress reacts
91st Line of Defense
- Producer and Veterinary Practitioner
- Recognize, Report, Respond
- Biosecurity Plan - Develop Plan with Vet
- Governor
- KS National Guard
- Kansas Animal Health Dept
- USDA Veterinary Services
- County Emergency Management
- KDofA - DISC
- KSU - College of Vet Medicine Extension Service
- Producers
- Private Veterinary Practitioners
- Consumers
- Local LEPC
11EOC Levels FAD Response Actions
- Level 1
- Normal Operations / surveillance
- Level 2
- FAD investigation
- Level 3
- Highly likely case
- Level 4
- Confirmation of FAD
12Confirmed Positive
- Governor declares State of Disaster Emergency
- Public Information Team (PIT) coordinates media
release - State EOC Activated - Level 4
- State support agencies report
13Index Case
- Considered terrorist attack
- Crime scene
- Depart of Homeland Defense
- FBI investigates
- KBI involved
- Local law enforcement
14Level 4
- Kansas closes borders
- Susceptible species
- Markets and slaughter facilities closed
- In-transit livestock
- Returned to origin
- Routed around Q zone
- Holding facility
15Level 4
- State Task Force (disease control)
- Establishes 6 mile radius Q Zone
- Informs local EM, asks for help!!!!
- Begins operations of control and eradication
- State EOC
- Notifies adjacent EM Offices
- KSNG activated- security, burial
16Quarantine Area
Surveillance Zone
4.5 mi. radius
1.5 mi. radius
A Quarantine Area will be imposed around every
outbreak discovered
Exposed Zone
Infected Premises
17Feedlot Cluster Finney Co
18Level 4
- Affected County
- Activates Local Emergency Plan
- Stands up local EOC
- Requests mutual aid
- Coordinates media release with PIT
19Expected of Local EM
- 1st Responders
- Support of disease and eradication efforts
- Critical Needs
- Security
- Decontamination equipment
- Heavy equipment - burial
20First 24 - 48 Hours
- Secure Q Zone
- Stop All Livestock Movement
- Holding facilities
- Decontamination
- Premises
- Traffic
- Burial
21Support Staff
- Diagnose, surveillance, burial, C D
- 100 cow herd
- 16 hours of daylight
- 24 hr/day security (12 hr shifts)
- 16 veterinarians
- 125 people total
22Public Information Team
- Outbreak news
- Producer information
- Consumer information
- Phone bank
- Media conferences
- Indemnity for livestock taken
- Euthanasia and disposal
- CD
- Presidential
- Documented expenses
25Role of Law Enforcement
- FBI Crime scene investigation
- KBI Crime scene investigation
- Trace movements
- KHP Stop movement, Quarantine Security
- County Sheriff Stop movement, Quarantine
security, Enforcement of disease control orders
26Military Involvement
- Stop movement
- Quarantine security
- Disposal burial
- Cleaning disinfection
- US Military (Presidential Declaration)
27Governors Authorities
- KSA 48-924, 929, 932
- States assets
- Length of declaration
- County disaster plan
- Powers and duties of county city officials
28Agriculture in Kansas is a very vulnerable target
- Intelligence gathered in caves in Afghanistan
indicate that terrorists have discussed using
bio-weapons on the U.S. food chain
- Terrorists like agriculture as a target because
- FMD is easy to transport, and low tech
29First things first!!
- In an outbreak of FAD, time is critical in
bringing the disease under control, and beginning
the disease eradication process
- A County plan for foreign animal disease
emergencies is imperative for the protection of
your County
- Having a County plan in place will enable your
County to activate your plan within minutes or
hours instead of days
30So if our County Plan is finished, we can
- Wrong!!!
- Your job is only half finished!
- Your County Emergency Plan is a high
maintenance plan---one that will need routine -
Taking out and dusting off
Reviewing and updating
31Exactly what is an exercise??
- Sometimes called a table-top exercise, because
most of it takes place at the local EOC an
exercise is built around a made-up scenario of
the time between discovery of a suspected foreign
animal disease, and its confirmation, and when
State and Federal help arrives on-scene, or maybe
past that.
- Committee members and players are given the
scenario, and are expected to work out the
problems according to their prospective roles in
the County Plan, as if it were a real life
- The scenario is designed to exercise all aspects
of the Plan, so adjustments can be made to it, if
needed, for faster and more efficient response in
a critical real-time event.
32 So, what will exercising our Plan
Through exercising, your County will
- Stay current on foreign animal disease response
strategies - Keep the County Plan fresh in all players minds
- Continue to refine the Plan through the trials
and errors revealed while participating in
exercises - Learn to better manage Public Information
dissemination at the County level (a critical
component of the Plan)