Title: Text Tapping
1Text Tapping
2Text Tapping
- Combination of guided reading and writing
strategies - Simple as writers copying, word for word, the
form of a text but substituting their own words - Using the content of one text as a source for
ideas, content, style, and structure for another
text i.e. sequels, parodies
Literacy in the Secondary English Classroom,
Meeks 2003
- Gone With the Wind Scarlett
Literacy in the Secondary English Classroom,
Meeks 2003
- Pygmalion My Fair Lady Pretty Woman
Literacy in the Secondary English Classroom,
Meeks 2003
5One other example
- From T.S.Eliots Old Possums Book of Practical
Cats written in 1939 - To
- CATS (1983) seen by over 50 million viewers
Literacy in the Secondary English Classroom,
Meeks 2003
6Differences from guided reading and writing
- Text tapping takes both guided reading and
writing strategies a bit further - Use one text to compose another text
- Requires thoughtful reading of both texts and
critical writing of the second text
Literacy in the Secondary English Classroom,
Meeks 2003
7Text tapping
- Provides scaffolding for use in a risk-free
environment - Text becomes the mentor to the novice writer by
providing a form or subject
Literacy in the Secondary English Classroom,
Meeks 2003
8Use text tapping to
- Tap a familiar text as a model in order to create
a similar text - Tap an unfamiliar genre to use as a model in
order to create that genre - Tap part of a familiar genre in order to create a
variation on that genre - Tap a familiar genre in order to demonstrate
knowledge of newly learned content
Literacy in the Secondary English Classroom,
Meeks 2003
9General Pattern of Text Tapping Lessons
- Collaborative groups students study examples of
the genre they will tap - By using these examples and their tacit knowledge
of text, students generate a list of text
features. Students write list on chart paper so
they have ready access to this information when
they write their own texts.
10General Pattern of Text Tapping Lessons (cont.)
- Once students have examined models and generated
a list of text features, they draft their own
text, constantly referring to the wall text and
using their group members and the teacher as
additional support. - Because students have generated the criteria from
models, they can assess how accurately their work
reflects the qualities of the genre they are
using as a model.
11General Pattern of Text Tapping Lessons (cont.)
- The teacher is a roving resource who answers
questions, monitors students progress, and keeps
students focused on the task. - As teachers observe students at work, they can
make both formative and summative assessments
depending on the purpose of the lesson.
12Text Tapping and Writing Mechanics
- Text tapping can be used to teach language
conventions grammar, mechanics, usage, and
punctuation. - For example if students need to learn how to
punctuate dialogue, text tapping provides
opportunities for authentic writing while
avoiding workbook drills.
13Text tapping to teach punctuation of dialogue
- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
- Students tap into examples of dialogue in the
story - Then in groups address these questions
- Tell me everything you know about writing
dialogue or conversation - What are the characteristics of dialogue?
- What makes a dialogue a dialogue?
14Wall Text Developed from Text Tapping
- The Characteristics of Dialogue
- Dialogue is a transcript of a written
conversation. - Every time a person speaks, there is a new
paragraph. - Dialogue begins and ends with quotation marks.
- And more characteristics
15Wall text
- Continue to add ideas
- Make changes, refinements
- Note things like newspapers punctuate dialogue
16Teachers Role
- More like ringmaster
- Students examine texts
- Students come up with generalizations
- Students test those generalizations
- Students use those generalizations to create more
- Text tapping can be used for both formative and
summative assessment by the students and the
teacher. - Wall charts can be assessed by students and
teachers - Tapping-based projects can be used as summative
assessments in lieu of a final examination or
interim quizzes to check for comprehension.
18(No Transcript)