Title: The Summer Food Service Program for Children
1The Summer Food ServiceProgram for Children
Providing healthy meals to children in our
communities across Alaska!
Child Nutrition Services
2The Summer Food Service Program
- Provides federal funding (reimbursement) to
schools, government agencies, camps and private
non-profit organizations for meals served to
children 18 and under during the summer months,
when school is not in session. - In general, the SFSP targets low-income areas to
reach the neediest populations. Unfortunately,
only 20 or fewer of those children who are
eligible for free/reduced price meals during the
school year, eat at a food program site during
the summer.
3SFSP Structure
- Administered at Federal level by USDA Food and
Nutrition Service - Decide overall Program Policy
- Publish Regulations
- Funding Source
- Administered at State level by Department of
Education Early Development - Approve Sponsor Applications
- Pre-Approve and Review
- Technical Assistance Training
- Compliance Actions Follow Up Reviews
4Sponsor ResponsibilitiesAttachment 5
- A qualified agency that can financially
administer the SFSP - Capable of fulfilling monitoring requirements
- Train personnel annually
- Provide meals that meet the meal pattern
requirements within the allowed time frames - Maintain accurate records to justify meals
served, meal counts, income/expenditures, etc. - Maintain site eligibility verification
- File reimbursement claims within allowed
5Guidance Resources
- Administrative Guidance
- Site Supervisor Guide
- Monitors Guide
- Site Supervisors Guide
- Nutrition Guidance
6Federal Policies Bulletins
- Federal Policies
- Policy memoranda are often issued as guidance or
to clarify an issue - Bulletins
- Current Federal Policies, program information and
useful tools - All bulletins and attached policies need to be
filed within your food program records for 3
years plus the current year.
7Program RequirementsPlanning the Program
- Eligibility Site Selection
- Participation Eligibility
- Open, Restricted Open Enrolled Sites
- NYSP, Upward Bound Camp Sites
8Site EligibilityAttachment 6
- Participant Eligibility 18 y.o. and under a
person 19 or older who is determined by a State
or local educational agency to have a mental or
physical disability and who participates in an
educational program during the regular school
year - The following sites are able to serve up to 2
meals/day - Open
- Restricted Open Special Restricted Open
- Enrolled
- Alaskan Native/Migrant and Camp Sites - can
receive reimbursement for up to 3 meals/day
9Open Sites
- Open sites serve children in geographic areas
where 50 percent or more of the local children
are eligible for free or reduced price school
meals. Two primary methods are used to qualify
sites - School Data
- letter from school district providing enrollment,
number of free/reduced for a particular month
during the school year or - Free Reduced Data Report (CNS has public school
data from October, 2007) - Census Tract Data Using 2000 Data
- provide CNS with exact address of site location
to determine census tract/eligibility - Other Data
- Housing Authority
10Restricted Open Sites
- Restricted Open sites are open sites that
restrict attendance on a daily basis for reasons
of security, safety or control to due staff
limitations. These sites also serve children in
geographic areas where 50 percent or more of the
local children are eligible for free or reduced
price school meals. Two primary methods are used
to qualify sites - School Data
- letter from school district providing enrollment,
number of free/reduced for a particular month
during the school year or - Free Reduced Data Report (CNS has public school
data from October, 2007) - Census Tract Data
- provide CNS with exact address of site location
to determine census tract/eligibility
11Enrolled Sites
- Enrolled sites serve only identified groups of
children on a daily basis. There are 2 ways to
qualify an enrolled site. - School Data
- letter from school district providing enrollment,
number of free/reduced for a particular month
during the school year or - Free and Reduced Data Report (CNS has public
school data from October, 2007) - or
- Census Data
- Free/Reduced Status of the Children
- If site is not located in an area that is
automatically eligible, it can still qualify if
50 of those children enrolled are eligible for
free or reduced price meals using household
12Documentation for Enrolled Sites Attachment 10
- If not located in an area that meets the 50
threshold - Income Applications
- Collect income applications and enrollment
figures for each enrolled site - Use correct Household Size-Income Scale when
approving applications - School District Documentation
- It is permissible to obtain the needy status of
children from the school district(s) they attend.
CACFP income forms may also be used. - Obtain eligibility on District letterhead or copy
of actual income application. If child was
determined to be free or reduced in the NSLP they
are considered needy in the SFSP
13Site Eligibility
- Participant Eligibility 18 y.o. and under a
person 19 or older who is determined by a State
or local educational agency to have a mental or
physical disability and who participates in an
educational program during the regular school
year - Site Definitions Eligibility
- National Youth Sports Program (NYSP)
- receive reimbursement for all meals served
- can receive reimbursement for up to 3 meals/day
- Upward Bound
- may be classified as a camp whereby sponsor
receives reimbursement for all meals served to
needy children for up to 3 meals/day - may be classified as an enrolled site whereby
sponsor receives reimbursement for all meals
served for up to 2 meals/day - Camps
- receive reimbursement for all meals served to
needy children - can receive reimbursement for up to 3 meals/day
14National Youth Sports Program
- NYSP sites are automatically eligible based on
Dept. of Health and Human Services criteria for
participating in the NYSP. - NYSP sites certify their eligibility through the
on-line Application process, attesting that the
site meets DHHS requirements. - Documentation to indicate that the sponsor is
approved to participate in the NYSP will be
reviewed during a CNS review.
15Upward Bound
- Based on Upward Bound program requirements, an
Upward Bound site may be automatically eligible
if the agency provides services exclusively to
Upward Bound program participants - Site would be enrolled
- Sponsor would receive reimbursement for all meals
served to all Upward Bound participants, up to 2
meals/day - NO income statements for the SFSP would be
required. - Based on Upward Bounds income eligibility
standards, income statements DO NOT have to be
collected specifically for the SFSP. - If the agency provides service to both Upward
Bound program participants and non-Upward Bound
participants - the site could be classified as an enrolled site,
providing at least 50 of the children that
attend on a daily basis are considered needy
based on income information obtained for the
Upward Bound Program.
16Residential/Nonresidential Camps
- Residential summer camps and nonresidential day
camps that offer a regularly scheduled food
service as part of an organized camping program
for enrolled children may participate. - Nonresidential day camps must offer a continuous
schedule of organized cultural or recreational
programs for enrolled children and can only
participate as sites under eligible sponsoring
organizations. - Reimbursed for only meals served to campers who
have been individually determined to be eligible
for free or reduced price meals, based upon
income applications.
17Documentation for CampsAttachment 10
- Income Applications/Enrollment Lists
- Collect income applications and enrollment
figures for each session - Use correct Household Size-Income Scale when
approving - School District Documentation
- It is permissible to obtain the needy status of
children from the school district(s) they attend. - Obtain eligibility on District letterhead or copy
of actual income application. If child was
determined to be free or reduced in the NSLP they
are considered needy in the SFSP
18Income Application Issues
- Automatic eligibility--Food Stamps, W-2, FDPIR
- if a child receives Medial Assistance or SSI
payments, this does NOT automatically qualify the
child as needy - Foster Children
- income applications for foster children should
only include personal income for that child (not
money paid to foster parent(s)). - foster children are considered a household of one
- Family Size and Income Determinations for
Military Families - Household members that are deployed for service
are to be considered temporarily absent
(consider them as a household member and include
their income sent home). - Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance (FSSA)
does NOT count as income for the military family. - Other military benefits received in cash must be
considered as income. An in-kind benefit where
the household receives no cash is NOT counted. - Income Applications
- must include the determination (needy/non-needy),
date and initial/signature of determining
official - must be complete (adult signature, SS, etc.) in
order to be counted (ideally completed and
determined prior to the end of the session in
which the child is attending).
19Program RequirementsAdministering the Program
- Key Staff
- Program Administrative Duties
- Monitors Responsibilities
- Site Supervisors Responsibilities
20Key Staff
Duties and size of operation determine the
- Administrative duties
- state agency training
- managing and supervising of SFSP
- site selection process
- application process
- outreach efforts
- hiring, training
- ensuring monitoring requirements are met
- ensuring civil rights compliance
- meal ordering adjustments
- reimbursement claim processing
- handling all agreements, contracts, bidding with
vendors - monitoring sites
- Essentially all duties listed under Directors,
Assistant Directors, Area Supervisors and
Bookkeepers and Monitors Responsibilities are
21AdministratorAttachments 1-32
- Training
- Application
- SFSP Management
- Recordkeeping
- Financial
- Additional Resource
- Administrative Guidance
22Key Staff
- Monitor
- pre-operational visit
- review all sites within the 1st week of operation
- review all sites within first 4 weeks of
operation - check on-site records for adequacy
- prepare reports of visits and reviews
- ensure compliance with regulation
- suggest corrective action
- ensure corrective action is implemented
- conduct on-site training as necessary
23MonitoringAttachments 23, 31 32
- Sites-Visits and Reviews
- Racial or Ethnic Data Form
- Required to be completed each year.
- Pre-operational visits
- required for new sites and sites who had problems
in prior year (see Monitors Guide) - First week visits
- need to visit each site during 1st week of
operation - Site Reviews
- need to review each site during the 1st four
weeks of operation - Monitoring plan
- submitted as part of the Application-Agreement
Process - Additional Resource
- Monitors Guide
24Key Staff
- Site Supervisor
- preparing meals
- serving meals
- clean-up
- ensuring safe and sanitary conditions at site
- receiving and accounting for meals
- ensuring all children eat meals on-site
- planning and organizing daily site activities
- taking meal counts (POS)
25Site SupervisingAttachments 4 19-22
- Meal Preparation
- Meal patterns
- Production records
- Meal Service
- Point of Service Counts (POS)
- Additional Resource
- Site Supervisors Guide
26Program RequirementsAdministering the Program
- Training
- Requirements
- Documentation
27TrainingAttachment 15
- Sponsor Requirements
- training of Administrative Staff
- training of Monitors
- training of Site Staff
- Administrative Staff Monitors
- Basic program information (purpose of program,
site eligibility, recordkeeping requirements,
organized site activity, meal requirements,
nondiscrimination compliance) - How the program will operate within the framework
of the guidelines (how meals are provided,
delivery schedule, records/forms used) - Specific duties of monitors (conducting site
visits/reviews, assigning site responsibilities,
monitoring schedule, reporting procedures,
follow-up procedures, office procedures)
- Site Staff
- Topics to be covered are very dependent on the
type of food service operation (central kitchen
vs. on-site meal prep) - Basic for all
- meal pattern requirements, menu
- meal counting/recordkeeping
- nondiscrimination policy
- use of leftover food
- sanitation and food safety issues
- site monitoring
30Training Agenda Sign-In Sheet
31Program RequirementsAdministering the Program
- Sanitation Food Safety
- Requirements
- Food Workers Card
- Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM)
- Municipality of Anchorage
- Food Workers Card
- Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM)
32Sanitation and Food Safety
- Notify your health department prior to the start
of your SFSP operation via mail or e-mail or
telephone. Document correspondence you have with
them. - Include sanitation and food safety training
during training for ALL employees and/or
volunteers that have food service
responsibilities. - Utilize the information provided in the Nutrition
Guidance Manual for Sponsors - Be sure to provide employees/volunteers with what
they need to follow the rules on a daily basis
paper towels, sanitizing solution for cleaning
tabletops, sanitizer test kits, plastic gloves,
coolers with ice when needed, etc. - Post signs with a list of good sanitation
practices in appropriate locations as reminders.
Post instructions for manual washing and
preparing sanitizing solutions. - Closely monitor employees and volunteers
throughout the summer to ensure that proper
sanitation and food safety practiced are
33Sanitation and Food Safety See Handout
- All Food Workers must have a Food Worker Card (as
of January 2008) - On-line test site for Food Worker Card
- http//alaska.state.gegov.com/foodworker/
- FAQs for Food Worker Cards in Alaska
- http//www.dec.state.ak.us/eh/docs/fss/FactSheetFW
34Sanitation and Food Safety See Handout
- One Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) is
required for every 5 sites - CFPM Training
- http//www.dec.state.ak.us/eh/fss/training/cfpm.ht
35Sanitation and Food Safety See Handout
- Municipality of Anchorage
- Food Worker Cards not required
- Certified Limited Food Protection Manager
- 4 hour training
- Certified Limited Food Protection Manager
- 8 hour training
- At least 1 Certified Food Protection Manager for
each location - Or
- At least 1 Certified Limited Food Protection
Manager for each location - Expires 3 years from date of issue
36Sanitation and Food Safety
- Contact either DEC or Muni for your specific
program find out from the agency that oversees
your center - DEC
- http//www.dec.state.ak.us/eh/fss/index.htm
- Muni Information Available
- http//www.ci.anchorage.ak.us/healthesd/sanity.cfm
37Program RequirementsAdministering the Program
- Civil Rights
- Requirements
- 8 areas of compliance
38Civil Rights Compliance
39What Is Discrimination?
- Discrimination is defined as different
- treatment which makes a distinction of
- one person or a group of persons from
- others either intentionally, by neglect, or
- by the actions or lack of actions based
- on.
40Protected Classes
- Race
- Color
- Sex
- Age
- National Origin
- Disability
41Heart of Civil Rights Act
- No person in the United States shall on the
grounds of race, color, or national origin be
excluded from participation in, be denied the
benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination
under any program or activity receiving Federal
Financial Assistance.
428 Areas of Compliance
- Public Notification System
- Data Collection
- Training
- Compliance Reviews
- Civil Rights Complaints
- Assurances
- Limited English Proficiency
- Religious Organizations
438 Areas of Compliance Public Notification System
- All sponsors and their sites must display in a
prominent place the And Justice For All,
nondiscrimination poster . -
- All sponsors must have the capability of
providing informational materials in the
appropriate translation
44Public Notification System
- The nondiscrimination statement should be
included, in full, on all materials regarding the
CACFP that are produced for public notification.
45Nondiscrimination Statement
- In accordance with Federal law and U. S.
Department of Agriculture policy, this
institution is prohibited from discriminating on
the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,
age or disability. - To file a complaint of discrimination, write
USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room
326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence
Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call
(202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal
opportunity provider and employer.
46Too Big?
- USDA is an equal opportunity provider.
478 Areas of Compliance Data Collection
- 3 years the current year
- Must include the number of children
participating - the estimated number of potential eligible
children by racial/ethnic category.
48Data Collection
- Sources for potential participation
- Census data
- Public school enrollment data.
- Current participation
- Application data
- Visual identification
- Form available on CACFP Website
498 Areas of Compliance Civil Rights Training
- State agencies are responsible for training local
agencies on an annual basis - Local agencies are responsible for training
subrecipients, including frontline staff who
interact with applicants or participants on an
annual basis
50Civil Rights Training
- All staff should receive training on all aspects
of civil rights compliance. - Staff should be able to identify a civil rights
complaint if received. - They should know what to do if they receive a
complaint. - Understand that it is the basic right of the
individual to file a complaint.
518 Areas of Compliance Compliance Reviews
- There are three types of Compliance
- Reviews
- Pre-award Compliance Reviews
- Routine Compliance Reviews
- Special Compliance Reviews
528 Areas of Compliance Civil Rights Complaints
- Right to file a complaint Any Person alleging
discrimination based on race, color, national
origin, sex, age, or disability has a right to
file a complaint within 180 days of the alleged
discriminatory action. - Acceptance All civil rights complaints, written
or verbal, shall be accepted and forwarded to the
Civil Rights Division of the USDA Food and
Nutrition Service.
538 Areas of Compliance Assurances
- A civil rights assurance shall be incorporated in
all agreements between State agencies and
548 Areas of Compliance Limited English Proficiency
- Where a significant number or proportion of the
population eligible to be served needs service or
information in a language other than English in
order to be informed of or to participate in the
program, the recipient shall take reasonable
steps to provide information in the appropriate
language to such persons.
55Limited English Proficiency
- Recipients of Federal financial assistance have a
responsibility to take reasonable steps to ensure
meaningful access to their programs and
activities by persons with limited English
56Limited English Proficiency
- Factors to consider in determining what is
reasonable - Number of LEP individuals participating in the
Program. - Frequency of contact with the Program.
- Nature and importance of the Program.
- Resources available.
- For more information on LEP go to www.lep.gov
578 Areas of Compliance Religious Organizations
- Equal opportunities for religious organizations
- Ensures a level playing field for the
participation of faith-based organizations and
other community organizations in the USDA programs
58Religious Organizations
- This is accomplished by
- Prohibiting discrimination on the basis of
religion, religious belief, or religious
character in the administration of Federal funds - Allowing a religious organization that
participates in USDA programs to retain its
independence and continue to carryout its
mission, provided that direct USDA funds do not
support any inherently religious activities such
as worship or religious instruction.
59Religious Organizations
- This is accomplished by
- Clarifying that faith-based organizations can use
space in their facilities to provide USDA-funded
service without removing religious art, icons,
scriptures, or other religious symbols and - Ensuring that no organization that receives
direct financial assistance from USDA can
discriminate against a program beneficiary on the
basis of religion or religious belief.
60Final Words on Civil Rights
- Memories of our lives, of our works and our
deeds will continue in others who believe and act
for fairness and justice - Rosa Parks
- 1913-2005
61Civil Rights RequirementsAttachments 12 23
- Civil Rights Pre-award Compliance Review
Information Submitted as part of the
Application process. - Sample Media Releases Must be completed prior
to program operation. Attachment 12 - Nondiscrimination Statement Check to be sure
you are using the most current statement! Must
be printed on all materials which address the
SFSP - Racial/Ethnic Data Form Must be collected from
each site after the program begins. Attachment
23 - Outreach For open sites, be sure you are
advertising summer feeding in your area. - and Justice for All . . . poster
62Meal ServiceAttachments 4, 7 19
- Meal Service
- Meal Preparation
- Nutrition Goals
- Meal Pattern Requirements
- Meal Time Requirements
- Evaluating Your Menu Eating Environment
- Accommodating Children with Special Needs
- Leftover Meals
- Field Trips
- New Sponsor Menu Submission
- Production Records
63Meal Preparation
- Self-prep sponsor prepares their own meals
on-site or at central location. - Vended sponsor buys meals from a school or
caterer/Food Service Management Company (FSMC)
requires an agreement between sponsor and vendor
which must be submitted with the
Application-Agreement - Attachment 7 - Purchasing from a school written agreement
between the school and sponsor is much simpler
and does not require the formal competitive
purchasing procedures. - Food Service Management Company written
agreement is much more extensive, particularly if
exceeding 100,000. Competitive purchasing
practices must be followed. If contract exceeds
100,000, must follow the formal bid procedures
and the invitation to bid and bid schedule must
be submitted to CNS for review. - NOTE Agencies with year-round FSMC contracts,
participating in the SFSP, must have SFSP
language in their contract or the contract must
be rebid.
64Nutrition Goals
- Provide meals that meet the meal pattern
requirements and are appetizing to children. - The meal pattern requirements ensure that
children receive well-balance meals that supply
the kinds and amounts of foods that they require
to help meet their nutrient and energy needs. - Meet the Dietary Guidelines Challenge by
- Adding variety to your menus
- Including physical activity in daily activities
- Lowering saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol,
salt and added sugars - Practicing food safety rules.
65Meal Pattern Requirements Attachment 4
- Open/Restricted Open/Enrolled sites can serve up
to two meals services per day in any combination
other than lunch and supper. - Camps and Migrant Sites can serve up to three
meals per day (any combination of breakfast,
lunch, supper, snack) - School Food Authorities
- Can use the SFSP Meal Pattern or
- The same menu planning system used in prior
school year.
66SFSP Meal PatternBreakfast
- For a breakfast to be a reimbursable meal it must
contain Attachment 4 - one serving of milk (8 fl. oz.)
- one serving of a vegetable or fruit or
full-strength juice and (1/2 cup) - one serving of grain/bread (varies)
67SFSP Meal PatternSnacks
- For a snack to be a reimbursable meal, it must
contain two food items. Each food item must be
from a different food component Attachment 4 - one serving of milk (8 fl. oz.)
- one serving of vegetables and/or fruits (¾ cup)
- one serving of grain/bread (varies) and
- one serving of meat or meat alternate (1 oz)
juice cannot be served when milk is served as the
only other component
68SFSP Meal PatternLunch/Supper
- For a lunch or supper to be a reimbursable meal
it must contain Attachment 4 - one serving of milk (8 fl. oz.)
- two or more servings of vegetables and/or fruits
(combined must equal ¾ cup) - one serving of grain/bread (varies) and
- one serving of meat or meat alternate (2 oz)
69Menu Submission
- New sponsors MUST submit 2-4 weeks of menus to
CNS for review during the Application approval
process. - once received they will be evaluated by CNS
- sponsor will receive feedback with the approval
letter - Please!! Review the menu evaluation that comes
back with the approved application-agreement for
changes that may be REQUIRED.
70Time Requirements
3 hours must pass between the beginning of one
approved meal service (including snacks) and the
beginning of another. 4 hours must pass between
lunch and supper when a site serves lunch and
supper with no afternoon snack. Supper must
begin before 7 p.m., and must end by 8 p.m. The
serving period for lunch and supper should not
exceed 2 hours. The serving period for breakfast
and snacks should not exceed 1 hour.
71Evaluating Your Menu Eating Environment
Nutrition Guidance pgs. 35 45-48
- Evaluate the Menu
- Included all food components
- Variety of foods
- Fresh fruits vegetables when available
- Evaluate the Eating Environment
- Make mealtime a happy time
- Consider the physical environment
- Promote nutrition education
- Merchandize your meals
72Accommodating Children With Special Needs
Nutrition Guidance pgs. 33 34
- A child whose disability restricts his/her diet
shall be provided food substitutions only when
supported by a statement signed by a licensed
physician. - The medical statement shall identify
- the individuals disability and why the
disability restricts the childs diet - the major life activity affected by the
disability - the food or foods to be omitted from the childs
diet and - the food or choice of foods that must be
73Food Allergies
- Caused by the bodys immune system
- Most common in infants due to their immature
digestive systems - Determination should be made whether the childs
allergic condition meets USDAs definition of a
Food Intolerances
- Does not involve the bodys immune system
(lactose intolerance is an example) - Not a disability
- Sponsors are not required, but are encouraged, to
provide food substitutions
- Minimize the amount of waste and unusable
leftovers - Monitor site reports of number of kids attending
and number of meals being served - A limited number (2) of first meals served as a
unit can be claimed for reimbursement - Extra meals can be transferred from a site with
too many meals to a site with a shortage - Designate a sharing table (individual wrapped)
75Serving Meals Family Style
- Only allowed at camps
- Enough food is placed on the table to provide the
minimum meal pattern requirement - Some amount of each required component must be
placed on each plate - Staff should actively encourage children to
accept the full portion during the meal
76Fieldtrips Site Changes See Handout
- Sponsor must notify CNS using the Site Change
Field Trip Notification form - If CNS is not notified prior to the field trip,
meals served may be considered consumed
off-site and not be reimbursed - Sponsors must ensure the safety and quality of
the meals when transporting them
77Meal Counts See Handout
- Point of Service Meal Counts are CRITICAL
- Meals must be counted at end of meal service line
when all components to meet the meal patterned
are obtained - Reimbursable Meals
- Only meals containing all required components and
quantities served to children can be counted as
first or second meals
78Meal Time Rules!
- Complete meals must be served to all children
- Meals must be served only during the approved
meal service time. - The number of meals served to children are to be
counted as the children receive a complete meal,
Point of Service (POS) - If second meals are served it should be done
after all other children have received a first
meal - Meals must be counted in the correct category
1st meals, 2nd meals, Disallowed Meals,
Non-program Adult Meals, Program Adult Meals. - Children need to remain on-site when eating their
meal. Only a whole fruit/vegetable may be taken
off-site (this is left to the discretion of the
sponsor whether or not to allow this and needs to
be used consistently) - Provide meals to all children without
discrimination - Display menu for the week/month
79Program RequirementsAdministering the Program
- Program Payments
- Reimbursement Rates
- Claim Due Dates
- Audits
- Advances
- Online Claiming
802008 Reimbursement Rates
81Claim Due Dates
82Program Payments
- Audits Requirements
- If your agency receives over 500,000 of federal
funding in total for all Programs operated, a
Program specific audit is required - Application will ask for this information if
exceeding 500,000 CNS will provide a SFSP audit
83Program Payments
- Advance Payments
- The sponsor elects to receive advance payment(s)
on application - The State using the anticipated daily
participation and the rate paid for the meal(s)
served calculates the advance payment - This calculated amount is reviewed, sent to
finance and is paid - The State posts the advance in the database and
mails a Return Warrant Letter and Return Warrant
to Sponsor - The Sponsor is responsible for this advance
payment amount
84Child Nutrition Program (CNP) Web Database
- FY2008 Claim submission
- FY2009 Renewals/Updates Claims
- CNP Web User Request Form
- Receive User ID Password
- Begin Claiming
85Program RequirementsAdministering the Program
- Recordkeeping
- Kinds of Records
- Length of Time
86Recordkeeping3 plus the current year
- Point of Service Meal Count
- Daily Meal Count Forms
- Menus
- Production Records
- Site Changes and Field Trips
- Site Changes Field Trip Notification Form
This must be documented at the sponsor level in
order for meals to be claimed. If field trips
have not been documented, meals will be
disallowed. Can be used by sites sponsor to
notify State agency of changes. - Expenditures
- Operational Records (food, food service labor,
non-food supplies, utilities, etc.) - Administrative Records (admin labor, supplies,
utilities, etc.) - Training
- Summer Food Service Program Training
87Program RequirementsAdministering the Program
- Administrative Reviews
- Pre-approval Visit
- First Year
- 3 Year Mandatory
- Seamless Review
- Corrective Action/Follow Up
88Administrative Reviews
- Mandatory reviews are conducted once every 3
years, unless there are problems noted during a
review. Larger sponsors may receive a review
annually. - Sponsors will be contacted by a CNS prior to the
review and will receive a letter outlining the
documentation that must be made available during
the review. - If corrective action is required due to review
findings, it is usually due within 30 days,
unless the finding is critical and needs
immediate correction in order for the sponsor to
continue to operate. - Sponsors will be provided with Appeal Procedures
if financial adjustments are required and/or it
is determined that meals were claimed in error. - USDA may conduct a minimum of one review in AK
each year.
89Program RequirementsAdministering the Program
- Application Process
- Packet
- Due Date
90Application Process
- Attach Additional Documentation
- ? Private Nonprofit Agency 501 (3) (c) required
showing tax-exempt status under IRS Code of
19k86, as amended - ? Units of Local, Municipal, State Government,
Tribal Council - Documentation letter identifying unit and/or
program - ? Site Information Summary
- ? Sponsor Budget (waived for Schools)
- ? CNPweb User Authorization Request and
Signatory Authority - ? Policy on Free Meals (Free Meal Policy
Statement) - ? News Release (needs to include dates, times,
location, etc.) - ? Training Agenda Documentation
- ? Vended Meal Service (if applicable copy of
proposed contract/agreement with vendor or
invitation for bid)
91Application Process
- Send a site application documentation for each
site - ? Eligibility Documentation (used per site to
determine eligibility) - ? Health Inspections (copies of most recent
documentation) - ? List of organized activities/program
information (if too much to fit on application) - ? Sponsor/Site Agreement (one for each site)
- ? Pre-operational Visit Worksheet (one for each
site) - ? Racial or Ethnic Data Form (one for each site)
- Use and send in as needed/required
- ? First Week Visit Form (one for each site)
- ? Site Changes Field Trip Notification Form
- ? Medical Statement to Request Special Meals
and/or Accommodations Form - ? Site Review Form (to be completed during the
first four weeks of operation)
92Application Process
- Application Packet
- Due May 1st
93The Summer Food ServiceProgram for Children
Providing healthy meals to children in our
communities across Alaska! THANK YOU!
Child Nutrition Services