Title: Lecture
1Lecture 14, Feb. 28, 2007
- Writing type-checkers in ML
- Role of type rules
- Representing types
- Representing programs
- Handling errors
- Guessing types
- Declarations
- Let expressions
2Type Checkers in ML
- To build type-checkers in ML we need
- A datatype to represent types
- A datatype (or datatypes) to represent programs
(whose type we are checking) - Expressions
- Statements
- Declarations
- A means for computing equality over types
- A means for expressing type errors
- We build type checkers as attribute computations
- We need to think ahead.
- An attribute computation for each datatype
representing programs - What are the inherited and synthesized attributes
for each datatype - What will the type of the functions that
implement each attribute computation. - Will we simply compute a type, or will we
decorate the syntax tree?
3The role of type rules
- Type rules play an important role.
- They are short and concise
- They are used as a communication mechanism.
- S - x a
- S - f a -gt t
- ------------------
- S - f x t
- Normally, the context is an inherited attribute,
and the result is a synthesized attribute
4Representing Types
- datatype MLtype
- Unit
- Int
- Char
- Bool
- Product of MLtype list
- Arrow of (MLtype MLtype)
5Representing Programs 1
- datatype Op Plus Less And
- datatype Constant
- Cint of int ( 5 )
- Cchar of char ( z )
- Cbool of bool ( true )
- and Dec
- Valdec of stringExp
- ( let val x 5 in x end )
- Fundec of stringstringMLtypeExp
- ( let fun f (xint) x 1 in f end )
6Representing Programs 2
- datatype Exp
- Lit of Constant ( 5 )
- Var of string ( x )
- App of ExpExp ( f x )
- Tuple of Exp list ( (x,3,true) )
- Infix of ExpOpExp ( x3 )
- Stmt of Exp list ( (print x 3) )
- If of Exp Exp Exp ( if x then y else 3
) - While of Exp Exp ( while x do (f x) )
- Anonfun of string MLtype Exp
- ( (fn x gt x1) )
- Let of DecExp ( let val x 1 in x end )
7Type Equality
- fun typeeq (x,y)
- case (x,y) of
- (Void,Void) gt true
- (Int,Int) gt true
- (Char,Char) gt true
- (Bool,Bool) gt true
- (Arrow(d1,r1),Arrow(d2,r2)) gt typeeq(d1,d2)
andalso - typeeq(r1,r2)
- (Product(ss),Product(ts)) gt (listeq ss ts)
- (_,_) gt false
- and listeq (xxs) (yys)
- typeeq(x,y) andalso listeq xs ys
- listeq true
- listeq _ _ false
8Expressing Errors
- In ML we are lucky to have a rich exception
mechanism. - We could use one exception for each kind of type
error. - Or we could have a general purpose exception that
carried specific information about the error. - Or something in between.
- We use the second approach
- exception TypeError of Expstring
- fun error e s raise(TypeError (e,s))
9Functions to report errors
- fun showt Unit "()"
- showt Int "int"
- showt Char "char"
- showt Bool "bool"
- showt (Product ts)
- let fun showeach ""
- showeach x showt x
- showeach (xxs)
- (showt x)""(showeach xs)
- in "("(showeach ts)")" end
- fun unexpected r t1 t2
- error r ("Found type "
- (showt t1)
- " expecting type "
- (showt t2))
10Thinking ahead
- We have 4 different datatypes that represent
programs - Op
- Constant
- Exp
- Dec
- What attributes will each have?
- Two kinds of attributes in this case types and
contexts - Types MLtyp
- Context (stringMLtype) list
- Inherited or Synthesized?
- Op synthesized (MLtype
MLtype MLtype) - Constant synthesized MLtype
- Exp inherited (stringMLtype) list
- synthesized MLtype
- Dec inherited (stringMLtype) list
- synthesized ( MLtype
(stringMLtype) list)
11Types of programs implementing the attribute
- TCOp OP -gt (MLtype MLtype MLtype)
- TCConstant Constant -gt MLtype
- TCExp Exp -gt
- (stringMLtype) list -gt
- MLtype
- TCDec Dec -gt
- (stringMLtype) list -gt
- (MLtype (stringMLtype) list)
- fun TCOp Plus (Int,Int,Int)
- TCOp Less (Int,Int,Bool)
- TCOp And (Bool,Bool,Bool)
Left argument
Result type
Right argument
- fun TCConstant (Cint n) Int
- TCConstant (Cchar c) Char
- TCConstant (Cbool t) Bool
Note that the value of the constant, has nothing
to do with its type. E.g. Both 4 and 12 have
type Int
- (S x) t
- ---------------------
- S - x t (where x is a variable)
- fun TCExp x cntxt
- case x of
- Var s gt
- (case List.find (fn (nm,t) gt nms) cntxt of
- SOME(nm,t) gt t
- NONE gt error x "Undeclared variable")
- S - n int (where n an integer constant
like 5 or 23) -
- S - c char (where c character constant
like a ) -
- S - b bool (where b boolean like true or
false) - fun TCConstant (Cint n) Int
- TCConstant (Cchar c) Char
- TCConstant (Cbool t) Bool
- fun TCExp x cntxt
- case x of
- Lit c gt TCConstant c
16Infix expressions
S - x t1 S - y t2 (S ltgt) t1 t2 -gt
t3 ----------------------------- where ltgt
is a binary operator like or S - x ltgt y
t3 fun TCExp x cntxt case x of
Infix(l,x,r) gt let val ltype TCExp l
cntxt val rtype TCExp r cntxt
val (lneed,rneed,result) TCOp x in case
,typeeq(rtype,rneed)) of (true,true) gt
result (true,false) gt unexpected r
rtype rneed (false,true) gt unexpected
l ltype lneed (false,false) gt
unexpected l ltype lneed end
Notice how sub expressions are type-checked
first, then the result type is computed from
those results
17The Big picture
- fun TCExp x cntxt
- case x of
- Lit c gt TCConstant c
- Var s gt
- (case List.find (fn (nm,t) gt nms) cntxt of
- SOME(nm,t) gt t
- NONE gt error x "Undeclared variable")
- Infix(l,x,r) gt
- let val ltype TCExp l cntxt
- val rtype TCExp r cntxt
- val (lneed,rneed,result) TCOp x
- in case (typeeq(ltype,lneed)
- ,typeeq(rtype,rneed)) of
- (true,true) gt result
- (true,false) gt unexpected r rtype
rneed - (false,true) gt unexpected l ltype
lneed - (false,false) gt unexpected l ltype
lneed - end
18Function calls
- S - x a
- S - f a -gt t
- ----------------------
- S - f x t
- fun TCExp x cntxt
- case x of
- App(f,x) gt
- let val ftype TCExp f cntxt
- val xtype TCExp x cntxt
- in case ftype of
- Arrow(dom,rng) gt
- if ( typeeq(dom,xtype) )
- then rng
- else unexpected x xtype dom
- other gt error f ("the type "
- showt other
- " is not a
function") - end
Note how the domain of the function must have the
same type as the actual argument.,
19ML statement types
- S - ei ai S en t
- --------------------------------------
- S - (e1 en) t
- fun TCExp x cntxt
- case x of
- Stmt xs gt
- let val xstypes List.map
- (fn x gt TCExp x cntxt) xs
- fun last x x
- last (xxs) last xs
- last error x "Tuple with no
elements" - in last xstypes end
20ML tuples
- S - ei ti
- --------------------------------------
- S - (e1, ,en) (t1 tn)
- fun TCExp x cntxt
- case x of
- Tuple xs gt
- let val xstypes
- List.map (fn x gt TCExp x cntxt) xs
- in Product xstypes end
21If expressions
- S - x bool S y t
- S - z t
- ---------------------------------------
- S - if x then y else z t
- fun TCExp x cntxt
- case x of
- If(x,y,z) gt
- let val xtype TCExp x cntxt
- val ytype TCExp y cntxt
- val ztype TCExp z cntxt
- in case xtype of
- Bool gtif (typeeq(ytype,ztype))
- then ytype
- else unexpected y ytype
ztype - other gt error x ("the type "
- showt other
- " is not boolean")
22ML while stmt
- S - e bool S - s a
- ------------------------------
- S - while e do s unit
- fun TCExp x cntxt
- case x of
- While(test,body) gt
- let val ttype TCExp test cntxt
- val btype TCExp body cntxt
- in case ttype of
- Bool gt Unit
- other gt unexpected test ttype Bool
- end
23ML anonymous function types
- S(x,a) - e b
- ------------------------------
- S - (fn (xa) gt e) a -gt b
- fun TCExp x cntxt
- case x of
- Anonfun(x,t,body) gt
- let val btype TCExp body ((x,t)cntxt)
- in Arrow(t,btype) end
S(x,a) means add the mapping of variable x to
the type a to the table S. If S already has a
mapping for x, then overwrite it with a
Note, how for the first time, the context, which
is an inherited attribute, gets bigger as it
flows down the syntax tree into the body
24Handling declarations
- Declarations are interesting because they have
contexts as both synthesized and inherited
attributes. - Consider
- Let fun f x x 9
- In 3 f 4 end
- The context flows into (fun f x x9), but a
new context also flows out of it with a new
typing for f so that the new context can flow
into (3 f 4) - TCDec Dec -gt
- (stringMLtype) list -gt
- (MLtype (stringMLtype) list)
25- and TCDec (Valdec(nm,exp)) cntxt
- let val nmtype TCExp exp cntxt
- in (nmtype,(nm,nmtype)cntxt) end
- TCDec (Fundec(nm,arg,argtype,body)) cntxt
- let val bodytype TCExp body
- ((arg,argtype)cntx
t) - val nmtype Arrow(argtype,bodytype)
- val newcntxt (nm,nmtype)cntxt
- in (nmtype,newcntxt) end
Note, recursive functions would need a different
26Let expressions
- fun TCExp x cntxt
- case x of
- Let(d,b) gt
- let val (_,cntxt2) TCDec d cntxt
- val btype TCExp b cntxt2
- in btype end
27Guessing types
- Recall the type constructor for anonymous
functions - Anonfun(x,t,body)
- Note in real ML the type of the argument is not
given. - The type is computed from the context it is used
inside of body. - In order to guess we must initialize the table
with an empty slot, and then fill it in later.
28Represent types
- datatype MLtype
- Unit
- Int
- Char
- Bool
- Product of MLtype list
- Arrow of (MLtype MLtype)
- Tvar of (MLtype option) ref
- Think of the ref as a pointer (ref NONE) is a
null pointer. (ref (SOME x)) is a pointer to x
A mutable reference we can overwrite later.
29We must be careful
Tvar(ref (SOME _ ))
Tvar(ref (SOME _ ))
Tvar(ref (SOME _ ))
Tvar(ref (SOME Int ))
- fun prune (Tvar(r as (ref(SOME x))))
- let val last prune x
- in r SOME last last end
- prune x x
- Makes all references in a chain point to the very
last type. - Also returns the very last type.
- Will never return a Tvar unless it is unbound.
I.e. it is a reference to NONE
31Implement type equality
- fun typeeq (x,y)
- case (prune x,prune y) of
- (Unit,Unit) gt true
- (Int,Int) gt true
- (Char,Char) gt true
- (Bool,Bool) gt true
- (Arrow(d1,r1),Arrow(d2,r2)) gt
- typeeq(d1,d2) andalso typeeq(r1,r2)
- (Product(ss),Product(ts)) gt (listeq ss ts)
- (Tvar(r as (ref NONE)),t) gt (r SOME t
true) - (t,Tvar(r as (ref NONE))) gt (r SOME t
true) - (_,_) gt false
Overwrite a null pointer once we know what it is
supposed to be equal to.
32Whenever we case over an MLtype
- App(f,x) gt
- let val ftype TCExp f cntxt
- val xtype TCExp x cntxt
- in case prune ftype of
- Arrow(dom,rng) gt
- if (typeeq(dom,xtype))
- then rng
- else unexpected x xtype dom
- other gt
- error f ("the type "
- showt other
- " is not a function")
- end
33A Second try
- fun TCExp x cntxt
- case x of
- Anonfun(x, _ ,body) gt
- let val t Tvar(ref NONE)
- val btype
- TCExp body ((x,t)cntxt)
- in Arrow(prune t,btype) end
Generate a new fresh empty slot. I.e. guess the
Hopefully typing the body will force the slot to
be filled in.
Get rid of the indirect reference if there is one
34- CS321 Prog Lang Compilers
Assignment 10 - Assigned Feb. 28, 2006 Due
Wednesday. March 7, 2007 - 1) The goal of this assignment is to extend the
type checker discussed in lecture 14 to handle
refereces and assinments. To do this you will
need to - A) Add a new constructed type to MLtype to
represent reference types. Do this by adding a
new type constructor to MLtype called "Ref". - B) Add two new type constructors to "Exp" called
"Init" and "Assign". They should coorespond to
the underlined ML expressions in the examples
below - val x ref 5
- -------
- val y ( x 6 print x)
- --------
- C) Extend the function "typeeq" to handle the new
"Ref" type. - D) Extend the function "TCExp" to handle the two
new kinds of expressions. The cases should
correspond to the type rules below.