Title: People, Planet, Profit Equity, Earth, Economics Community, Climate, Capitalism
1Focus the Nation Susan C. Morse
Triple Bottom Line
Triple Bottom Line
Triple Bottom Line
2(No Transcript)
3from Ecology of Commerce,Paul Hawken, 1993
- To create an enduring society we will need a
system of commerce and production where each and
every act is inherently sustainable and
restorative. - Business will need to integrate economic,
biologic, and human systems to create a
sustainable method of commerce.
4Triple Bottom Line
- Profit People Planet
- Economic,
- Social,
- Environmental
5OLD Business Thinking
- Economic Factors.
- Lowest costs,
- maximize profit for stockholders,
- Keep governments out of our business
- Environment, Earth Systems
- Abundant resources for the taking,
- Economic development (our way) benefits all
- Social Factors
- We employ them,
- The rest is their problem, or someone elses
6Systems Thinking
7New Perspectives in Business
- Pay Real Costs (Externalities)
- Care for Capital- Reexamine Values
- Money and manmade stuff
- (materials, buildings)
- Natural (natural resources)
- Human (people)
- Social (society, culture)
- Eliminate Waste (Muda)
8Externalized Costs
- Costs of business
- Effects of business
- Who pays for them?
Social Costs Pollution, poisons Long-term
dangers Degraded habitat Loss of natural
systems Loss of non-renewable resources
9Preservation of Natural Capital
- Energy Sources (what are real costs?)
- Solar, Wind, Tidal, Geothermal
- Waste (human and animal)
- Oil, gas, coal, wood, plant
- Nuclear
- Natural systems that Clean
- tidelands, watersheds, beaches
- rivers, estuaries, mountains
10Human CapitalQuality of WorkSkillsEducation
HealthQuality of Life Social
Capital networks communities cultures
organizations governance
11Reduce or Eliminate Waste-Muda
- Excess motion, steps, transportation
- Underutilized employees
- Inappropriate packaging (excess life span)
- Product Life (inadequate or excessive)
- Materials that cannot be reused, recycled, or
converted to organic waste - Lost energy
- Services not products
12Green Fees
13New Perspectives in Business Costs
Capital Waste
- Insist on paying the real costs
- Value of human and natural capital
- Reduce or use waste
- Change from consumers to customers
- Change from products to services
- Rent or lease rather than buy
15Hopes for the Future
- Business takes a Leadership Role to
- Eliminate MUDA
- Pay Green Fees
- Cultivate Natural, Human Social Capital
- Pursue Sustainable and Restorative Practices
- Join in a global effort to end poverty
- Hope for the Future
16Whats being done
- Paul Hawkens Blessed Unrest, 2007, discusses a
world movement to make a difference - Go to Wiser Earth
- http//www.naturalcapital.org/