Title: Measuring and Comparing Ethnic Segregation in Cities
1Measuring and Comparing Ethnic Segregation in
- drawn from
- Douglas Massey and Nancy Denton
- American Apartheid
- Index of segregation
- Calculate the percentage of A population that
would have to move in order to even out the ratio
of A to B among all the districts - Index of isolation
- Calculate the ratio of A to B that is experienced
in the surrounding district by every member of A,
then calculate the average
3Index of Segregation (of reds)
4Index of Isolation (of reds)
(3x60)(2x33.33) / 5
(8x100)(1x20)(1x16.7) / 10
5Notes on indices
- Both vary from 0 to 100
- Both are generally above 60 when cities are
fairly strongly segregated - Index of segregation is high if there is
segregation, regardless of the absolute number of
people in a minority population - Index of isolation may be low when a minority is
very small, even if it is strongly segregated - Index of segregation is the best means of
comparing between populations and cities - Index of isolation is more reflective of the
experience of the racial isolation/mixture in
6History of segregation in the US1
- Was ethnic segregation in American cities
stronger or weaker at the start of the 20th c.? - Weaker
- Where did most of Americas black population live
at this time? - In the South
- On farms
- Sharecroppers
- Oppression took the form of debt peonage,
vagrancy laws, etc.
7Consequences of the Great Migration
Black Population Trends Black Population Trends Black Population Trends
 1890s 1960s
Southern 90.3 10
Rural 90 5
Northern 9.7 90
Urban 10 95
Source Dr. Stanley K. Schultz, UW-Madison,
8History of Segregation in the US 2
- Blockbusting
- quietly buy up properties in areas that resist
integration then install black renters and owners
en masse - scare residents with predictions of an invasion
and appear to be the savior who has come to bail
them out - buy cheap
- sell expensive
- target people who are likely to default on their
loans so you can re-sell the same property - subdivide buildings and greatly increase the
residential density so as to maximize profits - lure in the most successful black families early,
then make more money off them when they become
surrounded by a new ghetto and want to move again
9History of Segregation in the US 3
- For other responses to Great Migration see
previous presentation - After WWII, all forms of fight were replaced by
flight in the form of white suburbanization.
What encouraged this? - new technologies
- automobile
- balloon frame house
- federal assistance
- Federal Aid Highway Act (FAHA) 1956
- Federal Housing Authority (FHA loans)
- Veterans Administration (VA loans)