Beginnings of an American Identity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Beginnings of an American Identity


... the colonist governed themselves at times, England still had authority over them ... Albany Plan of Union was the formal proposal ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Beginnings of an American Identity

Chapter 5
  • Beginnings of an American Identity

Section 1
  • Early American Culture

Land, Rights, and Wealth
  • The Colonies were thriving in the Early part of
  • Land in the colonies was very easy to get
  • Land Ownership gave colonist political rights as
  • Land Ownership also determined status in social
  • Things in the colonies were run by your ranking
    you held

Women and the Economy
  • Women were important to the economy
  • Cooked, churned butter, made soap and candles,
    sewed and knitted and often worked in the fields
  • With money being scarce, farmers wives would
    barter and trade
  • Women in cities also ran inns and other
  • Even though women were important to the society,
    they did not have many rights

Young People at Work
  • Children also supported the economy
  • Families were big- more children meant more
  • Children as young as 3-4 were expected to be
  • Ex. Look after farm animals, pick berries
  • Around 6, boys became breeched- no longer wore
    skirts or smocks but rather wore pants

Young People at Work
  • After their breech, they began to help their
    fathers with work
  • Sons of farmers-Worked clearing land and learning
    to farm
  • Sons of Craftsman- tended fathers shops and
    learned the trade
  • Around 11 became Apprentices- learned a trade
    from an experienced craftsman
  • Girls- learned household chores from their

Colonial Schooling
  • Education was valued in the colonies as well
  • Taught to read so they could understand the bible
  • Rich Children learned writing and arithmetic
  • Most children ended their education at 7
  • Colonial America had a high literacy rate
  • New England- 85 of white men
  • Middle Colonies- 65 of white men
  • Southern Colonies- 50 of white men

Newspapers and Books
  • Boston News Letter- only local newspaper in
  • Next 70 years, 80 newspapers appear
  • 1732- Ben Franklin established Poor Richards
  • Published poetry, autobiographies and histories

The Great Awakening
  • Religious movement in the 1730s and 1740s
  • Jonathan Edwards was a preacher, terrified
    listeners with images of Gods anger
  • Great Awakening changed colonial culture
  • Churches gained 20,000 to 50,000 new members
  • George Whitefield drew thousands with sermons and
    raised funds to start orphanges

The Enlightenment
  • The Enlightenment emphasized reason and science
    as the paths to knowledge
  • Ben Franklin was a famous figure of the
  • Intellectual movement appealed to wealthy
    educated men
  • John Locke- English Philosopher who argued that
    people have natural rights
  • Life, Liberty and property were rights people had

Section 2
  • Roots of Representative Government

The Rights of Englishmen
  • The first step toward guaranteeing rights came in
    1215 called the Magna Carta (Great Charter)
  • This document guaranteed important rights to
    noble and freemen
  • The Magna Carta limited the powers of the King

Parliament and Colonial Government
  • Parliament was Englands chief lawmaking body
  • Made up of two bodies, house of commons and house
    of lords
  • The House of Burgesses was the first of elected
    assemblies in the colonies
  • Although the colonist governed themselves at
    times, England still had authority over them
  • The king appointed royal governors to rule some
  • Colonist disliked some laws and clashed with
    royal governors over power England should have

A Royal Governors Rule
  • James II reign threatened the colonies tradition
    of self government
  • He wanted to rule England and its Colonies
  • King James combined Massachusetts and Northern
    colonies into Dominion of New England under a
    Royal Governor
  • Assemblies were outlawed and that caused colonist
    to refuse to pay taxes
  • They were being taxed without representation

Englands Glorious Revolution
  • Parliament in England overthrew King James for
    not respecting its rights
  • James protestant daughter was given the throne
    with her husband William of Orange
  • This change in Leadership was the Glorious
  • English Bill of Rights which was an agreement to
    respect the rights of English citizens and
  • Under it the King and Queen could not cancel laws
    or impose taxes unless Parliament agreed

Shared Power in the Colonies
  • After the Glorious Revolution, the Mass.
    Colonists regained some Self-Government
  • During the first half of the 1700s England
    interfered with little colonial affairs
  • The hands off policy was called Salutary Neglect
  • Parliament passed laws on trade, the use of money
    and apprenticeships in the colonies but they were
    rarely enforced by the Governor

Colonial Government
  • On Top- British Crown
  • Royal Governor, Council and Colonial Assembly
    shared power
  • The Governor could veto laws but the Assembly
    controlled the Governors pay.
  • If he did something that was not liked, they
    could not pay him
  • The Council was the highest court in each
    colony, Advisory board to the Gov.

The Zenger Trial
  • John Peter Zenger was under trial for printing
    criticism of New Yorks Gov.
  • The Gov. had removed a judge and tried to fix an
  • At that time it was illegal to criticize the
    government in print
  • The Jury agreed that Zenger had the right to
    speak the truth and he was released

Section 3
  • The French and Indian War

France Claims Western Lands
  • Frenchs main settlements in Montreal and Quebec
    but owned the Louisiana territory which went from
    The Appalachian mts. to the Rocky mts.
  • Also had holdings in the great lakes region,
    Mississippi River Valley and the Ohio River
  • 1760, population of 80,000 people while British
    Colonies had more than one million

Native American Alliances
  • The Fur trading created economic and military
    alliances between Europeans and Native Americans
  • Alliances led to Native involvement in European
  • When war sparked in 1689 between France and
    England, fighting also happened in the colonies
  • This also brought Natives Americans into the war
    as well
  • The French and Indian War was started in 1754

Conflict in the Ohio River Valley
  • Conflict that led to the French and Indian war
    began when British Fur Traders began moving into
    the Ohio River Valley
  • Charles De Langlade destroyed Pickawillany and
    British Trading Post
  • 1753, Lieutenant Gov. of Virginia sent a small
    Group of Soldiers to tell the French to leave
  • Leader was 21 year old George Washington
  • Lieutenant Gov. sends 40 men to build a fort.
    Captured by the French and complete it. Called
    Fort Dequense

War Begins and Spreads
  • Washington was on his way to defend Fort Dequesne
  • Builds Fort Necessity after hearing of its
  • French and their allies attack Fort Necessity and
    take it over on July 3, 1754
  • Washington allowed to walk back to Virginia
  • French and Indian War had begun and became part
    of the seven years war

War Begins and Spreads
  • British Reps were meeting with Reps from Iroquois
    about fighting against the French with the
  • Ben Franklin proposed the colonies join together
    for defense
  • Albany Plan of Union was the formal proposal
  • Leaders in Albany supported the plan but Colonial
    legislatures defeated it b/c they did not want to
    give up control of their affairs

Braddocks Defeat
  • General Edward Braddock was sent to Virginia
  • Marched toward Dequesne with Washington at his
    side- 2100 Red coats with them
  • July 9, attacked by French and Indian Troops
  • Braddock died from his wounds and 1,000 men were
    killed or wounded
  • Washington survives despite having 4 bullet holes
    in his coat

The British take Quebec
  • 1757, new secretary of state committed to winning
    the war
  • August of 1759, British Controlled six French
  • British begin attack on Capital of Quebec
  • Quebec sat on a cliff
  • British Gen. James Wolfe sailed around the fort
    for two months, unable to capture it

Battle of Quebec
  • The City was guarded heavily by soldiers and
    cannons with thick walls
  • British find a weak spot and sneak up at night to
    overlook Quebec
  • Morning, British are surrounding Quebec
  • Short battle follows
  • Wolfe Dies and So does Montcalm, French
  • Battle of Quebec was the turing point of the War

Treaty of Paris
  • After the Seven Years War ended in 1763, Britain
    had won.
  • Treaty of Paris gave Britain all of North America
    East of the Mississippi
  • Spain got New Orleans and Louisiana
  • Britain gave Cuba and the Philippines back to
    Spain in exchange for Florida
  • The Treaty ended French power in North America

Pontiacs Rebellion
  • When the British took over the French Forts, they
    refused to give supplies to the Natives
  • Natives attacked British forts
  • Surrounded three remaining forts
  • The revolt was called Pontiacs Rebellion
  • British settlers attacked Natives who were not
    attacking them

Pontiacs Rebellion
  • British Officers came up with the idea of the
    Delaware Siege
  • Officers invited Delaware War Leaders to talk
    then gave them smallpox-infected blankets-
    Started a deadly outbreak
  • Native Americans had retreated
  • British still issued the Proclamation of 1763
    which forbade colonist to settle west of the
    Appalachian mountains

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