Collective Identity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Collective Identity


Collective Identity Team America Team America is a film by Trey Parker, regarding the ethos of American life after 9/11. The film is constructed as a parody and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Collective Identity

Collective Identity
Team America
  • Team America is a film by Trey Parker, regarding
    the ethos of American life after 9/11.
  • The film is constructed as a parody and comedy,
    although it is highly controversial due to the
    contentious nature of the topic.
  • The film deploys stereotypes (archetypes) to set
    its point and also uses the British puppet-string
    technique to avoid trouble. This allows the
    auteur to demonstrate whatever views and opinions
    he may have due to the characters being pseudo.

Representation of Muslims in Team America
  • Throughout the film the Muslims are represented
    as negative and people who do wrong.
  • They are seen at the start attempting to detonate
    a bomb before America intervenes. (Somewhat

Representation of Muslims in Team America
  • They lose further status and audience acceptance
    when they kill one of the protagonists within the
    opening ten minutes.
  • They are represented as controlled and evil, this
    is in binary opposition to America who are
    destructive and very heavy handed.

Representation of Muslims in Team America
  • Parker positions the audience so that they have a
    negative reading towards the Muslims. This
    happens throughout and we see them as nasty
    individuals so there is a dominant-preferred
  • Their war with America is seen as pointless
    however, due to the intensity of the destruction.
    For example the Eiffel Tower, The Pyramids and
    Mount Rushmore all fall victims to the war,
    ripping the cultural idents away from the

Muslim History Pre 2004
  • 2000 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza
    Strip begin the Al-Aqsa Intifada, prompted by
    Ariel Sharon's visit to a disputed religious site
    holy to both Jews and Muslims. President Hafez
    al-Assad of Syria dies of a heart attack. His son
    Bashar al-Assad is elected President by Syria's
    Majlis Al Shaa'b (Parliament). Earthquake in
    Gujarat, India at Richter scale of 7.8, 25,000
    people died
  • 2001 Members of Al Qaeda, a Jihadi organization,
    attack the United States. Hijacked commercial
    airliners are flown into the World Trade Center
    and the Pentagon building on September 11, 2001,
    killing upwards of three thousand. The United
    States subsequently declares a War on terror and
    invades Afghanistan, whose Taliban regime had
    given refuge to Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
    The Taliban are ousted from power, though the
    fate of bin Laden is unknown as of 2008.
  • 2002 The riots between Hindus and Muslims in
    Gujarat, India. More than 5000 reported killed,
    most of them Muslims.
  • 2003 The United States leads the invasion of
    Iraq, searching for "weapons of mass
    destruction", starting the second Iraq War.
    Shirin Ebadi becomes the first Muslim woman to
    win the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts in
    promoting human rights.

Muslim History Post 2004
  • 2004 A Jihadi group claims responsibility for
    bombings in Madrid's commuter railway and several
    trains. The Jihad attack killed 191, and wounded
    1,460 others. Nevertheless the Islamists' claim,
    latest unveilings suggest that perhaps the role
    of Islamic extremists was less capital than it
    has been officially presented. The second largest
    earthquake ever recorded occurs in the Indian
    Ocean triggering the Asian Tsunami. Indonesia
    suffers the heaviest damage with 167,736 dead,
    37,063 missing and 500,000 displaced.
  • 2005 A radical Muslim group claims
    responsibility for bombings in the London
    Underground. The attack kills 52, and wounds over
    700 others. Bombings in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
    kill at least 83 and wound hundreds. Saudi
    Arabia's King Fahd dies. Fahd's brother Crown
    Prince Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz, who had assumed
    de facto leadership of the country after King
    Fahd suffered a debilitating stroke in 1994, is
    declared king. A powerful, 7.6-magnitude
    earthquake hits Pakistan administered Kashmir,
    killing upwards of 73,000 people. Israel removed
    Jewish settlers and military personnel from the
    Gaza Strip in August 2005.

Muslim History Post 2004
  • 2006 Israel attempts to invade Lebanon in
    pursuit of Hezbollah paramilitary forces, but
    fails. Death of former Iraqi dictator Saddam
    Hussein by hanging for crimes against humanity.
    Muhammad Yunus wins Nobel Peace Prize for
    successful application of microcredit schemes to
    poor entrepreneurs in Bangladesh.
  • 2007Ethiopian forces invade Somalia and routed
    Islamic Courts from Mogadishu.
  • 2008 Kosovo becomes independent and immediately
    recognised by the USA and the EU.

Application of History to Film
  • 9/11 Attacks
  • See films, Team America, Yasmin, World Trade
    Centre and United 93
  • Arab Representation
  • See films, East is East, House of Sand and
    Fog, House of Saddam and Aladdin
  • Diverse Society
  • See films, My Beautiful Laundrette, East is
    East, This is England and Somers Town

2004, In film.
  • As well as Team America being released, the
    following films also came out in this year.
  • Fahrenheit 9/11 A Michael Moore Documentary
    looking at the politics of America.
  • Million Dollar Baby Dominated the awards for
  • Voices of Iraq A Documentary regarding the
    chaos in the country was also unveiled this year.
  • Eternal Sunshine, The Notebook, Collateral and
    Shaun of the Dead also screened this year.
  • Ironically, the Thunderbirds Movie also screened
    this year, however the same puppet technique as
    used in Team America was dropped.

2004, In Politics.
  • George Bush was re-elected for the final time,
    his tenure would end in 2008.
  • Iraqs governing council changes hands several
    times throughout the year.
  • British Government cleared of falsifying
    information on weapons of mass destruction
  • Kim Jong-il is still recovering from admitting to
    creating Nuclear weaponry even though he signed
    an agreed framework saying he would not do so.
  • Tense relations between America and North Korea
    continues to be negative.
  • New presidents of Germany, Austria, Romania,
    Luxembourg, Serbia, Georgia, Singapore and
    Lebanon are elected.

Political and Social Conditions in Saudi Arabia
  • Saudi Arabia is a monarchy with royal power
    vested in the descendants of King Abdal-Aziz Al
    Saud (known more commonly as Ibn Saud), the
    founder of the modern Saudi state.
  • For over two centuries, Saudi Arabias ruling
    family has relied upon religious leaders to help
    bolster its legitimacy among Saudis, and leading
    conservative Muslim clerics have gained extensive
    influence over Saudi social policy.
  • As a result of this tacit alliance between the
    ruling family and the religious hierarchy,
    clerics practicing a puritanical version of
    Islam, known as Wahhabism, have been able to
    institute a number of social restrictions, such
    as the segregation of the sexes, the prohibition
    of the sale and consumption of alcohol, and a ban
    on women driving.2 Some analysts believe that
    such social restrictions have fostered a climate
    of extremism in Saudi Arabia.
  • Saudi officials have issued statements insisting
    there is no association between Islam and
    terrorism. For many years, Saudi officials and
    some outside observers did not place Islamic
    militancy at the top of their policy agendas,
    believing that the Kingdoms Islamic roots
    immunized it from extremist elements.

Saudi Arabia links to 9/11
  • In its findings on the connection between the
    September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the
    phenomenon of growing Islamic extremism in Saudi
    Arabia, the 9/11 Commission Report states that
    the United States and Saudi Arabia must
    determine if they can build a relationship that
    political leaders on both sides are prepared to
    publicly defend a relationship about more than
    oil. It should include a shared commitment to
    political and economic reform, as Saudis make
    common cause with the outside world.
  • This recommendation is based largely on the
    notion that after the 9/11 attacks, in which 15
    of the 19 airline hijackers were Saudi citizens,
    Saudi Arabias domestic political environment is
    of great concern to U.S. national security.
    Traditionally, the United States has tread
    lightly on the issue the U.S.-Saudi relationship
    has long been based on a tacit understanding that
    the United States would refrain from interfering
    in Saudi domestic affairs in return for Saudi
    cooperation on energy and security issues in the
    Persian Gulf.
  • The Commissions report recognizes that Saudi
    Arabia itself faces unrest and terrorist activity
    by Islamic radicals and that Saudi Arabia must
    address the extensive influence of its religious
    establishment and stagnant socio-economic
    conditions, which some believe are fostering
    religious extremism.14 The 9/11 Commission Report
    insists that the U.S.-Saudi relationship must
    evolve from its current state and that leaders on
    both sides must agree on a common framework for
    addressing reform in Saudi Arabia without
    unintentionally causing an extremist backlash
    against either government.

Strained Relations, Attempt to Repair.
  • Relations between the US and Saudi Arabia were
    strained after the September 11 attacks, when
    nineteen men affiliated with al-Qaeda, including
    15 Saudi nationals, hijacked four commercial
    passenger jet airliners, crashing two of the
    planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade
    Center in New York City, killing 3,000. Saudi
    Arabia issued a statement on the day of the
    terrorist attacks on America's World Trade Center
    and Pentagon, calling them "regrettable and
    inhuman." Saudi recognition to the Taliban
    stopped and as of mid-November 2001, the Bush
    administration continued to publicly praise Saudi
    support for the war on terrorism. However,
    published media reports have indicated U.S.
    frustration with Saudi inaction. Although 15 of
    the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals, publicly
    the Saudis were not cooperating with Americans
    wanting to look at background files of the
    hijackers or interview the hijackers' families.
  • In his first formal television interview as U.S.
    President, Barack Obama addressed the Muslim
    world through an Arabic-language satellite TV
    network Al-Arabiya. He expressed interest and a
    commitment to repair relations that have
    continued to deteriorate under the previous

Theories of Identity
  • Social identity is a theory expounded by Henri
    Tajfel and to understand the psychological basis
    of intergroup discrimination. It is composed of
    four elements
  • Categorization people often put others (and
    ourselves) into categories. Labeling someone a
    Muslim, a Turk, a Gimp or a Socca playa mate are
    ways of saying other things about these people.
  • Identification people also associate with
    certain groups (ingroups and outgroups), which
    serves to bolster our self-esteem.
  • Comparison people compare our groups with other
    groups, seeing a favorable bias toward the group
    to which we belong. In modern day times younger
    people stereotypically divide themselves into
    social groups like jocks, goths and hoodies.
  • Psychological Distinctiveness people desire our
    identity to be both distinct from and positively
    compared with other groups.

Theories of Society
  • Cultural dissonance is an uncomfortable sense of
    discord, disharmony, confusion, or conflict
    experienced by people in the midst of change in
    their cultural environment. The changes are often
    unexpected, unexplained or not understandable due
    to various types of cultural dynamics.
  • Studies into cultural dissonance take on a wide
    socio-cultural scope of analysis that inquire
    into economics, politics, values, learning
    styles, cultural factors, such as language,
    tradition, ethnicity, cultural heritage, cultural
    history, educational formats, classroom design,
    and even socio-cultural issues such as
    ethnocentricism, racism and their respective
    historical legacies in the cultures.

Theories of Society
  • Minimal group paradigm (MGP) is a concept used in
    social psychology (e.g. Tajfel, 1970) to identify
    the minimal requirements needed for intergroup
    discrimination. In these experiments it was
    discovered that arbitrary and virtually
    meaningless allocation into groups would result
    in individuals favouring of their in-group.
  • This is done via mechanism explained in social
    identity theory and self-categorization theory,
    where in-group members seek for collective-esteem
    building social comparisons with other groups.
  • For example, in-group members may attribute the
    achievements of out-groups to luck, or contextual
    circumstances additionally, in-group members
    will attribute their own achievements to the
    success of the group and the benefits of their
    aims and ethos. In-group members will also make
    biased comparisons with less-fortunate out-groups
    to support the validity and legitimacy of their
    beliefs, values and behaviours. This fact of
    attributing your own group's achievements to
    internal causes, and the out-group's achievements
    to external causes, is known as the fundamental
    attribution error.
  • By doing such, in-group members are able to
    enhance the boundaries between groups, allowing
    their group to be distinct from others. Threat to
    distinction in minimal groups is often overcome
    by making more biased social comparison, by
    expelling black sheep (anti-norm deviants), and
    re-categorizing the in-group to exclude members
    that share out-group values.

Theories of Society
  • Cultivation theory is a social theory designed in
    the 1960s and '70s to examine the role of
    television on Americans.
  • Developed by George Gerbner and of the
    University of Pennsylvania, cultivation theory
    derived from several large-scale projects
    "concerned with the effects of television
    programming (particularly violent programming) on
    the attitudes and behaviors of the American
    public" (Miller, 2005, p. 281) Miller (2005)
    says, "The widespread influence of television ...
    was a concern for many scholars and policy
    makers. In the late 1960s, civil unrest, the
    assassinations of Bobby Kennedy and Dr. Martin
    Luther King, Jr., and other events convinced many
    that we had to know more about how television
    affects us" (p. 282).
  • Gerbner and his colleagues took a large role in
    the research projects, which included the
    National Commission on the Causes and Prevention
    of Violence in 1967 and 1968 and the Surgeon
    General's Scientific Advisory Committee on
    Television and Social Behavior in 1972.

Theories of Media/Society
  • Mean World Syndrome is a phenomenon where the
    violence-related content of mass media convinces
    viewers that the world is more dangerous than it
    actually is, and prompts a desire for more
    protection than is warranted by any actual
  • Mean World Syndrome is one of the main
    conclusions of cultivation theory. The term was
    coined by George Gerbner, a pioneer researcher on
    the effects of television on society, when he
    noted that people who watched a large amount of
    television tended to think of the world as an
    intimidating and unforgiving place.
  • Individuals who watch television infrequently and
    adolescents who talk to their parents about
    reality are said to have a more accurate view of
    the real world than those who do not, and they
    are able to more accurately assess their
    vulnerability to violence. They also tend to have
    a wider variety of beliefs and attitudes.
  • Political strategists can take advantage of
    voters suffering from this syndrome to sway them.
    For example, critics and some supporters of
    George W. Bush accused Bush's supporters, most
    notably the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth, of
    using a FUD-based campaign in the 2004 U.S.
    presidential election.
  • Perhaps the most famous example is Anita Bryant's
    successful 1977 Save Our Children campaign to
    repeal a Florida ordinance which outlawed
    discrimination on the basis of sexual

Theories of Culture
  • Culture shock refers to the anxiety and feelings
    (of surprise, disorientation, uncertainty,
    confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate
    within a different and unknown cultural or social
    environment after leaving everything familiar
    behind and they have to find their way in a new
    culture that has a different way of life and a
    different mindset such as in a foreign country.
    It grows out of the difficulties in assimilating
    the new culture, causing difficulty in knowing
    what is appropriate and what is not. This is
    often combined with a dislike for or even disgust
    (moral or aesthetical) with certain aspects of
    the new or different culture.

Theories of Religion
  • Monism is any philosophical view which holds that
    there is unity in a given field of inquiry, where
    this is not to be expected. Thus, some
    philosophers may hold that the universe is really
    just one thing, despite its many appearances and
    diversities or theology may support the view
    that there is one God, with many manifestations
    in different religions.
  • Islam - Many followers of Sufism advocated
    monism. Most notably the 13th-century Persian
    poet Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi-Rumi (1207 -73)
    in his didactic poem Masnavi espoused
    monism.34 Rumi says in the Masnavi, "in the
    shop for Unity (wahdat) anything that you see
    there except the One is an idol.
  • According to Vincent J. Cornall, the Qur'an also
    provides a monist image of God by describing the
    reality as a unified whole, with God being a
    single concept that would describe or ascribe all
    existing things"He is the First and the Last,
    the Outward and the Inward He is the Knower of
    everything (Sura 573)
  • Another verse in the Quran is "To God belongs the
    East and the West, Wheresoever you look is the
    face of God.(Sura 2115)".
  • There are many other verses such as Quran 1529,
    3872 etc which say that God blew his breath in
    man, which are interpreted to mean that an
    imprint of God is present inside man.
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