Title: Tinoosh Mohsenin, Dean Truong and Bevan M. Baas
1Multi-Split-Row Threshold Decoding
Implementations for LDPC Codes
- Tinoosh Mohsenin, Dean Truong and Bevan M. Baas
- VLSI Computation Lab, ECE Department
- University of California, Davis
- Introduction LDPC Decoding
- Goals and Key Features
- Split-Row Threshold Decoding Method
- Multi-Split-Row Threshold Decoder Implementations
and Results - Conclusion
3LDPC Decoding
- LDPC decoding challenges
- High interconnect complexity for large number of
processing nodes - Large delay, area, and power dissipation caused
by long and global wire
- Introduction to LDPC Decoding
- Goals and Key Features
- Split-Row Threshold Decoding Method
- Multi-Split-Row Threshold Decoder Implementations
and Results - Conclusion
5LDPC Decoder Design Goals and Features
- Key goals
- Very high throughput and high energy efficiency
- Area efficient (small circuit area)
- Well suited for long-length and large row weight
LDPC codes - Easy implementation with automatic CAD tools
- Good error performance
- Split-Row decoding key features
- Reduced interconnect complexity
- Reduced processor complexity
- T. Mohsenin and B. Baas, Split-row A reduced
complexity, high throughput LDPC - decoder architecture, in ICCD, 2006
- T. Mohsenin and B. Baas, High-throughput LDPC
decoders using a multiple Split- - Row method, in ICASSP, 2007
6Standard MinSum vs. Split-Row Decoding
Standard MinSum decoding
Split-Row decoding
reduction of check processor area
reduction of input wires to check processor
7Problem with Original Split-Row Algorithm
- 0.5 0.7 dB error performance loss from MinSum
Normalized and SPA. - In original MinSum Split-Row each partition has
no information of the minimum value of the other
- Introduction to LDPC Decoding
- Goals and Key Features
- Split-Row Threshold Decoding Method
- Multi-Split-Row Threshold Decoder Implementation
and results - Conclusion
9MinSum Split-Row Threshold Algorithm
- A signal (Threshold_en) is passed from each
partition, which indicates whether a partition
has a minimum less than a given threshold (T). - Check nodes now take as their minimum of their
own local Min or T. - Optimum threshold value (T) is obtained by
empirical simulations
Threshold_en Sp11
Threshold_en Sp00
Mohsenin et al, "An Improved Split-Row
Thresholding Decoding Algorithm for LDPC
Codes,"To appear to IEEE International
Conference on Communications (ICC'09).
10(2048,1723) (6,32) 10GBASE-T code
- Code length 2048
- Information length1723
- Row size (No. of parity checks)384
- Row weight (Wr)32
- Column weight (Wc)6
11Error Performance for (2048,1723) 10GBASE-T Code
- MS Split-Row-16 Threshold is 0.22 dB away from MS
and is 0.12 dB better than Split-Row-2 Original. - Threshold (T)0.2
- In the Plot
- BPSK modulation
- AWGN channel
- Maximum 15 iterations
- Based on 80 error blocks
0.22 dB
0.12 dB
- Introduction to LDPC Decoding
- Goals and Key Features
- Split-Row Threshold Decoding Method
- Multi-Split-Row Threshold Decoder Implementations
and results - Conclusion
13Delay Analysis for Decoders
- Path1 propagation of Threshold_en passing
through Spn-2 partitions - Path2 delay path through check and variable
procs - For small Spn the interconnect delay is dominant
because of wire interconnect complexity - As the number of partitioning increases Path 1
delay increases
14Area Analysis for Decoders
- In MinSum, the synthesis area deviates
significantly from layout area due to low
utilization. - Area break down per sub-block for MinSum and
Split-16 - 75 of MinSum decoder is empty space for wiring
Check Proc
Var Proc
Clk tree Regs
Wire (empty space)
Split-16 Threshold
15 Comparison of Decoders
(6,32) (2048,1723) 10GBASE-T code with 15
decoding iterations.
10GBASE-T Code 65 nm, 7 M, 1.3 V MinSum standard Split-2 Threshold Split-4 Threshold Split-8 Threshold Split-16 Threshold Split-16 vs.MinSum
Area Utilization 25 40 85 95 98 3.9x
Area (mm2) 18.2 8.9 5.0 4.5 3.8 4.8x
Speed (MHz) 17 40 53 112 101 5.9x
Throughput _at_ 15 iter (Gbps) 2.3 5.5 7.2 15.2 13.8 6x
CAD Tool CPU Time (hour) gt78 36 18 10 5 gt15.6x
- Split-Row Threshold algorithm improves the error
performance when compared with original
Split-Row. - Split-Row Threshold allows for high level of
partitionings without losing significant error
performance. - Higher level of partitioning reduces the number
of connections between check and variable
processors. This results in a higher logic
utilization and a smaller circuit. - We can meet the demands of high speed
applications while obtaining very low area when
compared to standard decoding.
- Support
- ST Microelectronics
- NSF Grant 430090 and CAREER award 546907
- Intel
- SRC GRC Grant 1598 and CSR Grant 1659
- Intellasys
- UC Micro
- Special thanks
- Professor Shu Lin