Title: A Frogs Life Cycle
1A Frogs Life Cycle
2A frog goes through several stages during its
life cycle
- Eggs
- Embryo
- Tadpole
- Frog
- Reproductive
3 The Egg Stage The female frog lays
up to 5,000 eggs in the water or on a leaf above
the water. She also applies the eggs a jelly-like
substance for protection.
4The Embryo Stage
After several days, the cell in the egg splits
into two cells, then four cells, and it keeps on
duplicating until it becomes an embryo inside the
egg. For 10 to 15 days the embryo feeds on the
yolk of its egg. After this time the embryo is
ready to exit the egg. Quickly, the embryo
attaches itself on a weed underwater.
5The Tadpole Stage
Once the embryo is attached on a weed
underwater, it quickly becomes a tadpole. Five
weeks after the eggs were laid, the tadpole has a
long tail to swim around and gills to breath like
a fish. Meanwhile, the tadpole will grow tiny
hind legs.
It takes about 6 more weeks before the tadpole
grows long hind legs to jump high, fore legs,
lungs to breath air, a wider mouth, and a longer
tongue to catch flies. At this point, the tadpole
is now a froglet. Now it is ready to come out of
the water.
7 The Reproductive stage After losing its
tail, it takes about 3 years until the frog
becomes an adult. Once the frog becomes an adult,
it is now ready to reproduce. The adult frog
finds a mate, reproduces, the female lays eggs,
and the lifecycle begins again!
8All illustrations were provided by the author