Psychobiology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nerve cells are organized in clusters that communicate with each other and ... Inhibitory neuron from the brain may prevent this action(circuits) e.g. hot casserole ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Psychobiology

  • Prof. Ismail Youssef

  • Every think should be made as simple as possible,
    but not simpler
  • Einstein

  • Study the role of physiology in the regulation
    and execution of behavior
  • -Look like a lump of porridge
  • -Consistency of blancmange
  • -About 1.4 Kgm
  • -It contain 10-100 billion of nerve cell
  • -Same no. of supporting cell

  • -Nerve cells differ as regards
  • Shape
  • Size
  • Kind of chemical they produced
  • -Nerve cells are organized in clusters that
    communicate with each other and connected to
    other circuits

  • DORSAL (Superior)
  • Caudal
  • (Posterior)
  • VENTRAL(Inferior)

  • Central Nervous System (CNS)
  • - Brain
  • -Spinal cord
  • Peripheral nervous system(PNS)
  • The nerves which are attached to the spinal cord
    and the base of the brain

  • Brain-Cerebral Hemispheres
  • -Cerebellum
  • -Brain Stem
  • CNS is encased in the skullvertebrae
  • Enclosed by a three membranes called meninges (
    pleural of meninx )
  • They float in a fluid called Cerebro Spinal Fluid
    ( C S F )

  • The surface of C H covered by C C
  • (cortex rind ), 3 mm ( grey matter )
  • In this structure
  • -Perception take place
  • - Memories are stored
  • - Plans are formulated executed
  • The nerve cells in CC are connected to other
    parts of the brain by a layer of nerve fibers
    called ( white matter )

  • The human CC is wrinkled full of bulges (gyri ),
    gyrus , and grooves ( sulci ), sulcus
  • The large sulcus is called fissure
  • (We have 2 lateral and central fissures(

  • Brain stem Primitive region in Amphibion, it
    controls automatic behaviors such as (swallowing
    and breathing)
  • Cerebral hemisphere largest and most recently
    developed part of human brain
  • Cerebellum attached to the back of brain stem,
    looks like miniature version of C.H., its primary
    function is to control and coordinate movement.

(No Transcript)
  • Peripheral nervous system PNS
  • Connect CNS with sense organs
  • muscles
  • glands
  • -some are attached to the spinal cord.
  • -others are attached directly to the brain
    (cranial nerve)

  • Other cells (Glial cells) (G glue)
  • -Mechanical support
  • -Protection
  • -Guide development
  • -manufacturing chemicals
  • -Brains immune system

  • 4 principle parts of neuron
  • 1-Somma cell body , largest part of neuron
  • 2-Dentrites (Dentron G tree)
  • receive messages and transmit the information
    to the soma
  • 3-nerve fiber (axon)
  • carries messages away from the soma towards
    the cell with which the neuron communicate (the
    firing of an axon)
  • brief changes in the electric charge of the axon

  • 4-the terminal button located at the ends of the
    branches of the axon, terminal button secrete a
    chemical called a transmitter substance whenever
    the (fire) of the axon travel down
  • Most drugs affect the chemical transmission of
    messages between cells.

  • Myelination
  • Axon esp. long ones are insulated with substance
    called myelin (protein and fat) produced by
    special cells wrap themselves around the axon.
  • Myelin sheath is important in immunological
    diseases, in which the broken of myelin sheath is
  • -Patches of hardened, damaged tissue (multiple
  • Maturation of CNS occurs when myelination is

  • Action potential (firing)
  • -It is not like electricity travel through a wire
  • -axon transmits information at a rate less than
    100 meters /second
  • 70 mV
  • -ve
  • _____________
  • -Opening of Na channel to go in, after a brief
    time opening of Na channel to go out (rest

  • Synapsis
  • Neurons communicate with other neurons by means
    of synapses.
  • Synapse in the conjunction of a terminal button
    of one neuron and the membrane of another
    dendrites of neuron, muscle or gland cell
  • Terminal button belong to the presynaptic neuron(
    the neuron that sends the messages)
  • The neuron that receives the message detects the
    transmitter substance) is called the postsynaptic

  • Excitation Inhibition
  • 2 TYPES
  • -Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential(EPSP)
  • Increase the likely of postsynaptic to fire
  • -Inhibitory Post Synaptic Potential(IPSP)
    Synaptic cleft-fluid filled space-between the
    terminal button and the membrane of the post
    synaptic neuron (receptor molecule,protein)lead
    to opening ion channel
  • EX.IN.synapses permit ions to enter or to leave
    the neuron

  • EX.IN. produced by a synapse is short-lived, the
    effect is terminated by reuptake process
  • The rate of reuptake determine how prolonged the
    effects of the chemical on the postsynaptic
    neuron will be.

  • Simple neuron circuit
  • The interconnections of neurons provide us with
    the capacities for
  • -Perception
  • -Decision making
  • -Memory
  • -and action

  • Simple withdrawal reflex
  • which is triggered by a noxious stimulus such
    as contact with a hot object.
  • It require 3 types of neuron
  • 1)Sensory neuron, detect and convey the
    information to the spinal cord
  • 2)Interneuron, located in brain or spinal cord
  • 3)Motor neuron that cause the appropriate muscle
    to contract
  • Inhibitory neuron from the brain may prevent
    this action(circuits) e.g. hot casserole

  • Neuro- modulator (action at a distance)
  • Neurotransmitter travels a very short distance,
    and affect receptor molecule located on a small
    patch of the post synaptic membrane
  • But, some neurons release chemical that get
    into the general circulation of the brain and
    stimulate receptors on many thousands of neurons,
    some located a considerable distance away, They
    are called neuromodulator e.g. opioid

  • Techniques in psychobiology
  • Until recently, our knowledge of the functions of
    CNS was obtained through research using
    laboratory animals/
  • 1- Lesioning
  • The eldest and the common method,correlatinga
    behavioral deficit with a specific damage either
    present or produced

  • 2) Non-invasive recording of electric activity
  • a-E.E.G., The activity is seen in the form of
    line-tracing, Some modern machines converts the
    EEG data into brain map i.e. colors
  • Alert High frequency, low amplitude(12hz)
  • RelaxAlpha(8-12),Theta(4-8),Delta(gt4HZ)

  • Event Related Potential (ERP)
  • Evoked Potential(EP)
  • To detect the activity produced by the perception
    of external stimulus or the response to internal
    stimulus (decision making), We have the average
    of EP
  • N100 P300
  • Nnegative Ppositive
  • It appears after100 or300 millisecond of the
    onset of a stimulus

  • 3)Neuroimaging techniques
  • - C T computerized Tomography (Tomos means cut)
  • Narrow beam x rays through a person's head
    computer calculates the amount of radiation that
    passes through it at various point
  • -PET (Positron Emission Tomography)
  • It measures the brain metabolism, glucose
    consumption( radioactive glucose)
  • It measures brain activity by examining the
    amount of glucose consumed.
  • The radioactive part of glucose emit positrons
    positron emission which are detected by a PET

  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
  • More details than CT
  • Magnetic field is passed over the head
  • Reverberation are produced by hydrogen molecule
    and picked up by a scanner
  • fMRIusing fMRI to measure the state of being in
  • -Activity was significantly high in the insula (a
    part of the brain involved in the visual
    interpretation of emotional information) and in
    the caudate nucleus and putamen nucleus
  • -Deactivation was seen in the right prefrontal
    parietal and middle temporal cortices.

(No Transcript)
  • Control of internal functions and automatic
  • Beside CC there are other structure
  • -the interior of cerebral hemisphere
  • -cerebellum
  • -brain stem
  • They are important in the regulation of behavior.
  • Cerebellum helps CH to control movement and to
    initiate some automatic movements such as
    postural adjustment.

  • Interior of CH and brain stem are involved in
  • I Homeostasis Homeosimilar
  • stasisstandstill
    (maintain a
  • a proper balance of
    physiological variable)
  • II Species-typical behavior automatic behavior
    exhibit by most members of species that are
    important to survival such as eating, drinking,
    fighting, courting, mating and caring for

  • Brain stem contains 3 structures
  • I Medulla contains circuits of neuron that
    control heart rate, blood pressure and
    respiration rate and crawling or swimming motion
    esp. in simpler animals.
  • II Pons circuits of neurons control sleep
  • III Midbrain control movements used in fighting
    and sexual behavior and decrease sensitivity to
    pain while engaged in these activities.

  • Endocrine gland endowithin
  • Krinein to secrete
  • -it produces hormones
  • -it is similar to transmitter substance or
    neurotransmitter except that they act over much
    larger distance
  • -it produces its effect by stimulating receptors
    molecules which are located on (or in) particular
  • -it causes physiological reactions in these cells
    (target cells)
  • (Almost every cell of the body contain hormone
    receptor if one kind or another)
  • e.g. 6 hormones have an effect upon many neurons

  • Pituitary gland is the master gland, because it
    controls the activity of other endocrine glands
  • -Thyroid control metabolism
  • -Parathyroid control of mineral balance
  • -Pancreas control carbohydrate metabolism
  • -Adrenal Medulla (adrenaline and
    noradrenalin)_Breakdown of energy store
  • _Blood pressure
  • -Adrenal cortex (cortical steroid h) stress h.
  • -Ovaries estrogen control menstruation,
    progesterone control pregnancy.
  • -Testosterone control sperm production

  • Hypothalamus also control automatic nervous
    system, the homeostatic function can be involved
    in either internal physiological changes or
    behavior through CC. Stimulation of hypothalamus
    lead to rage, fear and avoidance reaction

  • Neural basis of instinctual behavior and emotions
    (The limbic system)
  • -It has a role in olfaction
  • -Along with hypothalamus it is concerned with
    autonomic responses
  • -It is also concerned with sexual behavior
  • -and concerned with the emotions of
  • Rage-? fighting and attack behavior
  • Fear? and avoiding reaction
  • Motivation
  • It was termed Rhinencephalon (smell brain)
  • Were thought to be involved primarily in the
    sense of smell
  • -Around the edge of CH where they join with the

  • Important parts are
  • - Amygdale
  • -Hippocampus
  • Amygdala emotional behavior esp. negative
    emotions and it helps in providing energy for
    short term if prolonged ? stress related illness
  • In animals without the amygdada it can not
    survive in the wild. It can not compete for food.
    It is considered with the encoding of memories
    that evoke fear snake and monkey
  • In humans anxiety is associated with a bilateral
    increase in blood flow to discrete portion of the
    anterior end of each temporal lope.

  • Hippocampus plays an important role in memory
    and it is also responsible for the animal
    reaction to the environment esp. the novel
  • Rage placidity
  • Normally there is a balance between Rage and
  • Destruction of hypothalamus ?Rage
  • Destruction of Amygdala ?Placidity

  • Brain chemistry
  • Aminergic systems
  • Serotonin, Noradrenalin, Adrenaline, histamine,
    and Dopamine

  • Serotonin
  • Serotonin containing neurons have their cell
    bodies with the midline raphe nuclei of the brain
    stem and project to
  • -hypothalamus
  • -limbic system
  • -neocortex
  • -spinal cord

  • -LSD is serotonin agonist, first ecstasy,
  • then depression and insomnia
  • -plays role in sleep
  • In animals, if we give a drug that prevents
    manufacture of serotonin, it leads to prolonged
    wakefulness, but in human being no effect
  • -prolactin secretion
  • -pain pathways
  • -circadian rhythm
  • -plays a role in migraine
  • -depression??
  • -aggressive behavior

  • Norepinephrine
  • The cell body contain norepinephrine is located
    in locus ceruleus in the pons and medulla,
    descend to spinal cord and cerebellum, ascend to
    thalamus, hypothalamus, striatum and neocortex
  • Drugs that increase extra cellular norepinephrine
    ?elevate mood
  • Drugs that decrease extra cellular norepinephrine
  • The function remains a mystery, may regulate food
    intake and body temperature.

  • Epinephrin
  • cell body located in medulla projected to
    hypothalamus and thalamus and spinal cord, no
    function has been assigned to this agent

  • Dopamine
  • -ultra short in retina, in olfactory bulb
  • -intermediate length
  • Tuberinfundibular system prolactin
  • -long length -negrostriatal ? involved in motor
  • -mesocortical from midbrain
    to limbic cortex and accumbens nucleus
  • Amphetamines which increase dopamine activity may
    lead to some schizophrenic symptoms

  • Histamine
  • In the hypothalamus project to all parts of
    brain, its role is unknown.
  • Suggested role in arousal, sexual behavior,
    blood pressure, drinking, pain threshold and
    regulation of the secretion of the pituitary

  • Acetylcholine
  • Distributed throughout CNS with high
    concentration in the CC thalamus and basal
  • Involved in
  • -memory, motivation, perception and cognition
  • -Olfaction
  • -It has a relation with Alzheimer and nicotine
  • -in basal ganglia Acetylcholine is an excitatory
    transmitter while dopamine is an inhibitory
  • -Acetylcholine may have a role in parkinsonism
  • -Acetylcholine may have a role in REM sleep

  • Other transmitters
  • Opioid, GABA (Chlorine conductance)
  • Excitatory amino acids __ Glutamate
  • __ Aspartate
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