Title: Organizace v
1Organization of the teaching - gynecology and
Lecture for 5th year general medicine course and
dentist medicine course
2(No Transcript)
- lecture's
- practice (obstetrics hall, small gynecology
procedures, department of risk pregnancy,
department of gynecology surgery, ultrasound
laboratory, phantom exercise) - seminar's
- practice before SE
- night duty (14-22 22-6)
Synopsis of the choice lecture www.gyne.cz
4State examination
- two credits (winter and summer term)
- 14th days practice at the department of GO
- test from GO
- practice part (CTG, HSG, phantom, obstetrical
examination, gynecological examination) - assay (deadline 4/2005)
5Basic literature
6Possible literature
7Possible literature
8Virtual guide of the Department of GO
9Obstetrics part of the clinic
10Entry for students
11Outpatient and gynecology department
12Lecture hall
13Lecture hall
14Practice cabinet
15Library with the PC
16Ultrasound laboratory
17Department of gynecology surgery
18Department of intensive care
19Endoscopic operating hall
20Delivery hall
21Woman life cycles
- newborn period
- childhood
- puberty
- adolescence
- fertile age
- climacterium
- senium (old age)
22Cycles of woman organism
- Ovarian cycle
- maturation of the foliculus
- ovulation
- corpus luteum
- corpus albicans
23Cycles of woman organism
- Uterine cycle
- proliferative phase (picture 1.)
- secretory phase (picture 2.)
- uterine cervix changes (cervical becomes thin
through ovulation because of estrogen peak, than
thick because of progesterone) - menstruation 28/5
24Picture 1.
25Picture 2.
26Cycles of woman organism
- Vaginal cycle
- in proliferative phase oesinophile cells exist
(influence of estrogens) - in secretory phase intermedial cells leucocytes
exist (influence of progestin's) - acidity of vaginal secret
27Cycles of woman organism
- Fallopian tube and breast cycle
- increased motility of tube in first phase
- enlargement of the breast, edema, breast pain,
increasing sensitivity at the end of the cycle
28Physiology of female reproduction system
- Menstruation periodic discharge of the blood,
tissue, fluid and endometrial debris from the
uterus, the mean blood loss is 30 ml - Menarche girl's first menstrual period
average 12,5 years - Menopause last women menstrual period average
50 years
29Physiology of female reproduction system II.
- Menstrual cycle LMP, 28/5, light, mild, heavy
- The ovarian follicle liquor folliculi, oocyte,
granulosa cells, theca externa, theca interna,
size before ovulation (14th day of the cycle)
from 15 to 20 mm - Follicular proliferative phase (ovulation)
- Luteal secretory phase (corpus luteum)
30Sexual and reproductive health
- Puberty
- from first signs of sexual development till
menarche - P1 prepuberty 9-10 yrs
- P2 early puberty 10-11 yrs (start of hormone
secretion) - P3 thelarche 10-11 yrs, pubarche 11-12 yrs
- P4 breast fully developed
- P5 menarche yrs 12,6
31Sexual and reproductive health
- Adolescence
- from menarche till stabilization of ovulatory
cycles - duration 2,5 years
- after that fertile period
Independent scientific discipline
33Screening test in pregnancy
- screening interview
- weight
- Rh factor, HB
- urine protein and sugar
- BP
- cytology
- AFP, hCG, E3
- Rh antibody
34Abnormal pregnancy
- pathological pregnancy
- risk gravidity
- pregnancy with increased probability of perinatal
morbidity and mortality
35Risk factors
- lack of antenatal care
- Social unmarried woman, smoking, drugs,
alcohol, low education, low social class, poor
diet, age - Biological obesity, small height, breech
presentation, twins, disease of mother (DM, Rh
incompatibility, cardiopathy, nephritis,
hypertension, hepatitis)
36Risk factors leading to prematurity
- previous termination of pregnancy
- twins
- preeclampsia
- hepatitis
- zoonosis
- uterine malformation
- social risk's
37Antenatal visit
The first visit ideally at 8-10 weeks gestation,
monthly until 28 weeks, fortnightly until 36
weeks, weekly until delivery
- DM
- tuberculosis
- hypertension
- past obstetrics history
- allergies
- first movements
39Examination, investigation
- palpation, colposcopy, cytology, breast
- urine (sugar, protein, bacilluria)
- blood (Hb, red cell, ABO and rhesus group)
- screening test for syphilis (RRR)
- test for Australian antigen
- rubella antibodies
- anti HIV antibodies
40Special visit 16th week
- AFP, hCG and E3
- Ultrasound examination
- to establish gestational age accurately
- to exclude major abnormalities of the fetus
- to diagnose multiple pregnancy
- localization of the placenta
- mother craft
- relaxation classes
- books available
- Social welfare
- iron (300 µg a day)
- iodine 100 mg a day
- folic acid 500µg a day
- vitamin supplementation
42Psychoprofylaxis II.
- smoking - premature delivery, small babies
- alcohol is cell poison, alcohol syndrome of
fetus (short nose, low bridge, small eyes, mental
retardation) - intercourse no restriction in normal G
- exercise walking, swimming
- cloth brassieres are not required, shoes flat
heels, comfortable dress - bathing not hot water, better shower
43Vital statistics
44Birth rates
- Crude birth rate
- is the number of live birth per 1000 total
population (includes men, children and women) - General fertility rate
- is the number of live births per 1000 women
between 15 and 44
45Obstetrical statistics
- Stillbirth (SB)
- child delivered after 24th week of pregnancy that
did not show any sign of life birth weight is
greater than 500 grams or less than 500 grams but
not alive 24 hours - Stillbirth rate (SBR)
- is defined as the number of stillbirth per 1000
total birth (still and live)
46Obstetrical statistics II.
- Early neonatal death (END)
- is defined as the number of infants dying in the
7 days after delivery per 1000 live birth - Perinatal mortality rate (PMR)
- number of stillbirth early neonatal death per
1000 total birth - Rectified perinatal mortality
- number of dead babies above 1000 g
48Priority of PMR
END 2000g
SBR 2000g
END 2000g
49Causes of perinatal death
- Ante partum
- unknown in 25
- congenital abnormality 30
- hypoxia (torsion of umbilicus, placental
abruption, eclampsia, vasa praevia etc.) - Neonatal death
- 80 due to preterm labour, babies born before
26th week have chance to survive 40
50Perinatal morbidity
- disorders of child development in perinatal
period - malformation - (genetic, infectious, toxic)
sensoric (deafness) motoric (children's brain
paralysis) mental (slight brain dysfunction) - cause - prematurity, prolonged labour, mechanical
damage, chronic hypoxia, late solution of acute
hypoxia, mother's disease DM, preeclampsia
51Maternal mortality
- means death connected to gravidity, labour till
60 day's after the labour - the number is 0,04 per 1000 total birth
- A. Specific risk preeclampsia (I.), haemorrhage
(II.), shock, uterine rupture (III.), puerperal
infection (IV.), thrombosis (V.), connection with
abortion (VI.) - B. Unspecific risk internal medicine (I.),
surgical disease (II.) - C. Death without relation to G
52Maternal mortality
Number of death women per 100 000 total birth in
Czech Republic
MM complete
MM rectified
53MM in Czech Republic 1997 (0,08)
- Decrease of maternal mortality due to
- control of infection
- blood transfusion
- advances in anesthesia and resuscitation
- improvement in the health and nutrition
- prevention of disease in gravidity
Detailed analysis of any maternal mortality
(Annual Report on Maternal Deaths).
54MM - notes
- Hypertensive disease of pregnancy deaths from
eclampsia and preeclampsia can be avoided i n 75
(early admission to hospital, nutrition, control
of BP) - Pulmonary embolism prevention in puerperium,
right checking of puls rate, heparinisation
(LMWH), early mobilization, therapy of
thrombophlebitis, decrease of cesarean section
rate, no estrogen's in lactation inhibition
55MM - notes
- Amniotic fluid embolism sudden collapse, strong
contraction's, dyspnoe, cyanosis, blood stained
sputum treatment oxygen, steroid's, correction
of coagulopathy - Hemorrhage placental abruption, placenta
praevia, coagulopathy, postpartum atonia, uterine
rupture, risk of home birth - Cesarean section death's from associated and
undercurrent condition's (cardiac disease)