Title: Full Employment Program (PowerPoint)
Benefits to and Responsibilities of the FEP
2What is FEP?
- Full Employment Program (FEP)
- FEP is a subsidized employment program in which a
Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare
(VIEW) participant is placed in a public or
private sector job. - The participant is paid an hourly wage for work
done directly from the employer. - The Virginia Department of Social Services will
pay the employer a predetermined, fixed monthly
stipend for up to six consecutive months.
3Benefit to Employers
- Predetermined monthly stipends for up to six
consecutive months - Work Opportunity Tax Credits
- Supportive Services to the VIEW participant
- One-time bonus of 500
4Employer Criteria
Starts with an available position
- The available position may be
- An established position,
- An unfilled position, or
- A newly created position
- The position must conform to section 3304 (a) (5)
of the federal Unemployment Tax Act - Cannot be available because of a strike or labor
dispute - Does not displace a regular worker
- Must not influence or prohibit the employer from
joining a labor organization.
5Available position
- The position must offer a minimum of an average
of 20 hours of work per week.
01/07 - 20 hours 01/14 - 11 hours 01/21 - 9
hours 01/28 - 40 hours 80 ? 4 20 hours a
6Available Position
- The position offered must also
- Pay hourly wages at least equivalent to the
current federal minimum wage - Pay wages greater than the monthly TANF check
7Employer Criteria
- Complete the Request for Taxpayer Identification
Number and Certification Form (IRS Form W-9) - A copy of the completed form must be given to the
local department of social services.
8Employer Criteria
- Pay the FEP participant through the employers
payroll system and pay his share of - Social Security contribution,
- Unemployment insurance, and
- Workers compensation
9Employer Criteria
- The employer must provide
- On the job training,
- Sick leave, holiday and vacation benefits as
provided to other employees performing the same
task, - Healthy and safe working conditions, and
- An environment free of discrimination based on
race, sex, national origin, religion, age, or
10The Selection Process
- The local department of social services will
- Review the Work Site Position Form
- Examine their pool of VIEW participant
- Skills
- Hobbies
- Education
- Work experience
- Provide selected individuals with a VIEW Referral
to Work Site form - The employer will interview individuals
- Make selection
- Enter into a written agreement with the local
department of social services
11Employer Criteria
- Must enter into an agreement with the local
department of social services. - The agreement will include
- Skills and abilities needed
- Amount of the stipend
- Hourly wage
- Number of hours per week
- Placement begin and end date
- Conditions for ending the placement and
- Employers obligation to repay stipends they are
not entitled to.
12Beginning Date of Employment
- Whenever possible the placement should begin on
the 1st of the month. - When possible do not begin a placement during the
last 10 days of the month.
January 2005
13FEP Placement
- Beginning a placement at the beginning of the
month is advantageous to the employer.
1 Begins Jan. 3rd 1/7 - 8 hours 1/14 - 23
hours 1/21 - 9 hours 1/28 - 40 hours 80 ? 4
20 wk
2 Begins Jan. 24th 1/28 - 8 hours
The employer will NOT receive a stipend based on
the hours worked for number 2.
- Monthly follow-ups to track participation and
progress - Is employee continuing in the placement?
- Is minimum hour requirement being met?
- Is participant cooperating?
- Are employers needs being met?
- Are there possible future FEP placements?
- Is employer ready to offer permanent employment?
15Employer Stipends
- Predetermined monthly amount of 300
- Issued to the employer the month after the VIEW
participant enters a FEP placement and was paid
for a minimum of an average of 20 hours per week - Issued for six consecutive months
- The employer is NOT entitled to a stipend when
the participant is paid for less than an average
of 20 hours per week for a given month - The employer must return any stipend to which he
is not entitled to
Virginia Department of Social Services Division
of Financial Management P. O. Box 10209 Richmond,
VA 23240-0209
16Employer Bonus
- Predetermined fixed amount of 500
- To qualify for a bonus the employer must
- Hire the VIEW participant on a permanent basis
- At any time during the six month FEP placement
period OR - Within 30 calendar days after the FEP placement
period has ended
17Viewable Forms
- Worksite Site Position Form
- VIEW Full Employment Program (FEP) Agreement
- Attendance/Performance Rating Sheet
- The Virginia Department of Social Services
appreciates your interest in the Full Employment
Program. - It is through partnerships like this that
Virginia citizens triumph over poverty achieve
self-sufficiency and shape strong futures for
themselves, their families and their communities.