Title: Liu, Shuchen
1Quantum Turbulence Workshop, Gainesville, Florida
Producing Grid Turbulence in Liquid Helium - 4
- Liu, Shu-chen
- Department of Physics
- University of Florida
- November 16th, 2006
- Grid Turbulence in Liquid 4Helium
- Shielded Superconducting Linear Motor for
- Towed- Grid Turbulence Experiments
- Model Design
- Simulation Programs
- Experimental Cell Construction
- Superconductor Shield Construction
- Test Results
- Future Work
3Clasical Grid Turbulence
Classical Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence
4Differentiating between the Kolmogorov and
Kelvin-Wave Energy Spectra
5Kelvin Waves rotating helical wave
Quantized vortices can support a transverse and
circularly polarized wave motion (a Kelvin wave)
produced by vortex reconnections
or due to Donnelly-Glaberson instability.
6The Decay of Turbulence in Superfluid Helium 4
at Very Low Temperatures
Kelvin waves damp only by phonon radiation at a
high frequency Energy is injected at a low
frequency and dissipates by phonon emission at a
high frequency
7Shielded Superconducting Linear Motor for
Towed-Grid Turbulence Experiments
8Schematic Model
? Producing homogeneous isotropic turbulence
(HIT) within 20 ms
9Grid Reynolds Number Reat Motor Testing
10Magnetic force distribution along the z- axis of
motor solenoid
11Simulated Current v.s. Time Curves for
Superconducting Shielded Motor System
12Velocity v.s. Position of Niobium Can 1 Curves
for Superconducting Shielded Motor System
13Experimental Cell
14Superconductor Shield Construction
Lead Electroplating
15Masterpieces with Lead Superconductor Shield
16Circuitry of the Motor Experiments
17Velocity v.s. Position of Armature Curves for
Unshielded Test Motor System
18Future Work
- Run the superconducting shielded
- linear motor system at 20mK in the
- dilution refrigerator.
- Explore the energy spectra and the
- decay mechanism in HIQT at 20mK.
19The End
Acknowledgement Professor Ihas
Greg Labbe Physics Cryogenic
Services Physics Machine Shop Physics Electronics