Title: Chapter 1 Study Questions
1Chapter 1 Study Questions
- What is organizational behavior and why is it
important? - What are organizations like as work settings?
- What is the nature of managerial work?
- How do we learn about organizational behavior?
2Study Question 1 What is organizational behavior
and why is it important?
- What does workplace success depends on?
3Study Question 1 What is organizational behavior
and why is it important?
- What are organizations and their members
challenged to do?
4Study Question 1 What is organizational behavior
and why is it important?
- Organizational behavior.
- Definition
5Study Question 1 What is organizational behavior
and why is it important?
Pick up Figure 1.1 from the textbook.
6Study Question 1 What is organizational behavior
and why is it important?
- Reasons for importance of scientific thinking.
7Study Question 1 What is organizational behavior
and why is it important?
- Contingency approach.
- Tries to identify how different situations can be
best understood and handled. - Important contingency variables include
- Environment.
- Technology.
- Tasks.
- Structure.
- People.
8Study Question 1 What is organizational behavior
and why is it important?
9Study Question 2 What are organizations like as
work settings?
10Study Question 2 What are organizations like as
work settings?
- The core purpose of an organization is the
creation of goods and services. - Missions and mission statements focus attention
on the core purpose. - Mission statements communicate
- A clear sense of the domain in which the
organizations products and services fit. - A vision and sense of future aspirations.
11Study Question 2 What are organizations like as
work settings?
- A strategy is a comprehensive plan that guides
organizations to operate in ways that allow them
to outperform their competitors. - Key managerial responsibilities include strategy
formulation and implementation. - Knowledge of OB is essential to effectively
strategy implementation.
12Study Question 2 What are organizations like as
work settings?
13Study Question 2 What are organizations like as
work settings?
- Stakeholders.
- People, groups, and institutions having an
interest in an organizations performance. - Customers, owners, employees, suppliers,
regulators, and local communities are key
stakeholders. - Interests of multiple stakeholders sometimes
conflict. - Executive leadership often focuses on balancing
multiple stakeholder expectations.
14Study Question 2 What are organizations like as
work settings?
- Organizational culture and diversity.
- Organizational culture refers to the shared
beliefs and values that influence the behavior of
organizational members. - Positive organizational cultures
- Have a high-performance orientation.
- Emphasize teamwork.
- Encourage risk taking.
- Emphasize innovation..
- Respect people and workforce diversity.
- Success in business world is tied to valuing
15Study Question 3 What is the natureof
managerial work?
- Managers perform jobs that involve directly
supporting the work efforts of others. - Managers assume roles such as coordinator, coach,
or team leader.
16Study Question 3 What is the natureof
managerial work?
- The management process.
- An effective manager is one whose organizational
unit, group, or team consistently achieves its
goals while its members remain capable,
committed, and enthusiastic. - Key results of effective management
- Task performance.
- Job satisfaction.
17Study Question 3 What is the natureof
managerial work?
18Study Question 3 What is the natureof
managerial work?
- The nature of managerial work.
- Managers work long hours.
- Managers are busy people.
- Managers are often interrupted.
- Managerial work is fragmented and variable.
- Managers work mostly with other people.
- Managers spend a lot of time communicating.
19Study Question 3 What is the natureof
managerial work?
20Study Question 3 What is the natureof
managerial work?
- Managerial mind-sets.
- Reflective mind-set managing ones self.
- Analytic mind-set managing organizational
operations and decisions. - Worldly mind-set managing in a global context.
- Collaborative mind-set managing relationships.
- Action mind-set managing change.
21Study Question 3 What is the natureof
managerial work?
- Managerial skills and competencies.
- A skill is an ability to translate knowledge into
action that results in a desired performance. - Categories of skills.
- Technical.
- Human.
- Conceptual.
22Study Question 4 How do we learn about
organizational behavior?
- Learning is an enduring change in behavior that
results from experience. - Organizational learning is the process of
acquiring knowledge and utilizing information to
adapt successfully to changing circumstances.
23Study Question 4 How do we learn about
organizational behavior?
24Study Question 4 How do we learn about
organizational behavior?