Title: Transportation Department
1Transportation Department
- Presentation to
- Consolidation of Services Study Commission,
- Transportation Subcommittee
- August 22, 2005
2Transportation Department
- Department Mission Statement
- Organization Chart
- Department Objectives
- Department Budget Summary
- Personnel/Staffing
- Major Accomplishments
- Significant Performance Measures
- Service Delivery and Key Challenges
3Mission StatementTransportation Department
- To develop a balanced Transportation System that
supports a livable, economically successful
community and improves access and travel choices
through enhancement of roads, public transit,
parking, bicycle and pedestrian systems,
intermodal facilities, demand management
programs, and traffic management techniques.
4Organization Chart
5Organization Chart
6Department Objectives
- Transportation Planning
- Monitor transportation system performance.
- Develop financially feasible plans for access and
mobility needs. - Interagency cooperation to address transportation
issues affecting the City and the Region. (i.e.,
FDOT, Orange County, Lynx, Metroplan Orlando,
Expressway Authority, GOAA Regional Planning
7Department Objectives
- Transportation Engineering
- Maintain 470 traffic signal control devices,
50,000 signs and 250 miles of lane separation
pavement markings. - Investigate traffic problems and develop traffic
improvements and traffic calming alternatives. - Parking
- Provide convenient and safe parking for visitors
and employees patronizing the Central Business
District and events. - Maintain and repair 9 parking garages, 7 surface
lots and 1,000 parking meters. Total 11,000
parking spaces
8Department Budget Summary
10Major Accomplishments
- Transportation Planning
- Shingle Creek Trail Land Acquisition -
- 4 million grant received jointly with Orange
County. - Bicycle Friendly Community Award - Bronze Level
Status (only 44 communities in US) - Interim I-4 Aesthetics - Worked with FDOT OOCEA
to achieve the highest level of aesthetics. - Major Thoroughfare Plan Update - Changes to
address growth and annexations in the Southeast. - Transportation Development Review - Determined
transportation mitigation for large projects.
11Major Accomplishments
- Transportation Engineering
- New Traffic Management Center - Completed
construction and commenced operation. - Crystal Lake Drive Improvements - Completed
design and right of way acquisition for segment
between Anderson Street and Livingston Street. - South Conway Road - Completed design and right of
way acquisition for segment between Hoffner
Avenue and the Beeline Expressway. - Red-light Confirmation Light Program - Initiated
at key high crash locations.
12Major Accomplishments
- Parking
- Comprehensive Parking Plan - Initiate Phase I of
the Parking Plan, study to be completed by
September 05. - ParkSmart Marketing Campaign -Implemented
marketing campaign to increase public awareness
of the downtown parking facilities and programs.
13Significant Performance Measures
14Fiscal Year 2005/2006Service Delivery Key
- Transportation Planning
- Downtown Transportation Plan - Plan a
transportation network to support Downtown
growth. - Update Transportation Impact Fees - Rates have
not been increased since 1996. - I-4 Aesthetics Enhancements - Determine
aesthetic level compared to level of funding. - Commuter Rail - Implementing first rail project
in Central Florida. Agree on Interlocal Funding - SB 360 (Growth Management Bill) - Seize funding
opportunities and develop a TCEA Strategy
15Service Delivery Key Challenges
- Transportation Engineering
- I-4 Traffic Mitigation - Coordinate with FDOT to
address the impacts from the Ultimate I-4
Construction to occur in 2009 to 2013. - Downtown Traffic Management - Managing Traffic
Flow In The Vicinity of Major Construction
Projects - Upcoming I-4/State Road 408 interchange project
- Continuing Phases of State Road 408 improvements
- Private development projects in the Downtown
16Service Delivery Key Challenges
- Special Events - Managing traffic for numerous
simultaneous special events in the Downtown - Traffic Signals - Coordinating traffic signals on
increasingly congested arterials - School Zones - Managing school-related traffic
and parking in key City neighborhoods - Construction Related Traffic Assess impacts and
propose mitigation
17Service Delivery Key Challenges
- Downtown Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Purpose
- Event Management
- Congestion Management
- Incident Management
- Devices
- Dynamic Message Signs
- Video Detection
- In-pavement Detection
- Redundant Fiber Optic Communications
18Service Delivery Key Challenges
- Implementation of Red Light Cameras
- Purpose
- Reduce right angle crashes
- Reduce vehicle-pedestrian crashes
- Locations
- High incident City intersections
19Service Delivery Key Challenges
- Parking
- Garage Construction - Construct a 900 space
garage on Lot 6 to support new downtown growth - Land Acquisition - Develop a site acquisition and
funding plan for potential garage sites in the
downtown - Financial Outlook - Develop a strategic plan to
offset lost revenues from decreases in On Off
Street parking spaces. - Parking Space Shortage - development and
construction will displace many current parking
20Service Delivery Key Challenges
- Director Office
- Set Priorities and Schedule To accomplish key
programs and projects from among many
opportunities - Strengthen and Expand Partnership Opportunities
- Public
- Private
- Increase Transportation Revenue Sources
- Expand and Leverage Existing Sources
- Develop New Sources
21Public Works
- Presentation to
- Consolidation of Services Study Commission,
- Transportation Subcommittee
- August 22, 2005
22Department Objectives
- Maintain 667 miles of pavement and 566 miles of
sidewalk systems. - Manage 270 miles of stormwater systems to
control, and provide treatment of stormwater
runoff. - Provide engineering design, survey, project and
construction management services for public
infrastructure improvements that have a 5 year
CIP value of 210 million.
23Highway Maintenance Related Budget
24Highway Maintenance Related Personnel
25Significant Performance Measures
26Fiscal Year 2005/2006Service Delivery Key
- Sidewalk Repairs and extensions
- Need to improve turn-around time and reduce
backlog - Allocate funding for extensions
- Pavement Rehabilitation
- Pavement evaluation recommends annual expenditure
of 4 million to maintain condition at acceptable
level of service - Have only been able to budget half that amount in
recent years -
27Fiscal Year 2005/2006Service Delivery Key
- ROW maintenance
- Reduced mowing cycles and landscaping maintenance
on major roadways - Reduced sweeper fleet and changed our street
sweeping cycle from 12 days to 14 days -
- Construction market
- Local and worldwide demand for construction
materials has raised price of concrete and steel
significantly in the last year - Volume of available work housing, rehab,
roadway and high rises has saturated the market - Result fewer bidders and higher costs