RhneAlpes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Illum se nzuru regjun li jinstab fix-xlokk tal-pajjiz, fil-qalba ... Le micro onde, le frigidaire, Et m me jusqu' ma vie priv e. De toute fa on d couvert, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: RhneAlpes

French lesson 3
Virtual discovery of a region
  • Illum se nzuru regjun li jinstab fix-xlokk
    tal-pajjiz, fil-qalba tal- muntanji mhux ta
    bxejn jismu Rhone-Alpes. Dan ir-regjun gie
    msemmi ghax-xmara Rhone u l-Alpi, il-muntanji li
    appuntu jinstabu fdan ir-regjun. Dan ir-regjun
    jikkonsisti minn tmien dipartimenti u nsibu bliet
    bhal Grenoble u Annency, izda  huwa
    fdipartimenti bhal Savoie u Haute Savoie li
    nistghu nsibu l-aktar xenarji spettakolari.
    Hawnhekk insibu wkoll il-muntanja Mont Blanc,
    l-aktar muntanja gholja fl- Ewropa. Il- kapitali
    tadan ir-regjun hija l-belt ta Lyon, it-tieni
    l-akbar metropoli fi Franza kollha. Ninnutaw li
    in-naha tal- punent ta dan il-pajjiz imiss
    malfruntiera tal-Isvizzera u tal-Italja Dan
    ir-regjun jikkonsisti minn tmien dipartimenti u
    nsibu bliet bhal Grenoble u Annency. Sa 50 sena
    ilu kienu jigu mitkellma djaletti regjonali bhal
    Franco Provencal u lOccitan pero l-uzu ta dawn
    id-djaletti naqas hafna. Insibu wkoll ammont
    sostanzjali ta immigranti minn pajjizi bhal
    Polonja, L-Italja, il- Portugal u l-Afrika ta
  • Lyon huwa c-centru gastronomiku ta Franza
    prattikament hawn insibu l-aqwa ikel bhal per
    ezempju z-zalzett ta Lyon  u s-salami maghruf
    bhala rosette. Lejn l-Alpi nsibu l- fondue u
    nsibu wkoll hafna tipi ta gobon bhal Bleu de
    Bresse u Rebluchon. U xi nghidu ghall- inbid?
    Bhal Beaujolais u Cotes du Rhone. Hawnhekk isir
    ukoll il-liqueur maghruf bhala Chartreuse.
  • www.drometourisme.com 
  • Dipartiment  interessanti huwa La Drome. Fil-fatt
    illum ghazilt li nzur is-sit ta dan
    id-dipartiment li jaghmel parti minn dan
    ir-regjun. Ma l-ewwel daqqa tghajn mill-ewwel
    tinduna li atmosfera li tirrenja fdan il- post
    hija wahda ta liberta u  armonija fin-natura.
    Il-frontpage tadan is-sit jinqasam fbosta
    partijiet interessanti . Jien ser nidhol
    fLaissez -vous seduire decouvrez la Drome. A
    voir absolument 
  • A voir absolument Bil-fors trid tara 
  • Il-pajsagg- Il- park naturali ta Vercors Royans
    huwa meravilja fih innifsu. Muntanji, rziezet
    tan-naghag, foresti kbar . Dan il- post huwa
    gawrha. Biss biss fih 1800 speci ta pjanti
    differenti, 60 speci ta orkideja, 135 speci ta
    aghsafar u 65 speci ta mammiferu. Hemm wesghat
    kbar ta haxix li mhux ta bxejn li bosta hikers
    u nies li jhobbu t-trekking ifittxu dan il- post.

  • Insibu r-rahal ta Mirmande, imdawwar
    bfortifikazzjonijiet, il- kastell ta Grignan.
    Il- belt ta Montelimar hija meqjusa bhala il-
    bieb tan-Nofsihar ta Franza. Hawnhekk diga tibda
    tinhass l-atmosfera mediterranja bil-kafetteriji
    bit-terazzini. Mhux ta min jitlef il- qubbajt li
    jsir fdan il- post. Fil-fatt Montelimar hija
    maghrufa ghall-qubbajt. 
  • Prodotti tipici li nsibu fdan id-dipartiment
    huma l-imbid particolarment imbid imsejjah
    lHermitage u Cotes du Rhone. Iz-zejt taz-zebbuga
    li nsibu fdawn l-akwati jissejjah iz-zejt
    taNyons u huwa maghruf ghat-tjubija tieghu. 
  • Hemm hafna rkejjen interessanti ohra fdan is-sit
    fosthom il- parti ddedikata lill-kultivazzjoni
    tal-lavanda li ilha ssir ghal aktar minn mitt
    sena.  Il- lavanda mhux biss tohloq atmosfera
    liema bhala bil- kulur taghha imma timla l-arja
    briha pjacevoli u dawl. Il- lavanda hija
    kkulivata biex minnha jsir iz-zejt tal-lavanda
    biex imbaghad jittiehed Grasse il- belt
    mahgrufa ghalll- produzzjoni tal- fwieha. 
  • Prodotti ohra li nsibu huma l-hawh, anciprisk u
    langas. Ir-ravjul hawnhekk isir bil-mili maghmul
    minn gobon Comté u tursin u jissajjar ghal 90
    seconda fl-istokk tat-tigiega. Insibu wkoll gobon
    tal-moghoz maghruf bhala Picodon.  
  • Imma fLa Drome zgur li min ihobb l-isports
    ghandu xalata shiha.
  • Kull tip ta sports jista jigi pprattikat
    hawnhekk. Ghandek il-golf , it-trekking u wiehed
    jista jixxabbat u jitla ma bosta qcacet u
    gholjiet. L-isports tal- ilma mhux nieqes
    specjalment canoing, rafting u windsurfing. Pero
    fix-Xitwa - xi haga spettakolari. Is- skiing
    resorts, il- borra joholqu atmosfera ta barra
    minn hawn u bosta huma dawk li jmorru
    jipprattikaw skiing jew snow boarding fil-belt
    zghira ta Rousset.

To go further
  • The Vercors Natural park is a regional park
    located in the Rhône-Alpes Region. Thanks to its
    mountains (some being 2 000 meters tall), this
    park offers many activities such as hiking,
    climbing, skiing or canyoning. During World War
    Two, this park became a hiding place for the
    Resistance fighters and its name remains as an
    important setting for the French history. This
    park is a cattle-rearing area and cheese is
    produced there.
  • Le chateau de Grignan (Grignan Castle) was built
    in the XIIth century and transformed into a
    fortress during the XIIIth century by the Adhémar
    family. During the 17th century, it became a
    place were the elite gathered. There lived
    François de Castellane-Adhémar de Monteil, Lord
    of that place and his wife, Marguerite de
    Sévigné. Marguerite de Sévigné, also known as the
    countess of Grignan is very well known thanks to
    the famous letters she wrote to her daughter.
    Later, the castle was sold and partially
    destructed before being reconstructed by its
    later buyers. Nowadays, the castle is property of
    the Conseil General de la Drôme and tourists can
    visit it. In summer, many celebrations, concerts
    and plays are done there, reenacting the life of
    the countess.
  • Montélimar is known as the city of the nougat. It
    is in that place that the best French nougat is
    cooked. There, noe can also visit some historical
    places such as The Adhémar castle,the Narbonne
    tower. There are also a lot of museums such as
    the museum of the Nougat, the museum of the
    miniature, the contemporary art center. But you
    can also walk in the streets and along its
    Provencal alleys.
  • Tain lHermitage is a town well-known for its
    wine production. Many celebrations about wine are
    done there such as the vintage feast in
    September. It has also some historical places to
    visit such as the Taurobole, a stele in the
    center of the town where bulls were sacrificed
    for the Gods during the Roman occupation. You
    can visit also the chapel where the legend says
    an hermit used to live (explaining the name of
    the town).
  • The Côtes du Rhône represents the 73000 hectares
    where the wine is grown along the Rhône river.
    Different grapes are grown to make different
    wine. There, the attraction popular with the
    tourists is the Route des Vins (Road of the
    wines) people go from one wine grower to
    another to taste and by wine. They can also visit
    the cellars where the wine is kept.

  • The lavender is another particularity of the
    region. It is used to make soaps, perfumes,
    honey, essence etc. In that region, you can find
    many distilleries of lavender and also the museum
    of lavender. It is a real business in the region
    and the violet fields smelling good lavender is a
    huge attraction popular among the tourists of the
  • The Pidocon is a French cheese baked in the
    Rhône-Alpes region. It is a goat cheese and comes
    from the Occitan word Picaudon, meaning piquant
    cheese. The taste comes from the fact that the
    goats eat special herbs such as lavender, lime
    tree, chestnuts and all they can find in the
    mountain. By eating these herbs, the goats also
    clear the mountain.

Weekly song clip
  • Florent Pagny twieled fl-1961 fBurgundy.
    Fl-etazghira ta 16-il-sena, iddecieda li
    jittanta xortieh fParigi. Hemm beda jaqlaxi
    haga tal-flus billi jaghmel xogholijiet zghar l
    hemm u l hawn. Bil- flus li kien jaqla seta
    jhallas il-lezzjonijiet tal-kant. L-ewwel passi
    ta Florent fid-dinja tal-ispettaklu saru permezz
    tarwolijiet zghar fzewg films. Wara, huwa
    rrekordja l-ewwel single u grazzi ghall-attitudni
    anti-konformista u t-temi tad-diski tieghu, huwa
    sar popolari hafna fost iz-zghazagh. Fil-
    karriera tieghu ltaqa ma hafna ntoppi u tlajja u
    nzul sakemm fl-1994 irnexxielu jikseb il-fama
    bhala wiehed mill-aktar artisti Francizi maghrufa
    madwar id-dinja ambaxxatur tal-muzika Franciza
    u performer mill-aqwa.  
  • Florent PAGNY, Ma liberté de penser

Quitte à tout prendre prenez mes gosses et la
télé, Ma brosse à dent mon revolver la voiture
ça c'est déjà fait, Avec les interdits bancaires
prenez ma femme, le canapé, Le micro onde, le
frigidaire, Et même jusqu'à ma vie privéeDe
toute façon à découvert, Je peux bien vendre mon
âme au Diable, Avec lui on peut s'arranger,
Puisque ici tout est négociable, mais vous
n'aurez pas, Ma liberté de penser.
Prenez mon lit, les disques d'or, ma bonne
humeur, Les petites cuillères, tout ce qu'à vos
yeux a de la valeur, Et dont je n'ai plus rien à
faire, quitte à tout prendre n'oubliez pas, Le
shit planqué sous l'étagère, Tout ce qui est
beau et compte pour moi, J' préfère que ça parte
à l'Abbé Pierre, J' peux donner mon corps à la
science, S' il y'a quelque chose à prélever, Et
que ça vous donne bonne conscience, mais vous
n'aurez pas, Ma liberté de penser.
J' peux vider mes poches sur la table, Ca fait
longtemps qu'elles sont trouées, Baisser mon
froc j'en suis capable, mais vous n'aurez pas,
Ma liberté de penser.Quitte à tout prendre et
tout solder, Pour que vos petites affaires
s'arrangent, J' prends juste mon pyjama rayé,
Et je vous fais cadeaux des oranges, Vous
pouvez même bien tout garder, J'emporterai rien
en enfer, Quitte à tout prendre j' préfère y'
aller, Si le paradis vous est offert, Je peux
bien vendre mon âme au diable, Avec lui on peut
s'arranger, Puisque ici tout est négociable,
mais vous n'aurez pas, Non vous n'aurez pas, Ma
liberté de penser.Ma liberté de penser.
Intercultural DifferencesHolidays and traveling
  • In France, the school holidays are not all at the
    same time (except for Christmas and summer
    holidays). France is divided into zones and each
    academy belongs to one of the three zones so that
    it avoid traffic jams. The map above represents
    the different zones.
  • The holidays are one week in november, two
    weeks in december, two weeks in february/march,
    two weeks for easter and two months in summer.
  • Usually, the french population remains in France
    (about 90) since within the country, one can
    find everything he wants sea, mountain,
    country and many activities and festivals are
    organized during the summer. Then the French
    people travel in Europe since it is easy to cross
    the borders, no need to have passport and it
    remains not that expensive.
  • Camping is very popular in France. Many people
    reserve the same camping the year after the
    other. They like to gather and meet the other
    habitués year after year. Others go to their
    family since most of the time people have to move
    for work reasons.
  • Many students work during the summer to gain
    money either to go on holiday or to save for the
    renting of their flat when they go to university.
  • Another kind of holidays French people like is to
    go and travel with a guide book 9mostly students
    like it) and go to the adventure with their car.
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