Title: Health Disparities
1Incident Disability Burden of Rheumatic heart
disease, Hypertensive Heart Disease, and
Inflammatory Heart Diseasein Thaitand,2004
2Year lost due to disability-YLD
- Where I is the number of incident cases in the
reference period, - DW is the disability weight
- L is the average duration of disability
(measured in years)
3Rheumatic heart disease
- I01-I02 Rheumatic Fever
- I05-09 Chronic rheumatic heart disease
- rheumatic fever caused by bacteria called
Streptococcus - The infection often causes heart damage,
particularly scarring of the heart valves,
forcing the heart to work harder to pump blood. - The damage may resolve on its own, or it may be
permanent - eventually causing congestive heart failure
4Incidence, duration,and disability weight
- The incidence and duration estimation
- Input data
- prevalence data hospital admission from DRG
- Age-specific death rate of RHD VA study 1999
- Remission rates are estimated from the number
of valve replacements
5disability weight
severity distribution and disability weights
heart failure (as this is the main consequence
of Rheumatic Heart disease) Assume 60
mild (0.08) 30 moderate
(0.35) and 10 severe
(0.65) for aggregate DW of 0.206 (Dutch
6Table 1 Hospital admission rate per 1,000
population of Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic
heart disease in 2004
Note WHO survey in SEA school children
(1986-1990) 0.12 (0.1-1.3) per 1000 population
7Table 2 Hospital admission and death (VA)of RHD
in 2004
8Table 3 Hospital admission,valve
replacements,and implied remission rate of
Rheumatic heart disease in 2004
9Table 4 Incidence and duration of Rheumatic
heart disease (estimated from DISMOD)
10Table 5 YLD of Rheumatic heart disease by age
and sex in 2004 and 1999
11Table 5 (cont.) YLD of Rheumatic heart disease
by age and sex in 2004 and 1999
12Hypertensive heart disease
- I11 Hypertensive heart disease with
(congestive) heart failure - I13 Hypertensive heart and renal disease
- Hypertensive heart disease is a late complication
of hypertension (high blood pressure) that
affects the heart. - Without treatment, symptoms of congestive heart
failure may develop. - Hypertensive heart disease is the leading cause
of illness and death from hypertension. It
affects approximately 7 out of 1,000 people.
13Incidence, duration,and disability weight
- The incidence and duration estimation
- Input data
- prevalence data hospital admission from DRG
- Age-specific death rate of HHD VA study 1999
- Remission rates are assumed to be 0
- disability weight
- severity distribution and disability
weights heart failure (as this is the main
consequence of hypertensive heart disease) - Assume 60 mild (0.08)
- 30 moderate (0.35) and
- 10 severe (0.65)
- for aggregate DW of 0.206 (Dutch weight)
14Table 6 Hospital admission and death (VA) of
Hypertensive heart disease in 2004
15Table 7 Incidence and duration of Hypertensive
heart disease (from DISMODII)
16Table 8 YLD of Hypertensive heart disease by
age and sex in 2004 and 1999
17Table 8 (cont.) YLD of Hypertensive heart
disease by age and sex in 2004 and 1999
18Inflammatory Heart Disease
- Pericarditis an inflammation of the lining sac
(pericardium) which surrounds the heart. - Endocarditis a serious infection of one of the
four heart valves - Myocarditis inflammation of heart muscle which
can be caused by a variety of conditions such as
a virus, sarcoidosis, and immune diseases,
pregnancy, and others. - Cardiomyopathies diseases of the myocardium
associated with cardiac dysfunction
19Incidence, duration,and disability weight
- Pericarditis
- incidence hospital admission from DRG
- Duration 1 month (given in the GBD study)
- disability weight Dutch weight 0.206
- Endocarditis Myocarditis Cardiomyopathies
- Incidence and duration
- Input data
- prevalence data hospital admission from DRG
- Age-specific death rate of Inf.H.D VA study
1999 - Remission rates are assumed to be 0
- disability weight Dutch weight 0.206
20Table 9 Hospital admission number and rate per
1,000 population of
pericarditis in 2004
21Table 10 Hospital admission number and death of
endocarditis, myocarditis and cardiomyopathy in
22Table 11 Incidence and duration of endocarditis,
myocarditis, and cardiomyopathy (from
23 Table 12 YLD rates per 100,000 population of
INF.H.D.by age and sex in 2004 and 1999
24Table 12 (cont.) YLD rates per 100,000 population
of INF.H.D. by age and sex in 2004 and 1999