Title: Centers for Research to Reduce Oral Health Disparities
1Centers for Research to Reduce Oral Health
- Irene V. Hilton, DDS, MPH
- San Francisco Department of Public Health
- La Clinica de la Raza CHC
- National Primary Oral Health Care Conference
- Atlanta GA
- August 8, 2005
2 There are profound and consequential oral
health disparities within the U.S. population.
3- Research to Reduce/Eliminate Oral Health
Disparities - Enhance Research Capacity
- Information Dissemination
4United States Departmentof Health Human
55 Centers for Research to Reduce Oral Health
- Funded by DHHS/NIH
- National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial
Research - National Center for Minority Health and Health
Disparities - Funded September 2001, 7M for 5 centers per year
for 7 years - University Based, but Community Involvement
6The 5 Oral Health Disparities Centers
7Early Childhood Caries Disparities 2-4 y/o
Untreated Decay
Data Source NHANES IV, 1999-2000, NCHS/CDC.
8(No Transcript)
9NACROHD Opportunities to Reduce Oral Health
Disparities Basic Sciences to Clinical
Practice Center Director- Peter Milgrom, DDS
- Perform research aimed at reducing oral health
disparities in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.
The Center seeks to develop basic and applied
knowledge that addresses the needs of the poor,
minority and rural children and their
11Caries Transmission Prevention in Alaska Native
Infants PI David Grossman, MD, MPH
- Community based, clinical trial to determine if
use of chlorhexidine and xylitol in mothers will
reduce the vertical transmission of caries
between Alaska Native mothers and infants.
12Early Orthodontic Intervention Under
MedicaidPI Greg King, DMD, DMSc
- Examine the usefulness of early orthodontic
intervention as a means of increasing access to
orthodontic services for low-income families - Includes a group receiving treatment at Yakima
Valley Farms Workers CHC by general dentists
supervised by orthodontists at a remote site
13Xylitol Randomized Clinical Trials for
PreventionPI Peter Milgrom, DDS
- Prospective control, double blind RCT.
- Daily xylitol dose of 0.00g (G1), 3.44 g (G2),
6.88 g (G3), or 10.32 g (G4).
14Distance Psychology for Treating Dental Fear in
Rural CommunitiesPI Philip Weinstein, PhD
- Fear contributes to disparities because greater
frequencies of women and minorities exhibit
dental fear than do males and Caucasians. - Investigate the effectiveness of an automated
Internet-based intervention (CARL- a computer
program designed to administer exposure therapy
for dental injection fear).
15Beta-Defensins (hBD-1) in Caries-Prone
ChildrenPI Beverly Dale-Crunk, PhD
- B-defensins are natural antibiotics expressed by
oral epithelia and secreted in saliva. These
peptides have broad specificity against bacteria,
fungi, and some viruses. - Do caries-prone children have low levels of
hBD-1? - Do caries-prone populations have genetic
modifications in hBD-1 that are associated with
caries risk?
16UCSF Center to Address Disparities in Childrens
Oral Health (CANDO)
- Center Director- Jane Weintraub, DDS, MPH
- To understand, prevent and reduce oral health
disparities among young children - Primary focus
- Preventing Early Childhood Caries
- Partners
- San Francisco Department of Public Health
- San Ysidro Community Health Center
18Multi-faceted Approach Octahedron Model
19Prevention of Early Childhood Caries Using
Fluoride VarnishPI Jane Weintraub, DDS, MPH
- Randomized clinical trial testing the efficacy of
fluoride varnish in preventing tooth decay in
young children - Results show fluoride varnish is effective in
reducing incidence of new decay, with dose
20MAYA- Mother and Youth Access ProgramPI
Francisco Ramos-Gomez, DDS, MS, MPH
- Randomized clinical trial testing various
interventions including counseling, chlorhexidine
and fluoride varnish on pregnant women, mothers
and their new babies to determine most effective
approach for managing dental decay at San Ysidro
CHC in San Diego, CA
21Cultural Factors Affecting Access to Preventive
Oral Health CarePI Irene Hilton, DDS, MPH
Patricia Evans, MD, MPH
- Identify cultural beliefs, practices and
experiences that influence access to preventive
care among African American, Chinese, Filipino
and Hispanic caregivers of children between 1-5
years of age - Beliefs about baby teeth and caregiver fear
influenced access to preventive dental care
22RAE (Risk Assessment for ECC)PI Stuart Gansky,
- Develop, test and refine an ECC risk association
model simultaneously examining individual, family
and community-level characteristics related to
ECC with data mining techniques
23 - New! Analysis of Gene Expression in Kids with
Dental Caries - PI Pui-Yan Kwok, MD, PhD
- Conduct a case-control study of children, with
and without ECC, to determine if there are
differences in oral gene expression patterns
(using DNA microarray technology) associated with
susceptibility to dental caries.
24Detroit Dental Health Project
- Research Focused on
- Action and Service
- Center Director- Amid Ismail, BDS, MPH, DrPH
25- Why do some African-American children (0-5 years
old) and their main caregivers have better oral
health than others who live in the same community
and share similar social, economic, and cultural
26Detroit Dental Health Project
- Surveying and tracking 1,021 families
- Community Advisory Board
- We serve and we care
- Partial funding for two dental clinics in
community - Funding for special services (biopsies and
surgeries) - Immediate referral for care
27Social and Cultural Determinants of CariesPI
Kristine Seifert, MPH, PhD
- Diet and Caries- children 3-5 in high caries
group average 4.4 intakes of soda per week - Mothers Self-Efficacy
- Maternal depression symptoms (34 likely or
probably) - Cigarette smoking (42 of caregivers)
- Multilevel Analysis of Neighborhood
Characteristics and Dental Caries
28Lead Levels and CariesPI Brian Burt, BDS, MPH,
National mean 1.66 µg/dl for ages 1 year and
29Multi-Component Individually Tailored
InterventionPI Jorge Delva,PhD
- 5 components implemented sequentially
- Motivational interviewing (MI) after dental
examination - Oral Health Educational DVD
- MI Individual goals
- MI Identification of barriers and resources to
overcome barriers - Follow-up telephone calls and newsletters
30Evaluation of Dental Access and Utilization
After Medi-Caid Fee LevelingPI Stephen Eklund,
Dr.P.H., D.D.S., M.H.S.A.
- Higher percentage of children received regular
(annual) care- 50 higher than regular
Medi-Caid kids - More comprehensive mix of services received per
treated child.
DISPARITIESCenter Director Raul I. Garcia, DMD
MMedScBoston University School of Dental
32CREEDD Mission
- to improve oral, dental and craniofacial health
through research, research training, and the
dissemination of health information - to eliminate oral health disparities
33Original CREEDD Partners
- Boston University
- Boston Medical Center/Boston HealthNet
- Boston Public Health Commission
- Childrens National Medical Center
- Columbus Childrens Hospital
- Forsyth Institute
- Harvard University
- New Partnerships
- Associated Early Childhood Education
- Crispus Attucks Childrens Center
- Dorchester House MultiService Center
- Early Head Start Centers in Boston
- Holyoke Health Center
- Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children
34Oral Health Related Quality of Life in Children
and AdolescentsPI Ron Spiro, PhD CoPI Judith
Jones, DDS, DScD
- Develop, refine and validate a measure of
pediatric OHQoL for children and adolescents in
English and Spanish - Develop short-form measures of OHQoL for use as
screening measures in pediatric practices,
schools, and other sites.
35Decreasing Rates of ECC through a Health Care
Provider InterventionPI Nancy Kressin, PhD
- Enhance pediatricians and nurses skills at
advising and counseling parents and caregivers
about their practice of ECC risk factors. - Reduce parents/caregivers practice of ECC risk
36The Effect of Severe ECC Comprehensive Dental
Intervention on Weight of ChildrenPI Catherine
Hayes, DMD, MS, DMedSc
- Examine the impact of Severe ECC on weight in
young children - Evaluate treatment effects and treatment delay,
on growth velocity
37Microbiota of Children with Oral Health
DisparitiesPI Anne Tanner, BDS, PhD
- Evaluate the role of the oral microbiota
associated with dental caries/gingivitis - Evaluate the ability of samples taken in the
pediatricians office to diagnose and predict
dental caries in young children. - Compare the microbiota of children with severe
ECC, pre and post surgical therapy, with that of
caries-free children
38Oral Cancer Disparities5-year Survival Rates
NCI, Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results
and NCHS Vital Statistics Reports
39(No Transcript)
- Research for Adolescent and Adult Populations
- Center Director Ralph V. Katz, DMD, MPH, PhD
- Conduct studies and promote activities that will
reduce oral cancer disparities in the United
States, especially in African-Americans and in
- NYU, University of Puerto Rico
- Pittsburgh University, Howard University
- Johns Hopkins University, Boston University
- University of Alabama/Birmingham
- Tuskegee University, NYU Medical School
- Puerto Rico Health Department, Texas AM
University, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
43Environmental and Genetic Risk Factors for Oral
Epithelial Dysplasia (OED) in Puerto Rico PI
Doug Morse, DDS, SM, PhD
- major risk factors under study
- gene polymorphisms
- tobacco habits
- alcohol consumption
- diet
- mouthwash use
- denture history
44Detection of Oral Cancer Comparison of Current
and Emerging TechnologiesPI David Sirois, DMD,
- 5 current technologies to be tested
- physical and visual exam
- cells obtained from saliva
- oral speculoscopy
- toluidine blue
- cyto-brush biopsy
- gold standard surgical biopsy
45Factors Affecting Minority Participation in
Cancer Screenings and in Biomedical Research
StudiesPI Ralph Katz, DMD, MPH, PhD
- Are there differences in willingness to
participate in cancer screenings and as research
subjects in biomedical studies between different
ethnic groups? - Explore
- socio-demographic and psychosocial factors that
account for any observed differences - factors that would increase participation by
46Personalized RiskFeedback in Dental Clinic
Smokers a Randomized Clinical TrialPI Jamie
Ostroff, PhD
- Compare 3 smoking cessation interventions
- Standard Care (SC) dentist advice and
assistance - SC Motivational Counseling (MC) RDH
motivational smoking cessation counseling - SC MC Personalized Risk Feedback biomarker
feedback - level of tobacco exposure (alveolar CO in
saliva) - level of tobacco-related oral damage (mouth
- Interesting research is going on.
- Some of these research results will be coming to
a Health Center near you to assist us in our own
daily work to eliminate oral health disparities. - Thank you for attending!