Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health and Health Care - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health and Health Care


... how we conceptualize the relationships between race and health and health care. ... Disparities in cardiovascular mortality explain nearly one third of the gap. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health and Health Care

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health and
Health Care
  • Kevin Fiscella, MD, MPH
  • University of Rochester School of Medicine
  • Departments of Family Medicine
  • Community Preventive Medicine

What is race?
  • How we define race strongly affects how we
    conceptualize the relationships between race and
    health and health care.

What is race?
  • A group of people of common ancestry
    distinguished by physical characteristics such as
    hair type, eye or skin color, etc.
  • -Collins English dictionary, 1998
  • Geographic origin of ancestry 1997 OMB standards
  • Ideology of inequality devised to rationalize
    European attitudes and treatment of the conquered
    and enslaved peoples.- American Anthropological
    Association Statement, 1998

What is ethnicity?
  • Shared cultural, national, religious or
    linguistic heritage
  • Hispanic or non-Hispanic origin 1997 OMB

Racial and ethnic disparities in mortality
  • African Americans have the highest age-adjusted
    mortality rate of any group, followed by whites,
    American Indians/Alaska Natives, Hispanics, and
    Asians, Native Hawaiians or other Pacific
  • Deaths for American Indians/Alaska Natives and
    Hispanics tend to be misclassified on death
    certificates, so vital statistics underestimate
    mortality rates for these groups.

Disparities in cause-specific mortality
  • Blacks have higher death rates than whites from
    all the leading causes of death except suicide
    and chronic lung disease. HIV death rates are 10
    times higher and homicide rates are more than 7
    times higher among blacks than whites.
  • Hispanics have 3 times higher rates of death from
    HIV and homicide than whites and higher rates
    from liver disease and diabetes, but lower rates
    than whites for all other major causes including
    heart disease and cancer.

Disparities in cause-specific mortality
  • Asians have lower death rates than whites in all
    categories except homicide.
  • American Indians/Alaska Natives have higher death
    rates than whites from liver disease, diabetes,
    HIV, accidents and homicide, but lower death
    rates from heart disease and cancer.

Life expectancy for African Americans is nearly
six years less than whites
  • Disparities in socioeconomic status explain much
    of this gap.
  • Disparities in cardiovascular mortality explain
    nearly one third of the gap.
  • Hypertension represents the single largest
    contributor to this gap.

Black-white disparities in health begin in utero
  • Black infant mortality rate is two and half times
    higher than that of whites.
  • Most of this gap is due to racial differences in
    rates of very low birth weight.
  • The primary causes of very low birth weight are
    intrauterine infection and hypertensive disorders
    that result in preterm birth.
  • Sudden infant death is the major cause of racial
    disparities in post neonatal mortality.

Black-white disparities in maternal mortality
  • African American women die during pregnancy and
    child birth at five times the rate of whites.
  • The primary causes of this gap is disparities are
    vascular and infection related complications and

Fundamental causes of racial disparities in
health and well being
  • Poverty
  • Segregation
  • Racism

  • More than one out of three black children under
    the age of 6 lived in poverty in 2000 (twice the
    rate of whites).
  • Blacks earn on average 62 of that of whites.
  • Among equivalent income or educational levels,
    blacks have far less wealth than whites.

  • African Americans experience greater and more
    persistent residential segregation than any other
    group hypersegregation.
  • Massey, 1989
  • Residential segregation and confinement to
    impoverished central cities has a devastating
    impact on the economic, educational,
    psychological, and physical well-being of African
    Americans. Williams, 2002
  • Segregation undermines social cohesion,
    reinforces individual, institutional, and
    internatalized racism.

  • Institutional and individual practices that
    create and reinforce oppressive systems of race
    relations whereby people and institutions
    engaging in discrimination adversely restrict by
    judgment and action, the lives of whom they
    discriminate against. -Krieger 2003

Categories of racism
  • Individual racism - Ideology of inherent,
    biological superiority of one race over another
    that is used to justify discrimination.
  • Institutional racism - Policies and practices
    that systematically reinforce the power and
    privilege of one racial group over another.
  • Internalized racism - Introjection of pejorative
    messages by stigmatized racial group regarding
    their capabilities and behavior.

These categories reinforce each other
  • Unconscious racist assumptions (individual
    racism) result in national, state, and local
    policies (institutional racism) that reinforce
    racial stratification. Examples include
    educational, correctional, and economic policies.
  • Persistent poverty, despair, stigma, and loss of
    community role models reinforce internalized

Context matters
  • Poverty, segregation, and racism do not operate
    in isolation from each other. It is the
    confluence of these factors that undermines the
    well being of African Americans.
  • Current conditions cannot be understood in the
    absence of their historical context.
  • The impact of poverty on a black child growing up
    in the inner-city is qualitatively different than
    that of a first generation Mexican or Asian child.

Race and genetics
  • Race is a social construct without biological
    basis there is far greater genetic diversity
    within racial categories than between them.
  • Because race is associated with geographic
    ancestral origin and because differences in
    geographic origin are associated with genetic
    allele frequency, allele frequency occasionally
    differs by race.
  • These differences do not negate the social
    construction of race.
  • Only a few conditions result from the effects of
    single alleles. Genetic differences by race are
    unlikely to explain most disparities in chronic

Causal pathways across the life course
  • The pathways through which racism, segregation,
    and poverty affect black well-being are complex.
  • Effects early in life may have lasting effects,
    e.g. fetal nutrition, lead toxicity, cognitive
  • Risk factors among disadvantaged groups tend to
    cluster and generate downward trajectories.
  • Risk factors tend to have cumulative effects over

Specific mediators of disparities
  • Intrauterine environment - Fetal origins of
    disease hypothesis suggests that low birth weight
    infants are at higher risk for diabetes,
    hypertension, obesity, renal disease, and heart
  • Physical environment - Exposure to lead and other
    toxins, violence, availability of food, alcohol,
    and illicit drugs. allergens, passive smoke,
    crowding, infections, and diet.
  • Family environment - Presence of two adult age
    parents, early cognitive stimulation, absence of
    abuse, and role models.
  • Social environment - Impact of peers,
    expectations of future, risk of violence,
    opportunities for self expression, social
    network and support, and opportunities for

Specific mediators of disparities
  • Psychological environment - Psychosocial stress
    from discrimination, autonomy/control, stigma,
    and internalized racism.
  • Educational environment - Levels of expectations,
    concentration of students at risk, and resources.
  • Work environment - Job opportunities, control of
    work, opportunities for advancement, risk of
    physical injury.
  • Cultural environment - Norms of health related
    behavior e.g. breast feeding, infant sleeping
    position, douching, attitudes towards
    immunizations and health care.
  • Health care environment Large disparities

Exposure to toxins, allergens, infections
Intrauterine effects
Childhood poverty
Cognitive stimulation
Family function
Access to health care
Community decline
cognitive and emotional development
Peer effects
Access to social networks
Educational achievement
  • Adult poverty

Racial and ethnic disparities in health care
  • Disparities differ by type of health care and by
    racial and ethnic group.
  • Disparities are best documented and most severe
    for African Americans.

Disparities in types of health care
  • Preventive services
  • Medical treatment
  • Surgical procedures
  • Interpersonal care

Disparities in preventive care
  • Prenatal care (number of visits and quality)
  • Child immunizations
  • Well child visits
  • Adolescent immunizations
  • Pap smear screening
  • Breast cancer screening
  • Colon cancer screening
  • Influenza Pneumococcal immunization
  • Smoking cessation advice

Disparities in medical treatment
  • Acute chronic pain
  • Asthma
  • Chemotherapy
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Dialysis
  • HIV
  • Hypertension
  • Myocardial Infarction
  • Pneumonia
  • Stroke

Disparities in surgical or invasive procedures
  • Organ transplantation
  • Curative cancer surgery
  • Cardiovascular procedures/surgery
  • Cerebrovascular procedures/surgery
  • Hip and knee replacement surgery

Disparities in satisfaction and interpersonal care
  • Health care satisfaction
  • Physician satisfaction
  • Physician trust
  • Involvement in care
  • Perceived discrimination

Causes of disparities in health care
  • Societal factors - Differences in presence and
    type of health insurance and systems of care.
  • Patient factors - Literacy, knowledge, beliefs,
    attitudes, language and norms.
  • Physician factors - Unconscious stereotyping,
    cultural insensitivity, and poor communication

Societal factors
  • More than 50 of Hispanics and 40 of African
    Americans lacked health insurance at some point
    during 2001.
  • Minorities more likely to be seen by residents.
  • Presence and type of health insurance contribute
    to, but do not fully explain, disparities in
    health care.

Patient factors
  • Patients beliefs, attitudes, knowledge,
    preferences and literacy contribute to
  • Patient factors do not fully explain disparities.
  • Patient factors are strongly influenced by system
    and provider factors.

Physician factors
  • Overt prejudice - I wont recommend bypass
    surgery because this patient is black.
  • Stereotyping - I wont recommend kidney
    transplantation because most blacks do not adhere
    to treatment.
  • Clinical uncertainty - I wont recommend
    angiography because the patients symptoms are
    too dramatic (or not dramatic enough) to warrant
    the risk of this procedure.
  • Poor communication - Absence of patient-centered
    care and patient-physician partnership.

Patient-centered care
  • Represents a core dimension of health quality as
    defined by the IOM.
  • Involves a set of core communication skills
    necessary to insure patient involvement in their
  • Skills include obtaining knowledge of the patient
    as a person, eliciting the patients perspective
    on their condition.
  • Explaining treatment options in understandable
  • Eliciting the patients preferences for treatment
  • Confirming the patients understanding of the
    specifics of the treatment plan.

Minorities receive less patient-centered care
  • Physicians adopt a more directive style,
  • provide less information, and engage in less
    partnership with minority patients.
  • The result is lower rates of adherence and lower
    quality care.

Equity is a core dimension of quality
  • Equity recognized by the Institute of Medicine in
  • Quality assurance must include measures of
  • Quality Improvement represents an important means
    for addressing disparities in care.
  • Recent data suggest that quality improvement
    reduces disparities.

Implications for addressing disparities in health
health care
  • The Healthy People 2010 goal of eliminating
    disparities in health requires addressing
    fundamental causes of disparities.
  • Academic-community partnerships represent an
    important means for addressing fundamental and
    proximate causes of disparities at the local
  • The elimination of disparities in health care
    will require initiatives leverage existing
    quality improvements efforts that address
    physician and patient factors.
  • Quality improvements offer the greatest potential
    for change when they are strongly tied to the
  • Disparities in access including insurance must be
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