Title: Seasonal Drought Outlook Update
1Seasonal Drought Outlook Update
- Status, Progress, and Improvements
- Douglas Le Comte
- Drought Forum
- October 20-21, 2005
2Latest Outlook
3Main Inputs to the Outlook
4Drought Outlook History
- Originated with the August 1999 White House
briefing - Intent is to present a simple national picture of
where droughts will improve, persist, or develop - First released to the public in March 2000
- Issued continuously each month, with updates as
required, by any of 3 CPC forecasters - Incorporates numerous inputs, but must be
consistent with the CPC latest official long-lead
precipitation outlooks
5Selected Forecast Tools
6CPC 2-Wk Soil Moisture Forecast
7GSM 13-Week Soil Moisture Forecasts
13-week forecast change in soil moisture from the
ECPC GSM model
Jan 7-14
Oct 15-22
8Constructed Analog Soil Moisture NA
9Constructed Analog Soil Moisture USA
10CDC Klaus Wolter Forecast
11NCDC Drought Amelioration Probabilities
12How Are We Doing?
13Sample Drought Verification Panel
14Retrospective Look at the Forecast Tools
15Time Series of Verification Scores
Mean Pct Correct 59 Mean Persistence Score 45
16How Did We Do With the Western Drought?
Too cautious in September!
Finally got it right in Dec!
17Selected Future Improvements
- Better seasonal temp/precip forecasts thanks to
new consolidation tool - Better seasonal soil moisture forecasts from
NLDAS projects (Univ. of WA, Princeton, NCEP) - Research leading to improved understanding of the
underlying causes of drought (e.g., air-sea and
ground-air interactions)
18Parting Wisdom
- If youre going to predict, predict often. As
long as you keep updating your prediction,
people forget your last prediction. - Milton Friedman