Title: Deducing Local Influence Neighbourhoods in Images Using Graph Cuts
1Deducing Local Influence Neighbourhoods in Images
Using Graph Cuts
- Ashish Raj, Karl Young and Kailash Thakur
- Assistant Professor of Radiology
- University of California at San Francisco, AND
- Center for Imaging of Neurodegenerative
- Diseases (CIND)
- San Francisco VA Medical Center
- email ashish.raj_at_ucsf.edu
- Webpage http//www.cs.cornell.edu/rdz/SENSE.htm
- http//www.vacind.org/faculty
2San Francisco, CA
- We propose a new image structure called local
influence neighbourhoods (LINs) - LINs are basically locally adaptive
neighbourhoods around every voxel in image - Like superpixels
- Idea of LIN not new, but first principled cost
minimization approach - Thus LINs allow us to probe the intermediate
structure of local features at various scales - LINs were developed initially to address image
processing tasks like denoising and interpolation - But as local image features they have wide
4Local neighbourhoods as intermediate image
Low level
High level
Too cumbersome Computationally expensive Not
suited for pattern recognition
Prone to error propagation Great for graph
theoretic and pattern recognition
Good intermediaries between low and high levels?
- Intro to Local Influence Neighbourhoods
- How to compute LINs?
- Use GRAPH CUT energy minimzation
- Some examples of LINs in image filtering and
denoising - Other Applications
- Segmentation
- Using LINs for Fractal Dimension estimation
- Use as features for tracking, registration
6Local Influence Neighbourhoods
- A local neighbourhood around a voxel (x0, y0) is
the set of voxels close to it - closeness in geometric space
- closeness in intensity
- First attempt use a space-intensity box
- Definition of e, d arbitrary
- Produces disjoint, non-contiguous, holey, noisy
neighbourhoods! - Need to introduce prior expectations about
contiguity - We develop a principled probabilistic approach,
using likelihood and prior distributions
7Example Binary image denoising
- Suppose we receive a noisy fax
- Some black pixels in the original image were
flipped to white pixels, and some white pixels
were flipped to black - We want to recover the original
8Problem Constraints
- Our Constraints
- If a pixel is black (white) in the original
image, it is more likely to get the black (white)
label - Black labeled pixels tend to group together, and
white labeled pixels tend to group together
original image
9Example of box vs. smoothness
10Example of box vs. smoothness
11A Better neighbourhood criterion
- Incorporate closeness, contiguity and smoothness
assumptions - Set up as a minimization problem
- Solve using everyones favourite minimization
algorithm - Simulated Annealing
- (just kidding) - Graph Cuts!
- A) Closeness lets assume neighbourhoods follow
Gaussian shapes around a voxel
12A) Closeness criterion in action
13B) Contiguity and smoothness
- This is encoded via penalty terms between all
neighbouring voxel pairs
G(x) Sp,q V(xp, xq) V(xp, xq) distance metric
Define a binary field Fp around voxel p s.t. 0
means not in LIN, 1 means in LIN
B) Contiguity/smoothness
Bayesian interpretation this is the log-prior
for LINs
14MAP can be written as energy minimization
- E.g. consider linear system y Hx n
- Pr(yx) (likelihood function) exp(- y-Hx2)
- Pr(x) (prior PDF) exp(-G(x))
- MAP can be converted to energy minimization by
taking logarithm - xest arg min y-Hx2 G(x)
15Markov Random Field Priors
- Imposes spatial coherence (neighbouring pixels
are similar) - G(x) Sp,q V(xp, xq)
- V(xp, xq) distance metric
- Potential function is discontinuous, non-convex
- Potts metric is GOOD but very hard to minimize
- Maximizing LIN prior corresponds to the
minimization of - E(x) Ecloseness(x) Esmoothness(x)
- MRF priors encode general spatial coherence
properties of images - E(x) can be minimized using ANY available
minimization algorithm - Graph Cuts can speedily solve cost functions
involving MRFs, sometimes with guaranteed global
17Graph Cut based Energy Minimization
18How to minimize E?
- Graph cuts have proven to be a very powerful tool
for minimizing energy functions like this one - First developed for stereo matching
- Most of the top-performing algorithms for stereo
rely on graph cuts - Builds a graph whose nodes are image pixels, and
whose edges have weights obtained from the energy
terms in E(x) - Minimization of E(x) is reduced to finding the
minimum cut of this graph
19Minimum cut problem
- Mincut/maxflow problem
- Find the cheapest way to cut the edges so that
the source is separated from the sink - Cut edges going from source side to sink side
- Edge weights now represent cutting costs
20Graph construction
- Links correspond to terms in energy function
- Single-pixel terms are called t-links
- Pixel-pair terms are called n-links
- A Mincut is equivalent to a binary segmentation
- I.e. mincut minimizes a binary energy function
21Table1 Edge costs of induced graph
22Graph Algorithm
- Repeat graph mincut for each voxel p
23Examples of Detected LINs
24Results Most Popular LINs
25Filtering with LINs
- Use LINs to restrict effect of filter
- Convolutional filters
26Maximum filter using LINs
27Median filter using LINs
28EM-style Denoising algorithm
Noise model O I n
Image prior
- Likelihood for i.i.d. Gaussian noise
Maximize the posterior
29Bayesian (Maximum a Posteriori) Estimate
- Here x is LIN, y is observed image
- Bayesian methods maximize the posterior
probability - Pr(xy) ? Pr(yx) . Pr(x)
30EM-style image denoising
Joint maximization is challenging We propose
EM-style approach Start with Iterate
We show that
31Results LIN-based Image Denoising
32Results Bike image
33Table1 Denoising Results
34Other Applications of LINs
- LINs can be used to probe scale-space of image
data - By varying scale parameters sx and sn
- Measuring fractal dimensions of brain images
- Hierarchical segmentation superpixel concept
- Use LINs as feature vectors for
- image registration
- Object recognition
- Tracking
35Hierarchical segmentation
- Begin with LINs at fine scale
- Hierarchically fuse finer LINs to obtain coarser
LINS ? segmentation
36How to measure Fractal Dimension using LINs?
- How LINs vary with changing sx and sn depends on
local image complexity - Fractal dimension is a stable measure of
complexity of multidimensional structures - Thus LINs can be used to probe the multi-scale
structure of image data
37FD using LINs
- For each voxel p, for each value of sx, sn
- count the number N of voxels included in Bp
phase transition
- Slope of each segment local fractal dimension
extend to (sx , sn) plane
38Possible advantages of LIN over current techniques
- LINs provide FD for each voxel
- Captures the FD of local regions as well as
global - Ideal for directional structures and oriented
features at various scales - Far less susceptible to noise
- (due to explicit intensity scale sn which can be
tuned to the noise level) - Enables the probing of phase transitions
39Possible Discriminators of Neurodegeneration
- Fractal measures may provide better
discriminators of neurodegeneration (Alzheimers
Disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, Mild Cognitive
Disorder, Normal Aging, etc) - Possibilities
- Mean (overall) FD -- D(0)
- Critical points, phase transitions in (sx, sn)
plane - More general Renyi dimensions D(q) for q 1
- Summary image feature f(a) ?? D(q)
- Phase transitions in f(a)
- Fractal structures can be characterized by
dimensions D(q), summary f(a) and various
associated critical points - These quantities may be efficiently probed by the
Graph Cut based local influence neighbourhoods - These fractal quantities may provide greater
discriminability between normal, AD, FTD, etc.
- We proposed a general method of estimating local
influence neighbourhoods - Based on an optimal energy minimization
approach - LINs are intermediaries between purely
pixel-based and region-based methods - Applications include segmentation, denoising,
filtering, recognition, fractal dimension
estimation, - in other words, Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
41Deducing Local Influence Neighbourhoods in Images
Using Graph Cuts
- Ashish Raj
- email ashish.raj_at_ucsf.edu
- Webpage http//www.cs.cornell.edu/rdz/SENSE.htm
- http//www.vacind.org/faculty