Title: Population growth and limiting factors
1Population growth and limiting factors 4 factors
that can effect population growth Births
Deaths Immigration Emigration Most new
populations have a time of rapidly increasing
22 Major types of population growth 1.
Exponential Growth when a population has no
resource limitations Produces a J
curve 2. Logistic Growth when a population
has resource limitations. Produces a S
3Exponential Growth
- Population size expands by ever increasing
increments during successive intervals - The larger the population gets, the more
individuals there are to reproduce
4Exponential Growth Equation
- G rN
- G is population growth per unit time
- r is net reproduction per individual per unit
time - N is population size
5Exponential growth
Click to view animation.
6 Logistic Growth
- As size of the population increases, rate of
reproduction decreases - When the population reaches carrying capacity,
population growth ceases
7Logistic Growth Graph
initial carrying capacity
new carrying capacity
8Logistic growth
Click to view animation.
9Limiting Factors
- Any essential resource that is in short supply
- All limiting factors acting on a population
dictate sustainable population size
The size of a population can be limited based on
2 different types of factors Density
Dependent Density Independent
10Density-Dependent Controls
- Logistic growth equation deals with
density-dependent controls - Limiting factors become more intense as
population size increases - Disease, competition, parasites, toxic
effects of waste products
11Density-Independent Controls
- Factors unaffected by population density
- Natural disasters or climate changes affect large
and small populations alike
12Human Population Growth
- Population now exceeds 6 billion
- Rates of increase vary among countries
- Average annual increase is 1.26
- Population continues to increase exponentially
13Population Momentum
- Lowering fertility rates cannot immediately slow
population growth rate - Why? There are already many future parents alive
- If every couple had just two children, population
would still keep growing for another 60 years
14Side-Stepping Controls
- Expanded into new habitats
- Agriculture increased carrying capacity use of
fossil fuels aided increase - Hygiene and medicine lessened effects of
density-dependent controls
15Future Growth
- Exponential growth cannot continue forever
- Breakthroughs in technology may further increase
carrying capacity - Eventually, density-dependent factors will slow
16Human Population Problems
- Over 6 billion people alive
- About 2 billion live in poverty
- Most resources are consumed by the relatively few
people in developed countries
17Resource Consumption
- United States has 4.6 of the worlds population
- Americans have a disproportionately large effect
on the worlds resources - Per capita, Americans consume more resources and
create more pollution than citizens of less
developed nations