Title: Pentascope
1Programmes for South Eastern Europe
CARDS, and some more
Community assistance for the reconstruction,
development and stabilization of South Eastern
2Programmes for South Eastern Europe Scope and
Bosnia, Croatia, FYROM, FRY, Albania
- Political process
- - stabilization
- - association
- - integration (follow-up of Feira)
3Programmes for South Eastern Europe Tools
Bosnia, Croatia, FYROM, FRY, Albania
- Agreements free trade zone within 10 years,
approximation of laws - AssistanceOBNOVAPHAR
E(Albania)CARDS 4.65 B for 2000/2006 -
International synergy (e.g. with the Stability
4Programmes for South Eastern Europe Challenges
- Control organized crime and corruption - Boost
regional and international trade - Manage the
borders - Protect minority rights and democracy -
Build state institutions - Develop regional
solutions to transport, energy, and
environment problems (no telecommunication
problems?) are being tackled through national
and regional activities managed by the Agency
(e.g. energy in Serbia)
5Programmes for South Eastern Europe IS in CARDS
Regional Activities?
- tackling cross-border problems - developing
common regulatory approaches - building regional
networks of experts (e.g. training and
re-training activities) - attaining economies of
scale (e.g. GEANT connectivity) - taping into
candidate countrys expertise Bulgaria,
Cyprus, Romania, Turkey
6Programmes for South Eastern Europe IST
IST-Inco Accompanying measures - Balkans Action
Lines 8.1.6 (8.1.7) and 8.1.7 (8.1.8) 6 proposals
received, 3 funded/recommended for funding IST
RTD projects and specific accompanying measures
- Training activities related to IT-skill shortage
in the EU - Networking of the excellence in SEE
- Support to high-speed connectivity (with NATO ?)
- Funding arrangements (e.g. Tübitak) or
association (Romania, Cyprus, Bulgaria)
7Programmes for South Eastern Europe
- Pilot and demonstration projects
- Exploitation and take-up of technologies
- Making the best out of IT-skilled human
resources - Provide a better regulatory framework