2Overview of the Process for Recording Invoices
and Making Payments
- Documenting the process for recording invoices
and making payments - Identification of Events
- Record supplier invoice
- Select invoices for payment
- Approve payment
- Prepare checks
- Sign checks
- Complete payment
3Overview of the Process for Recording Invoices
and Making Payments
- Documenting the process for recording invoices
and making payments - Annotated narrative and workflow table
- Overview and detailed activity diagrams
4Overview of the Process for Recording Invoices
and Making Payments
- Documenting the data design
- Events and tables used
- Data design
5Overview of the Process for Recording Invoices
and Making Payments
- Risks and controls in recording invoices and
making payments - Execution risks
- Unauthorized payment
- Cash not paid or paid late
- Wrong amount paid
- Wrong supplier paid
6Overview of the Process for Recording Invoices
and Making Payments
- Risks and controls in recording invoices and
making payments - Information system risks
- - Recording risks
- Recorded an event that never occurred
- Event not recorded, recorded late, or unintended
duplication of recording - Event data item not recorded correctly
7Overview of the Process for Recording Invoices
and Making Payments
- Risks and controls in recording invoices and
making payments - Information system risks
- - Recording risks
- Wrong type of product or service recorded
- Wrong quantity or price recorded
- Wrong external or internal agent recorded
- Wrong recording of other data items that are
stored in event records
8Overview of the Process for Recording Invoices
and Making Payments
- Risks and controls in recording invoices and
- making payments
- Information system risks
- - Update risks
- Update of master record omitted or unintended
duplication of update - Update of master record occurred at the wrong
time - Summary field updated by wrong amount
- Wrong master record updated
9Overview of the Process for Recording Invoices
and Making Payments
- Risks and controls in recording invoices and
making payments - Controls
- Workflow controls
- Segregation of duties
- Use of information from prior events to control
activities - Required sequence of events
- Follow-up on events
10Overview of the Process for Recording Invoices
and Making Payments
- Risks and controls in recording invoices and
making payments - Controls
- Workflow controls
- Sequence of prenumbered documents
- Recording of internal agent(s) accountable for an
event in a process - Limitation of access to assets and information
- Reconciliation of records with physical evidence
of assets
11Overview of the Process for Recording Invoices
and Making Payments
- Risks and controls in recording invoices and
making payments - Controls
- Input controls
- Drop-down or look-up menus
- Record checking of data entered
- Confirmation of data entered
- Referential integrity controls
- Format checks to limit data
12Overview of the Process for Recording Invoices
and Making Payments
- Risks and controls in recording invoices and
making payments - Controls
- Input controls
- Validation rules to limit the data
- Defaults from data entered in prior sessions
- Restriction against leaving a field blank
- Field established as a primary key
13Overview of the Process for Recording Invoices
and Making Payments
- Risks and controls in recording invoices and
making payments - Controls
- Input controls
- Computer-generated values entered in records
- Batch control totals taken before data entry
compared to printouts after data entry - Review for errors before posting
- Exception reports
14Using Accounting Applications for Recording
Invoices and Making Payments
- Record purchase invoice
- Process
- Step 1 Accumulate a batch of invoices
- Step 2 Enter each invoice
- Step 3 Print an edit report
- Step 4 Review report and make corrections
- Step 5 Post the batch
15Using Accounting Applications for Recording
Invoices and Making Payments
- Record purchase invoice
- Risks and controls
- Recorded an event that never occurred
- Vendor invoice is not recorded, recorded late, or
recorded twice - Invoice data item is not accurate
- Invoice recording and execution risks
16Using Accounting Applications for Recording
Invoices and Making Payments
- Select invoices for payment
- Process
- Step 1 Print an open payables report
- Step 2 Select invoices for payment
- Step 3 Print a cash requirements report
- Execution risks
17Using Accounting Applications for Recording
Invoices and Making Payments
- Prepare checks
- Controlling risks
- Segregation of duties
- Required sequence of events
- Limitation of access to assets and information
- Sequence of prenumbered documents
- Positive pay system
- Efficiency
18Using Accounting Applications for Recording
Invoices and Making Payments
- Complete payment
- processsigning and
- mailing checks
- End of period activities
- Print accounts payable ledger
- Purge records
19K E Y T E R M S
- Accounts payable ledger
- Audit trail
- Bank reconciliation
- Cash payments journal
- Cash requirements report
- Journal
- Open payables report
- Purchase invoice
- Purchases journal