Title: Welcome to the Student Portal
1Welcome to the Student Portal!
2- Heres a quick glimpse at the student portal. Log
in at this screen with the same ID you use to
access eCleary - ID First letter of your first name up to 10
letters of your last name last 3 digits of your
student number - Password cleary your 2 digit birth month
your 2 digit birthday - Example for Patrick Cleary born on March 17 ID
pcleary123 Password pcleary0317
3The portal home page contains access to the tools
you need. Announcements and news items will
appear in the main page window use the menu on
the left to access other areas.
4Make sure youre working with the correct term
for the information youre accessing. To change
the term, click Change Term (1), then select
the correct term from the dropdown menu (2).
5You can easily perform many administrative tasks
via the student portal, including obtaining your
student transcript, paying your tuition bill, and
checking your grades. You can also change your
contact information by clicking Edit Profile
(1) or your password by clicking Change
Password (2). Edit your information and click
Update (3) at each screen to save your changes.
6To view and print a copy of your unofficial
transcript, hover your cursor over Academic
(1), then select Unofficial Transcript (2) from
the fly-out menu. The following slide shows an
example of a transcript.
7Click the printer icon on the right of the screen
(1) for a printer-friendly version of your
unofficial transcript.
8Check your class schedule by clicking Class
Schedule (1) from the Academic (2) fly-out
menu. The following slide shows an example of a
class schedule.
9Click the printer icon (1) for a printer-friendly
version of your schedule.
10To see a listing of all courses offered, click
Course Offering (1). At the Course Offering
screen, you may select different options for the
list of classes you want to see, or you may leave
all settings at the default setting to see all
classes offered. Click Search (2) to view the
11Below is an example of all classes offered at all
campuses for the Fall 2007 terms.
12One of the new features of the student portal is
the ability to track your progress toward degree
completion. Hover your cursor over Degree
Audit (1), then select Degree Audit (2) from
the fly-out menu.
13The Degree Audit screen will display information
regarding the degree program in which you are
enrolled. Click detail (1) to see specific
information about your progress.
14The degree detail page shows all required courses
for your program, your grades, GPA, and other
pertinent information. Click Degree Audit (1)
and select Degree Information (not shown) to
see a list of all available degree programs and
their details.
15Click Detail (1) to get more information on any
of Clearys degree programs.
16The Degree Audit detail page shows complete
information regarding requirements for each
program Cleary offers.
17To view your bill, click Tuition Statement (1)
in the menu. To make a payment online using
your credit card, click Make Payment (2).
18Verify the payment amount (1), then select
Online Payment from the drop down window (2),
and click submit (3). Follow the instructions
at the VeriSign page that follows.
19Students may view and accept/decline financial
aid by clicking Financial Aid (1), then
checking the appropriate box under Accept or
Decline. Click Submit (2) to complete the
20View your grades by hovering your cursor over
Grades (1) and selecting either Mid-term or
Final from the fly-out menu (not shown). Click
the printer icon (2) for a printer-friendly
21Clearys online libraries, resources, eCleary,
and the graduation application are all accessible
from the navigation menu.
22And there you have it!
We hope you find the enhancements to the
student portal useful. If you encounter problems
or inaccuracies, contact either your advisor or
Clearys helpdesk at support_at_cleary.edu. Best
of luck to you!