Title: Welcome to Back to School Night!
1Welcome to Back to School Night!
- Ms. Claybourn
- Transitional Kindergarten
2Irvine Unified TK Philosophy
- In the Irvine Unified School District, we believe
the goal of Transitional Kindergarten is to
promote a joy of learning in a positive and
nurturing environment, which creates critical
thinkers, effective oral communicators, and
life-long learners. In partnership with parents,
we will provide intentional opportunities that
meet the emotional, social, physical and academic
needs of all learners. - A Year of Discovery.
3TK Curriculum Includes
- Continuum of Standards
- CA Preschool Learning Foundations
- Common Core Standards
- IUSD TK Standards
- Social/Emotional Development
- Language Arts
- Fine and Gross Motor Development
- Mathematics
- Social Studies and Science
4Children transitioning to TK or Kindergarten
should be able to
- ? Self-regulate (regulate emotions)
- ? Conduct hygiene routines and self-help skills
independently - ? Separate from parent
- ? Initiate conversation engage in conversational
exchanges with peers - ? Solve problems
- ? Be flexible with change
- ? Be self-directed
- ? Demonstrate empathy
- ? Keep hands to self
- ? Follow adult directions
- ? Play with peers respectfully
- ? Pay attention to non-preferred tasks for 5-10
minutes - ? Express wants and needs
- ? Have an awareness of others
- ? Be able to write their first name (in any form
i.e. upper/lower case/large print) - ? Use a functional grasp
- ? Identify some letters, sounds, numbers, shapes
and colors - ? Recite some numbers
- ? Understand a book and its function
5Development of Speech
6(No Transcript)
7Thematic Integrated Teaching
- Common Thematic Units
- i.e. All About Me, Fall and Harvest, Heroes
- Integrated Curriculum
- Language and Literature Based
- Play and Activity Centered
- Language, art, music, science, math
- Developmentally Appropriate Instruction
- Active Participation
- Hands on Instruction
8Daily Schedule
- Early Kids 800-1120
- Late Kids 940-100
9Eastshore Elementary School
- A few important school rules/procedures
- Dress code- No sandals or Croc type shoes
- Students cannot ride bike to school until the 3rd
grade - Please park on the street when dropping
off/picking up your child. There is NO parking in
the school parking lot. - Please call the schools absent line 949-936-5701
if your child will be missing school. Inform us
if your child will be late or if you need to pull
them out early from school as well.
10Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports
Transitional Kindergarten Classroom Matrix Transitional Kindergarten Classroom Matrix Transitional Kindergarten Classroom Matrix Transitional Kindergarten Classroom Matrix Transitional Kindergarten Classroom Matrix Transitional Kindergarten Classroom Matrix
Activities/ Locations ? Â Expected Behaviors ? Entering Room Getting Started Transitions . Direct Instruction Table Work/Rotations Closing
  Respect      Walk with Bubbles and Bumpers    When the bell is rung students have to stop, look, and listen  Hide hands under table  Look and Listen to teacher  Use inside voices  Keep hands to self    Line up quietly  Walk with Bubbles and Bumpers
   Integrity      Follow directions  Follow directions  Give full attention  Share and take turns  Follow directions
    Responsibility      Hang up backpacks  Sit on carpet quietly   Clean up work/play area  Listen for instructions  Use materials correctly  Clean up  Use materials correctly  Clean up  Push in chairs  Get materials out of cubby  Pack up backpacks  Line up quietly
11Daily Routine
- Opening (Story, Music, etc.)
- Fine motor skills (cutting, coloring, tweezers,
pushpins, etc.) - Learning Rotations Math, Writing, Language,
Social Studies, Science - Calendar/Sharing
- Recess/Snack
- Gross Motor (Pretend play, running, hopping,
etc.) - Computer and Library will be 1 day weekly
- Music is bi-weekly
- Backpacks need to be large enough to hold lunch
bag/box, Ziploc bag with change of clothes, a
jacket (everything NEEDS to be labeled), and
Thursday folder. - Thursday Folders these will come home each
Thursday with school flyers, student work, etc.
inside. Return empty on Friday
13Snack and Recess
- We eat healthy snack first and then play after.
- Please pack a nutritious protein mini lunch, for
your child in a simple gallon size zip lock bag.
Packaging that is too hard to open is
troublesome. - Children do not share food and TK does not
purchase school lunches - Recess varies free play on the playground, group
gross motor skills, fun games
14Sharing Day
- Each week there will be a different sharing
theme. - Your child will have an assigned sharing day each
week. - Purpose practice speaking and listening skills
- You will receive further information soon!
Sharing will start the third or fourth week of
- Please celebrate your childs birthday by
purchasing the highlighted book from the
recommended list going home third week of school. - We sing happy birthday and the birthday boy/girl
is given a birthday sticker to wear for the day. - Please do not bring items other than a book
donation. - All students will be 5 by the end of November. At
this time we will have a Big 5 class
16Parent Volunteers
- Please sign up on an interest list before leaving
today and indicate your availability. - Volunteering will not start until after parent
conference week. - If you have any specific talents I will learn
about them at our conference to know how best to
use those talents. - You must have a volunteer form filled out and on
file in the office in order to volunteer.
17Classroom Webpage
- We encourage families to use our webpage as a
resource for up-coming events, sharing
topics/schedule - Visit the Eastshore webpage at http//www.iusd.org
/ea/. To go to class webpage, click on Our
Staff and scroll down to the TK grade level
18Parent Portal
- This is an IUSD system for parents to
up-date/change contact information. This is how
you will view your childs report card each
trimester. - The e-mail you provide is used by your teacher to
communicate with you - Teachers use e-mail as the
primary source of communication. - If you are not familiar with using the Parent
Portal or have not set one-up, please visit the
Eastshore webpage at http//www.iusd.org/ea/
19Thank You.for your attendance tonight!!!