Title: CEFOR Strategy Meeting
1CEFORStrategy Meeting Open Forum
DiscussionEconomic balance in the (marine)
insurance markets What is needed?
Presented by Hans Terje Anonsen
2CEFORStrategy Meeting Open Forum Discussion
- Can we achieve an Economic balance in the various
Marine insurance markets?
No !
3Statement Number 1
- The marine market employs too much reinsurance
with unsatisfactory returns
4Statement Number 2
- The marine market has become too much of a
commodity market
with unsatisfactory level of expertise
5Statement Number 3
- There are too many brokers on the market scene
with little or no industry knowledge
6Lloyds of LondonMarine Results Profit / Loss
Before Tax
Estimates according to Chatset
7Lloyds of London Marine Capacity Trends - Summary
8Lloyds of London - 1990 Marine Capacity Trends
9Lloyds of London - 1994 Marine Capacity Trends
10Lloyds of London - 2000 Marine Capacity Trends
Composite Capacity
Estimated according to Chatset
11Hull Capacities 2002
12Norwegian Marine Insurance Market1990 - 2000
Premium Vs Claims
13Brokers to blame ?Number of Lloyds Brokers
14Segmentation of Insurers
- Commodity vs product strategies
- Niche vs Corporate, mutual vs capital
- Retention vs gross capacity
- Commission vs fee remuneration
15Product Strategy
- Demands high service level
- Demands high gross capacity
- Regional underwriting approach
- Requires hands on management
- Undermines market balance
16What is needed?
- Leaders must
- Reduce capacity
- Differentiate price correctly
- Reinsurers must
- Differentiate price
- Segment their marine portfolio
- Brokers must
- Improve efficiency
- Reduce their transactional role