SEQUENCE OF MEETING - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... (continued) IMPLEMENTATION STATUS OF QUALITY ASSURANCE ... about Quality Enhancement Measures through Program Evaluation ... Raising Strategy on ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Welcome Note by the Rector
  • Confirmation of Minutes of 1st Meeting
  • Progress on Agenda Items of 1st Meeting
  • Discussion on Fresh Agenda Items
  • Working Lunch at 1400 hrs

  • Director Quality Assurance

  • The Quality Enhancement Cell has been established
    at Bahria University Islamabad with the objective
    of significant enhancement of quality in higher
    learning. The major function of the QEC is to
    integrate the concepts of quality in the higher
    learning systems and to develop practical
    guidelines and policies for uplifting the
    standard of education.

Organization of QEC
  • QEC is to be headed by a Director reporting
    directly to Rector. He / She is to be the
    correspondent with the outside bodies.
  • Following is the hierarchy of QEC officials

Director QEC
Deputy Director
Data Analysts
Office Assistant
Naib Qasid
FUNCTIONS OF Quality Enhancement Cell
  • Following are the functions /
    responsibilities of QEC
  • 1. Promoting public confidence that the quality
    and standards of the award of degrees are
    enhanced and safeguarded.
  • 2. Review of quality standards and the quality
    of teaching and learning in each subject area.
  • 3. Review of academic affiliations with other
    institutions in terms of effective management of
    standards and quality of programs.
  • 4. Develop qualifications framework by setting
    out the attributes and abilities that can be
    expected from the holder of a qualification, i.e.
    Bachelors, Bachelor with Honors, Masters,
    M.Phil, Doctoral.
  • 5. Develop program specifications. These are
    standard set of information clarifying what
    knowledge understanding, skills and other
    attributes a student will have developed on
    successfully completing a specific program.

  • To develop quality Assurance process and methods
    of evaluation to affirm that quality of
    provision and standards of awards are being
    maintained and to foster curriculum, subject and
    staff development, to gather with research and
    other scholarly activities.
  • 7. Ensure that the universitys quality assurance
    procedures are designed to fit in with the
    arrangements in place nationally for maintaining
    and improving the quality of Higher education.

  • 8. QEC is responsible to develop procedures for
    the following
  • Approval of new programs
  • Annual monitoring and evaluation including
    program monitoring, faculty monitoring and
    students perception.
  • Departmental review
  • Student feedback
  • Employer feedback
  • Quality assurance of Masters, M.Phil and Ph.D.
    degree program.
  • Subject review
  • Instructional assessment
  • Program specifications
  • Qualification framework

  • One of the basic component of Quality
    Assurance process is the Self assessment for
    the university Programs.
  • What is Assessment?
  • Assessment is a systematic process of
    gathering, reviewing and using important
    quantitative and qualitative data and information
    from multiple and diverse sources about
    educational programs, for the purpose of
    improving student learning, and evaluating
    whether academic and learning standards are being

  • What is self assessment?
  • Self assessment is an assessment conducted
    by the institution itself to assess whether
    programs meet the educational objectives and
    outcomes with the purpose to improve programs
    quality and enhancing students learning.

  • Objectives of Self Assessment
  • Following are the objectives
  • Maintain and improve academic standards
  • Enhance students learning
  • Verify that the existing programs meet their
    objectives and institutional goals
  • Provide feedback for quality assurance of
    academic programs

Self assessment procedure
  • Each academic program shall undergo a self
    assessment every year. The Quality Enhancement
    Cell is responsible for the planning,
    coordinating and following up on the self
    assessment(SA) activities.
  • The steps for the procedure of self
    assessment are as follows
  • The QEC initiates the SA one semester prior to
    the end of the assessment cycle through the
    Rector office in which the program is offered. If
    the program is undergoing the SA for the first
    time , the department will be given one academic
    year for preparation.
  • Upon receiving the initiation letter the
    department shall form a program team(PT). The PT
    will be responsible for preparing a
    self-assessment report(SAR) about the program
    under consideration over a period of one

  • The department shall submit the SAR to the QEC
    through the concerned Dean/HOD. The QEC reviews
    the SAR within one month to ensure that it is
    prepared according to the required format.
  • The Rector forms a program assessment team (AT)
    in consultation with the QEC recommendations
    within one month. The AT comprises of 2-3 faculty
    members from within or outside the university.
    The AT must have at least one expert in the area
    of the assessed program.
  • The QEC plans and schedules the AT visit period
    in coordination with the department that is
    offering the program.
  • The AT conducts the assessment, submits a report
    and presents its findings in an exit meeting that
    shall be attended by the QEC, Dean, and PT and
    faculty members.

Self Assessment procedure (continued)
  • The QEC shall submit an executive summary on the
    AT findings to the Rector.
  • The department shall prepare and submit an
    implementation plan to QEC based on the AT
    findings. The plan must include AT findings and
    the correct actions to be taken, assignment of
    responsibility and the time frame for such
  • The QEC shall follow up on the implementation
    plan to ensure departments are adhering to the
    implementation plan.The academic department shall
    inform the QEC each time a corrective action is
    implemented. QEC shall review the implementation
    plan once a semester to access the progress of

Self Assessment Procedure
QEC initiates SA through the Rector office one
semester prior to the assessment
Department forms the PT that will be responsible
for preparing SAR
QEC reviews the Documentation within one
SAR Complete

Complete SAR
The Rector forms the AT in consultation with the
concerned dean based on the recommendation of the
QEC plans and fixes AT visit
The AT conducts assessment and presents its
findings to QEC, Dean, PT and dept. faculty
The QEC submits an executive summary to the Rector
Department prepares implementation plan
Follow up of the implementation plan by QEC
  • Self assessment is based on following eight
    criteria. To meet each criterion a number of
    standards must be satisfied.

  • Each program must have a mission, measureable
    objective and expected outcomes for graduates.
    Outcome includes competency and tasks graduates
    are expected to perform after completing the
    program. A strategic Plan must be placed to
    achieve program objectives.
  • Following associated standards are
  • Standard 1.1 The program must have documented
    measureable objectives that support departmental
    and institution mission statements.
  • Standard 1.2 The program must have documented
    outcomes for graduating students. It must be
    demonstrated that the outcomes support the
    program objectives and that graduating students
    are capable of performing these outcomes.

  • Standard 1.3 The results of programs assessment
    and the extent to which they are used to improve
    the program must be documented.
  • Standard 1.4 The department must assess its
    overall performance periodically using
    quantifiable measures.

  • Curriculum must be designed and organized to
    achieve the programs objectives and outcomes.
  • Standard 2.1The curriculum must be consistent
    and supports the programs documented objectives.
  • Standard 2.2Theoretical background, problems
    analysis and solution design must be stressed
    within the programs core material.
  • standard 2.3The curriculum must satisfy the core
    requirements for the program, as specified by the
    respective accreditation body.

  • Standard 2.4 The curriculum must satisfy the
    major requirements for the program as specified
    by the respective accreditation body .

Criterion 2 Curriculum Design Organization

  • Standard 2.5 The curriculum must satisfy general
    education, arts, professional and other
    discipline requirements for the program as
    specified by the respective accreditation body.
  • Standard 2.6 Information technology component of
    the curriculum must be integrated throughout the
  • Standard 2.7 Oral and written communication
    skills of the student must be developed and
    applied in the program.

  • Laboratories and computing facilities must be
    adequately available and accessible to faculty
    members and students to support teaching and
    research activities. To meet this criterion the
    standards must be satisfied.
  • Standard 3-1 Laboratory manuals / documentation
    / instructions for experiments must be available
    and readily accessible to faculty and students.
  • Standard 3-2 There must be adequate support
    personnel for instruction and maintaining the
  • Standard 3-3 The University computing
    infrastructure and facilities must be adequate to
    support programs objectives.

  • Student must have adequate support to complete
    the program in a timely manner and must have
    ample opportunity to interact with their
    instructors and receive timely advice about
    program requirements. To meet this criterion the
    standards in this section must be satisfied.

Criterion 4 Student Support and Advising
  • STANDARD 4-1 Courses must be offered with
    sufficient frequency and number for students to
    complete the program in a timely manner
  • STANDARD 4-2 Courses in the major area of
    study must be structured to ensure effective
    interaction between students, faculty and
    teaching assistants
  • STANDARD 4-3 Guidance on how to complete the
    program must be available for all students and
    access to advising must be available to make
    course decisions and carrier choices.

Criterion 5 Process Control
  • The process by which major functions are
    delivered must be in place, controlled,
    periodically reviewed, evaluated and continuously
    improved . To meet this criterion a set of
    standard must be satisfied.
  • Standard 5.1The process by which students are
    admitted to the program must be based on
    quantitative and qualitative criteria and
    clearly documented. This process must be
    periodically evaluated to ensure that it is
    meeting its objectives.

Criterion 5 Process Control
  • Standard 5-2 The process by which students are
    registered in the program and monitoring of
    students progress to ensure timely completion of
    the program must be documented. This process must
    be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is
    meeting its objectives.
  • Standard 5-3 The process of recruiting and
    retaining highly qualified faculty members must
    be in place and clearly documented. Also
    processes and procedures for faculty evaluation,
    promotion must be consistent with institution
    mission statement. These processes must be
    periodically evaluated to ensure that it is
    meeting its objectives.

Criterion 5 Process Control
  • Standard 5-4 The process and procedures used
    to ensure that teaching and delivery of course
    material to the students emphasizes active
    learning and that course learning outcomes are
    met. The process must be periodically evaluated
    to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.
  • Standard 5-5 The process that ensures that
    graduates have completed the requirements of the
    program must be based on standards, effective
    procedures and clearly documented. This process
    must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it
    is meeting its objectives.

Criterion 6 Faculty
  • Faculty members must be current and active in
    their discipline and have the necessary technical
    depth and breadth to support the program . There
    must be enough faculty members to provide
    continuity and stability, to cover the curriculum
    adequately and effectively, and to allow for
    scholarly activities. To meet this criterion the
    standards in this section must be satisfied.

Criterion 6 Faculty
  • Standard 6-1 There must be enough full time
    faculty who are committed to the program to
    provide adequate coverage of the program
    areas/courses, with continuity and stability. The
    interests and qualifications of all faculty
    members must be sufficient to teach all courses,
    plan, modify and update courses and curricula.
    All faculty members must have a level of
    competence that would normally be obtained
    through graduate work in the discipline. The
    majority of faculty must hold a Ph.D./MS in the

Criterion 6 Faculty
  • Standard 6-2 All faculty members must remain
    current in the discipline and sufficient time
    must be provided for scholarly activities and
    professional development. Also, Effective
    programs for faculty development must be in
  • Standard 6-3 All faculty members should be
    motivated and have job satisfaction to excel in
    their profession.

  • Institutional facilities, including library,
    computing facilities, classrooms and offices must
    be adequate to support the objective of the
    program. To satisfy this criterion a number of
    standards must be met.

Criterion 7 Institutional Facilities
  • Standard 7-1 The institution must have the
    infrastructure to support new trends in learning
    such as e-learning.
  • Standard 7-2 The library must possess an
    up-to-date technical collection relevant to the
    program and must be adequately staffed with
    professional personnel.
  • Standard 7-3 Class-rooms must be adequately
    equipped and offices must be adequate to enable
    faculty to carry out their responsibilities.

  • The institutions support and the financial
    resources for the program must be sufficient to
    provide an environment in which the program can
    achieve its objectives and retain its strength.

Criterion 8 Institutional Support
  • Standard 8-1 There must be sufficient support
    and financial resources to attract and retain
    high quality faculty and provide the means for
    them to maintain competence as teachers and
  • Standard 8-2 There must be an adequate number of
    high quality graduate students, research
    assistants and Ph.D. students.
  • Standard 8-3 Financial resources must be
    provided to acquire and maintain Library
    holdings, laboratories and computing facilities.

MECHANISM Awareness/conference/ workshops
arranged at Bahria University
S. No Title of the event Date Target group Purpose of the event
1 A Guest Speaker Session on Quality Assurance aspects of Training Development By Dr. Awais Siraj (Faculty of BU) 2nd June 2010 Students of BBA (VI) C Educate target Group on Quality Assurance in Training Development
2 A Guest Speaker Session on Quality Assurance aspects of Sales Management By Mr. Sajjad Pasha (Visiting faculty) 9th June 2010 Students of BBA (VII) C (Visiting Faculty) To Educate Target Group about Sales Management Quality Assurance
3 Workshop on Total Quality Management By Dr. Nawar Khan (Visiting faculty) 19 July 2010 Students of EMBA-IV To teach target group aboutTotal Quality Management
4 Workshop on Training Course on Professional Competency Enhancement Program for University Teachers By QEC of Bahria University Higher Education Commission (HEC) 5th July to 5th August 2010 25 faculty members from BU and 10 from AU To improve the standard of Teachers and Training Course on Professional Enforcement Program for Teacher
A one day workshop on Higher Education Quality Assurance paradigm. The resource persons for the workshop were Prof. Dr. Naheed Zia Khan Ms. Farina Iqbal from Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi. 2 August 2010 All HOD Faculty of BU Awareness about Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Awareness/conference/ workshops arranged at
Bahria University ( continued)
5 One day workshop on International Practices of Quality Assurance Establishment of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at BU, its scope and purpose, its collaboration and networking with National International bodies. Conducted by Dr. M. Abdul Wahid Usmani, Director QEC Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi 16 August 2010 Top management of BU Karachi Campus all Deans HODs Senior Faculty Members of Program Teams To Educate Target Group on Quality Assurance
6 A workshop on Working of QA Cells-------Introduction to Quality Assurance Measures such as Programme Evaluation through Self- Assessment Approach Conducted by Dr. M. Abdul Wahid Usmani, Director QEC Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi 26 August 2010 HODs faculty members of BU Karachi campus. Members of Program Teams To educate the target group about Quality Enhancement Measures through Program Evaluation Self-Assessment Approach
7 Workshop on Quality Assurance aspects of Awareness Raising Strategy on National Impact Assessment Program By International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Marriot Hotel Islamabad 03 Nov 2010 Dr. M Zafar (Associate Professor) HOD E ES senior faculty member of BU attended the workshop Awareness Raising Strategy on National Impact Assessment Program and Quality Assurance
8 Two days International Conference on Quality Assurance aspects of Geotechnical Engineering Conducted By NESPAK UET Lahore 5-6 Nov 2010 Ms. Tayyaba Mateen (Lecturer) faculty member of BU attended the conference To apprise the students / researcher s about importance of QA in Geotechnical Engineering
9 Two days Annual Technical Conference Conducted By Pakistan Association of Petroleum Geoscientists- Society of Pakistan Engineers. Serena Hotel Islamabad 10-11 Nov 2010 Dr. M Zafar (Associate Professor) HOD E ES senior faculty member of BU attended the conference To educate the target group about importance of QA in RD
10 Two days Nepal Geological Conference By Nepal Geological Society Khatmandu Nepal 15-17 Nov 2010 Dr. Shahina Tariq (Associate Prof) faculty member of BU attended the conference Geological Studies and Quality Assurance
Awareness/conference/ workshops arranged at
Bahria University ( continued)
5 One Day Seminar on Impact of Various Assessment Tools on Teachers Training Assessment at Learning Innovation Division HEC. By Prof. Dr. Norman Reid (University of Glasgow) Higher Education Commission LI Division. 13th December 2010 Following faculty members of BU attended the seminar Mr. Muhammad Pervez Dy. Director Exam-1 Mr. Ghulam Yasin Dy. Director Exam-II Mr. Nasir Mahmood Dy. Director Academics Mr. Fazal-e-Raziq Teaching Assistant One Day Seminar on Impact of Various Assessment Tools on Teachers Training Assessment at Learning Innovation Division HEC
6 Professional Competency Enhancement Program for University Teachers (PCEPT) Course organized by National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE), HEC at PIEAS 29 Dec to 29 Jan 2011 Following faculty members of BU attended the course. Mr. Abdul Rauf (Lecturer) Ms. Malika Farah Deeba (Lecturer) Mr. Adil Naseer (Teaching Assistant) To improve the standard of Teachers and Training Course on Professional Enforcement Program for Teacher PCEPT Course organized by National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE), HEC at PIEAS
Self-Assessment Exercise --(Scheduled from 17th
September to 2nd December 2010)
S.No Departments Name Program Team Report completed Program Team Report completed Program Team Report completed QEC Review of the program Teams report QEC Review of the program Teams report QEC Review of the program Teams report
S.No Departments Name No. of Criteria covered (out of 8) No. of Standards covered (out of 31) No. Type of Surveys completed (out of 10) Date of submission of the report by the PT Report returned to PT and further submission by PT (Specify dates) Report finalized (Date)
1 1. Engineering dept Islamabad Campus     2. Engineering dept Karachi Campus 08 08 31 31 05 05 18-10-10 19-10-10 14 Dec 2010 25 Dec 2010 30-12-10 30-12-10
2 1. Management Sciences dept in Islamabad Campus      2. Management Sciences in Karachi Campus 08 08 31 31 05 05 18-10-10 19-10-10 14 Dec 2010 25 Dec 2010 30-12-10 30-12-10
3 1. Dept of Earth Environmental Sciences in Islamabad Campus   2. Dept of Earth Environmental Sciences in Karachi Campus 08 08 31 31 05 05 18-10-10 19-10-10 14 Dec 2010 25 Dec 2010 30-12-10 30-12-10
4 Dept of Applied Sciences Graduate Studies in Karachi Islamabad Campus 08 08 31 31 05 05 18-10-10 19-10-10 14 Dec 2010 25 Dec 2010 30-12-10 30-12-10
Action plan for the completion of SA process
S. No Selection of departments Formation of PTs Submission of SAR Formation of ATs ATs visit Submission of AT report Exit meeting of AT with the Dean pt Faculty Submission of executive summary to VC Submission of Implementation plans to VC
1 1. Engineering dept Islamabad Campus 2. Engineering dept Karachi Campus formed by 17/9/2010 formed by 17/9/2010 16th October 2010 16th October 2010 By 20th October 2010 By 20th October 2010 5th to 7th Jan 2011 15th to 17th Jan 2011 17th Jan 2011 24th Jan 2011 24th to 27th Jan 2011 2nd to 7th Feb 2011 4th Feb 2011 14th Feb 2011 14th Feb 2011 24th Feb 2011
2 1. Management Sciences dept in Islamabad Campus 2. Management Sciences in Campus formed by 17/9/2010 formed by 17/9/2010 16th October 2010 16th October 2010 By 20th October 2010 By 20th October 2010 5th to 7th Jan 2011 15th to 17th Jan 2011 17th Jan 2011 24th Jan 2011 24th to 27th Jan 2011 2nd to 7th Feb 2011 4th Feb 2011 14th Feb 2011 14th Feb 2011 24th Feb 2011
3 1. Dept of Humanities and Social Sciences in Campus 2. Dept of Humanities and Social Sciences in Campus formed by 17/9/2010 formed by 17/9/2010 16th October 2010 16th October 2010 20th October 2010 20th October 2010 5th to 7th Jan 2011 15th to 17th Jan 2011 17th Jan 2011 24th Jan 2011 24th to 27th Jan 2011 2nd to 7th Feb 2011 4th Feb 2011 14th Feb 2011 14th Feb 2011 24th Feb 2011
4 1. Dept of Earth Environmental Sciences in Campus 2. Dept of Earth Environmental Sciences in Karachi Campus formed by 17/9/2010 formed by 17/9/2010 16th October 2010 16th October 2010 20th October 2010 20th October 2010 5th to 7th Jan 2011 15th to 17th Jan 2011 17th Jan 2011 24th Jan 2011 24th to 27th Jan 2011 2nd to 7th Feb 2011 4th Feb 2011 14th Feb 2011 14th Feb 2011 24th Feb 2011
5 Dept of Applied Sciences Graduate Studies in Islamabad Campus Dept of Applied Sciences Graduate Studies in Karachi Campus formed by 17/9/2010 formed by 17/9/2010 16th October 2010 16th October 2010 20th October 2010 20th October 2010 5th to 7th Jan 2011 15th to 17th Jan 2011 17th Jan 2011 24th Jan 2011 24th to 27th Jan 2011 2nd to 7th Feb 2011 4th Feb 2011 14th Feb 2011 14th Feb 2011 24th Feb 2011
Feedback Forms
  • There are following feedback forms
  • Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire (To be
    filled by each student at the time of course
  • Faculty Course Review Report (To be filled by
    each teacher at the time of course completion).
  • Survey of Graduating Students.
  • Research Student Progress Review Form (To be
    filled out by Master / M. Phil / Ph.D Research
    Students on six monthly basis).
  • Faculty Survey (To be submitted on annual basis
    by each faculty member).

  • Survey of Department Offering Ph.D Program.
  • Alumni Survey (To be filled by Alumni - after the
    completion of each academic year)
  • Employer Survey (To be filled in the employer
    after the completion of each academic year)
  • Teacher Evaluation Form (To be filled by the

  • What is Assessment Team?
  • A group of three to four senior officials with
    one chairman of the team.
  • One of the members must be a subject specialist
    from within or outside university.
  • Nomination should be proposed by the Director QEC
    to the Rector who will finally approve.
  • Team is responsible for the evaluation of SAR.
  • Desired Skills
  • Senior faculty and Dean as Chairman
  • Having some background of QEC working
  • Having good drafting analytical skills
  • With excellent command over written communication

  • Thank You
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