Title: Welcome to The Value of Rain Gardens
1Welcome to The Value of Rain Gardens!
Produced by University of WI - Extension WI DNR
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4Rain, Rain Go Away
Rain, Rain Go Away!
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6The rain that falls here
Soaks into the Earth
7where it replenishes ournatural waterways.
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12 38
13Rural City Comparison
14Rain falls on our roadways,parking lots roofs
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16Water emerges at a high velocity through storm
sewer systems.
18Impacts of imperviousness
- 1) Reduces infiltration
- Diminished base flow
- Lost wetlands
- Increased temperature
19 20Projected Increase in Urban Runofffor Lake
Mendota(from 2000-2020)
Amounts of Urban Runoff for 2000
Amounts of Urban Runoff for 2020
An Increase of 57
21Flash Floods
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233) Erosion
24Engineered Waterways
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26Urban Impacts on Groundwater
- Lack of recharge
- Use a lot of water
27Wetlands and small streams have disappeared
Throughout the state artesian wells are no
longer flowing
28Peoples wells are drying up
29Groundwater Drawdown Regions
30Not Just Quantity.
Soil Manure Fertilizer
31And with each rain runoff, organic matter,
soil, fertilizer, oil and chemicals get added
to our lakes and streams.
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33and insects, the base of the food chain
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38Excess plant growth effects our enjoyment of
our waterways.
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40Water based tourism brings Wisconsin 12 - 15
billion dollars every year
41Our Goal
Act more like this
Need to make this
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43Whats the Answer?
44Low Impact Design
Conventional Drainage
Traditional Drainage
Functional Landscape Design
45Step One Increase Infiltration
- Prevent soil compaction
- Construction practices reduce infiltration by 70
99.5 - Plant vegetation intercepts rain drops and
prevents soil crust from forming - Slow down or hold back water
- Enhance soil structure landscape practices
46Sources of Residential Runoff
47Route Downspouts to Lawns
48Lawns and Infiltration
49Healthy Lawns less Runoff
50Rain Gardens
- Sunken Garden
- 4-6 inches deep with flat bottom
- Normally 1/3 the size of area draining to it
51Value of Using Native Plants
Deeper roots absorbs more water Uses no
fertilizer Uses little or no pesticides Does
not require watering after establishment Can
handle flooding/drought
52Do they work?
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56Benefits of Rain Gardens
Helps to protect restore natural hydrology
Allows rain to soak into the ground
Traps pollutants
57Attract Birds and Butterflies
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59Midvale neighborhood rain garden
60Thank You!
For more information clean-water.uwex.edu/pubs
Produced by Suzanne Wade, Jennifer Erickson
University of Wisconsin-Extension Kristi Minahan,
Roger Bannerman Department of Natural
Resources Photo Credits Roger Bannerman, Jim
Bertolacini, Margaret Burlingham, Center for
Watershed Protection, DNR and UWEX file photos,
Matt Hanson, Carolyn Johnson, Maplewood MN Public
Works, Bob Queen, Ellen Rulseh, Bill Volkert,
Suzanne Wade, Larry Coffman, Applied Ecological
Services, Genesis Bichanich, Barr Engineering,
David Thompson and Candy Schrank February 2007