Title: Torah Study:
1Torah Study 052408 Israels 60th
Anniversary Weekly lesson from scripture
readings from Torah- 5 Books of Moses Genesis,
Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, Deuteronomy Haftorah-
Joshua- Malachi Brit Hadesha-
2The whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation is
Hebraic Scripture and Gods Inerrant Word
inspired by the Holy Spirit for humankind. There
is but one God, and one Bible for the Jew and for
the Gentle.
Ephesians 36 This mystery is that through the
gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with
Israel, members together of one body, and sharers
together in the promise in Christ Jesus. (Yeshua
Ephesians 310 His intent was that now, through
the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be
made known
3Happy 60th Anniversary Israel On 14 May 1948,
Israel proclaimed its independence. Less than 24
hours later, the regular armies of Egypt, Jordan,
Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded the country,
forcing Israel to defend the sovereignty it had
regained in its ancestral homeland. In what
became known as Israel's War of Independence, the
newly formed, poorly equipped Israel Defense
Forces (IDF) repulsed the invaders in fierce
intermittent fighting, which lasted some 15
months and claimed over 6,000 Israeli lives
(nearly one percent of the country's Jewish
population at the time).
4Genesis 121-3 The Lord had said to Abram, Leave
your country, your people and your fathers
household and go to the land I will show you. I
will make you into a great nation and I will
bless you I will make your name great, and you
will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless
you, and whoever curses you I will curse and all
peoples on earth will be blessed through you.
Deuteronomy 225 This very day I will begin to
put the terror and fear of you on all the nations
under heaven. They will hear reports of you and
will tremble and be in anguish because of you.
The Land, Israel, is a key blessing concerning
Gods provision and faithfulness. We will see
Israels faithfulness is required for the
fullness of the blessings of provision, just as
our obedience to God through the Holy Spirit
impacts our realization of the blessings of God.
He gives but we have to be ready to receive
5Gods gift of the Israel (Canaan) to Abraham and
his descendants Genesis 178-11 The whole land
of Canaan, where you are now an alien, I will
give as an everlasting possession to you and your
descendants after you and I will be their God.
Then God said to Abraham, As for you, you must
keep my covenant, you and your descendants after
you for the generations to come. This is my
covenant with you and your descendants after you,
the covenant you are to keep Every male among
you shall be circumcised. You are to undergo
circumcision, and it will be the sign of the
covenant between me and you.
Circumcision was not the covenant but a sign of
the covenant. Often living by the law was seen as
the end goal, but it is only a sign of the end
goal, a relationship with God.
6Israel would replace the Garden of Eden as Gods
- Humanity lost the Garden of Eden because of their
sin. Land is a sign of Gods love and provision.
It is Gods desire to love us and live among us.
God called Adam and Eve from the cool of he
Garden. - This is why Messiah came as Emanuel, God with us.
- This is why in the Messianic Kingdom Yeshua comes
and reigns as King of all nations from Jerusalem
Israel. - This is why the new Heaven is in a new Jerusalem
where all who have Believed in Messiah will live
for eternity with God.
7Israel would replace the Garden of Eden as Gods
8Gods gift of the Israel (Canaan) to Abraham and
his descendants Genesis 138-12 So Abram said
to Lot, Lets not have any quarreling between
you and me, or between your herdsmen and mine,
for we are brothers. Is not the whole land before
you? Lets part company. If you go to the left,
Ill go to the right if you go to the right,
Ill go to the left. Lot looked up and saw
that the whole plain of the Jordan was well
watered, like the garden of the Lord, like the
land of Egypt, toward Zoar. (This was before the
Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.) So Lot chose
for himself the whole plain of the Jordan and set
out toward the east. The two men parted
company Abram lived in the land of Canaan,
while Lot lived among the cities of the plain and
pitched his tents near Sodom.
9Gods gift of the Israel (Canaan) to Abraham and
his descendants Lot looked up and saw that the
whole plain of the Jordan was well watered, like
the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt,
toward Zoar. (This was before the Lord destroyed
Sodom and Gomorrah.) So Lot chose for himself the
whole plain of the Jordan and set out toward the
east. The two men parted company Abram lived in
the land of Canaan, while Lot lived among the
cities of the plain and pitched his tents near
Lot looked with his eyes and chose that which
looked good, rather than choosing Canaan which
God had promised Abraham would be the land of
promise. Our decisions are often made by sight
and not by faith! God confirms right after this
event that Abraham would receive the land of
blessing so he would not feel bad that Lot took
the land that seemed better. Sodom would be
destroyed and Lot would be forced to leave very
10Gods gift of the Israel (Canaan) to Abraham and
his descendants Genesis 924-29 24 When Noah
awoke from his wine and found out what his
youngest son had done to him, he said, Cursed be
Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his
brothers. He also said, Blessed be the Lord,
the God of Shem! May Canaan be the slave of Shem.
May God extend the territory of Japheth may
Japheth live in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan
be his slave. After the flood Noah lived 350
years. Altogether, Noah lived 950 years, and then
he died. Genesis 1010-12 The first centers of
his kingdom were Babylon, Erech, Akkad and
Calneh, in Shinar. From that land he went to
Assyria, where he built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir,
Calah and Resen, which is between Nineveh and
Calah that is the great city.
11Gods gift of the Israel (Canaan) to Abraham and
his descendants Genesis 1015-18 Canaan was the
father of Sidon his firstborn, and of the
Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites, Girgashites,
Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, Arvadites, Zemarites
and Hamathites. Later the Canaanite clans
scattered Genesis 1513-16 Then the Lord said
to him, Know for certain that your descendants
will be strangers in a country not their own, and
they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred
years. But I will punish the nation they serve as
slaves, and afterward they will come out with
great possessions. 15 You, however, will go to
your fathers in peace and be buried at a good old
age. In the fourth generation your descendants
will come back here, for the sin of the Amorites
has not yet reached its full measure.
12Biblical Boundaries of the Israel (Canaan) God
gave Abraham Joshua 2411-14 Then you crossed
the Jordan and came to Jericho. The citizens of
Jericho fought against you, as did also the
Amorites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hittites,
Girgashites, Hivites and Jebusites, but I gave
them into your hands. I sent the hornet ahead of
you, which drove them out before youalso the two
Amorite kings. You did not do it with your own
sword and bow. So I gave you a land on which
you did not toil and cities you did not build
and you live in them and eat from vineyards and
olive groves that you did not plant. Now fear
the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness.
Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped
beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the
13Isaiah 667-11 Before she goes into labor, she
gives birth before the pains come upon her, she
delivers a son. Who has ever heard of such a
thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a
country be born in a day or a nation be brought
forth in a moment? .Rejoice with Jerusalem and
be glad for her, all you who love her rejoice
greatly with her, all you who mourn over her.
For you will nurse and be satisfied at her
comforting breasts you will drink deeply and
delight in her overflowing abundance.
Zionism is often considered a political and
secular movement. The Church needs to appreciate
the modern State of Israel as a miracle of God
and a sign of end times. It should move Israel to
faith in Jesus as Messiah. It should move
Christians to love and support Israel fully,
because it is a nation created by God for
purposes of bring salvation to all peoples.
14Jeremiah 3244"This is what the LORD says As I
have brought all this great calamity on this
people, so I will give them all the prosperity I
have promised them. Once more fields will be
bought in this land of which you say, 'It is a
desolate waste, without men or animals, for it
has been handed over to the Babylonians.'
Fields will be bought for silver, and deeds
will be signed, sealed and witnessed in the
territory of Benjamin, in the villages around
Jerusalem, in the towns of Judah and in the towns
of the hill country, of the western foothills and
of the Negev, because I will restore their
fortunes, declares the LORD."
15- Research and commentary by George and Raymond
Konig of www.AboutBibleProphecy.com After the
Babylonian Empire fell to a coalition of Medes
and Persians, Jews began returning and reclaiming
their land, without the use of military force.
Jeremiah's prophecy was fulfilled more than
2000 years ago. Although beyond the scope of
Jeremiah's prophecy, the Romans forced the Jews
into exile again. And, in 1901, some of the
descendants of the exiles formed the Jewish
National Fund to buy land within the ancient land
of Israel, in the hopes of re-establishing a
Jewish homeland. When the modern state of
Israel was re-established in 1948, there was an
estimated 650,000 Jews residing in 305 towns. Of
those towns, 233 stood on JNF land, according
www.jnf.org, a Web site for the Jewish National
16Ezekiel 3634-38 The desolate land will be
cultivated instead of lying desolate in the sight
of all who pass through it. They will say,
This land that was laid waste has become like
the garden of Eden the cities that were lying in
ruins, desolate and destroyed, are now fortified
and inhabited. Then the nations around you
that remain will know that I the Lord have
rebuilt what was destroyed and have replanted
what was desolate. I the Lord have spoken, and I
will do it. This is what the Sovereign Lord
says Once again I will yield to the plea of the
house of Israel and do this for them I will make
their people as numerous as sheep, as numerous
as the flocks for offerings at Jerusalem during
her appointed feasts. So will the ruined cities
be filled with flocks of people. Then they will
know that I am the Lord.
17Ezekiel 3634-38 The desolate land will be
cultivated instead of lying desolate in the sight
of all who pass through it. They will say,
This land that was laid waste has become like
the garden of Eden the cities that were lying in
ruins, desolate and destroyed, are now fortified
and inhabited.
Israel is Gods permanent replacement for the
Garden of Eden. It is the millennium home of
Jesus and the final resting place where God
brings heaven to earth. It is where the Tree of
Life will again be given. Most Churches and
Christians see Israel as only the place of Jesus
ministry, rather than part of the blessings they
have been grafted into as Believers.
18Isaiah 5714, Build up, build up and PREPARE THE
peoples way on their Return home to Zion.5
The DOME of the ROCK is Satans attempt to sit
where Messiah is to sit. This is what Chanukah
is about. For a short time, the Macabees regained
the Temple and cleansed it for the God of Israel.
The Greeks had placed Zeus in the Temple and
swine were sacrificed. In the third Temple
Anti-Messiah will claim to be God. When Jesus
returns he will establish himself as High Priest
and King and the Temple/Throne will be HIS
y/section/farming_agriculture The State of Israel
covers an area of approximately 12,000 sq. miles
but only 20 of it is arable land. Sixty percent
of Israel is desert and just 10 of the
population lives there. The remaining 40 of the
country is semi-arid land. It is densely
populated, containing 90 of the population.
Farming and agricultural production in Israel,
which is an industrial country, accounts for
about 2 to 3 percent of the GNP. Major produce
includes vegetables, cotton, beef, poultry and
dairy products, and citrus and other fruits.
Citrus fruits are the country's main export
crops. Israel's soil and climate give the fruit
an appearance and flavor that commands a high
price on the world market. Israel's total
exports for 1999, in US dollars, was over 25
20At the start of the 1920s, the world Jewish
population numbered some 15 million people,
scattered throughout 76 different countries. JNF
reached out to every Jewish community, regardless
of size or distance.
Jewish National Fund voice was heard not only in
asking for contributions, but also in Zionist
education, which helped connect Jewish
communities to the homeland. This is a
leadership role the organization still plays
today. JNF's Blue Box stood in hundreds of
thousands of Jewish homes, schools, synagogues,
public buildings and businesses. JNF made it
possible for every Jew--whether man, woman or
child--to become a partner in the Zionist
enterprise and be personally involved
21In 1965, Joseph Weitz, JNF-KKL Director of Land
and Forestry from 1932-1972, shifted his gaze to
the south in order to settle the frontiers along
the Negev border. Although this is a very arid
region, Weitz envisioned rolling back the desert
with trees, creating a security zone for the
people of Israel. The planting of The Yatir
Forest, named after the remains of the Israelite
biblical town Yatir, began in 1965. The forest
was planted in a region whose low rainfall made
it seem unsuitable for afforestation. The
Yatir Forest, however, defied the odds and grew
to be one of Israel's largest and most beautiful
forests. During this period, country-wide
afforestation accelerated the number of trees
planted in JNF-KKL forests reached 100 million.
Yatir Forest is a man made forest in Israel,
located on the southern slopes of Mount Hebron
22Aliyah is widely regarded as an important Jewish
cultural concept and a fundamental concept of
Zionism that is enshrined in Israel's Law of
Return, which permits any Jew the legal right to
assisted immigration and settlement in Israel, as
well as automatic Israeli citizenship. A Jew
who makes aliyah is called an oleh (m. singular)
or olah (f. singular), the plural for both is
olim. Many Religious Jews espouse aliyah as a
return to the Promised land, and regard it as the
fulfillment of God's biblical promise to the
descendants of the Hebrew patriarchs Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob. Aliyah is included as a
commandment by some opinions on the enumeration
of the 613 commandments.
Conversion Process (Approved in principle by the
2nd Annual MBI Conference March 3, 2001) The
Jewish Simcha is another way of referring to
Gentile conversion to Judaism. Simcha
originally means celebration. The Messianic
Jewish Simcha (conversion) is a controversial
subject among Messianic Jews. This is because
we are careful not to do anything to confuse or
conflict with the simcha/celebration we have
obtained in knowing Messiah Yeshua our L_RD.
Knowing Him is the highest and best form of
Judaism in our estimation
- Some Reasons for Jewish ConversionThese are some
valid reasons for having a Messianic Jewish
Simcha - Unification of a mixed marriage. A married
couple might find it to be a unifying help for
both of them to be considered Jewish. - Unassimilated Jewish ministry. A non-Jewish
person called for ministry to the Jews may want
to make sure that their work does not think to
remove Jews from their Jewishness. - Ambiguous Jewish heritage. A person may have
strong indications that they have Jewish
heritage, but no "proof", so the Simcha serves as
a point of assertion and commitment to their
Jewish heritage. - Other motivations. There may be other valid
reasons that yet need to be tested.
- PitfallsYet, there are great difficulties with a
Messianic Jewish Simcha that must be considered - First, a Messianic Jewish Simcha is likely to be
confused among the unlearned with conversion to
Messiah Yeshua, which is a spiritual conversion
from sin, from darkness to light in Him. - Second, those Messianic non-Jews who do not want
to have Simcha may feel second-class. Their
position as equals in the promises may seem to be
watered down. They may experience increased
alienation unless their Messianic group is
capable at explaining the situation properly. (I
propose an adult non-Jewish confirmation as a
grafted in member of the Olive Tree of Israel
for them.)
- Third, some will say that Messianic Jewish
Simcha is a form of Judaising, in that becoming
officially a Jew may seem to some as the
proscribed or preferred path. (Actually, biblical
Judaising was a doctrine of a very small Jewish
sect who thought that being circumcised would
make one exempt from being accountable for sin.) - Fourth, presently no other branch of Judaism
will accept a Messianic Jewish conversion. - Aliyah is presently not available to Messianic
Jews. - (Of course, Messianic Judaism does not recognize
being Jewish or Jewish conversion as sufficient
for salvation either, touche.)
717-20 Nevertheless, each one should retain the
place in life that the Lord assigned to him and
to which God has called him. This is the rule I
lay down in all the churches. Was a man already
circumcised when he was called? He should not
become uncircumcised. Was a man uncircumcised
when he was called? He should not be circumcised.
Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is
nothing. Keeping Gods commands is what counts.
Each one should remain in the situation which he
was in when God called him.
28Published 05/14/02, 1114 PM When the High Court
Welcomes Messianic Jews by S. Alfassa Marks On
February 20, 2002, the Israeli Supreme Court
ruled that the Interior Ministry must register as
Jews those who were converted by the Reform or
Conservative movements in Israel or abroad. This
ruling has not only set in motion a wave which
will flood Israel with non-Jews who actually
think they are Jews, but has opened the flood
gates to the proselytizing Christians. The
Christian sect deceitfully calling itself
?messianic Judaism? is gaining incredible
momentum and educating its members as to how to
make aliyah. Certain branches of Evangelical
Christianity have spent over one billion dollars
in the last decade to convert Jews to
Christianity. Under the guise of ?Jews for Jesus?
and ?Hebrew Christians,? a new threat of
spiritual terrorism has emerged in the form of
?messianic congregations,? whose theological
tenets are identical to the Christian
fundamentalists who created them. Their ultimate
goal is the eradication of the Jewish people
through assimilation to Christianity.
29Since the late 1950?s Eretz Israel has had a
small population of evangelical Christians, as
well as its share of Jewish converts to
Christianity. Today, the latter call themselves
?messianic Jews,? but don?t let the term fool you
? they are not Jewish. This is probably the only
fact that both Maimonides and the secular Israeli
Supreme court agree on. The ?messianics? have
the specific intent of being accepted as Jews in
Israel. So much so that they have developed a
political action group that lobbies the
government, even using Holocaust survivors that
have converted to Christianity as spokespersons.
These people have a highly strategic plan, are
well financed by mainstream Christian groups and
have a single goal, to remove Jews from following
the faith of their ancestors.
30Generally speaking, ?messianics? are Jews who
have converted and worship Jesus (whom they call
Yeshua). However, not all of these messianics
are Jews from birth. There are many ?messianic
rabbis? who are ?converting? Christians to
Judaism, so these Christians can go missionize to
?other Jews? about Jesus. The messianics are also
cranking out ? Jewish Rabbis? and ?scholars?
with ?Master of Theology in Rabbinical Studies?
degrees via the Internet. Anyone can get one.
Simply pay the required few thousand dollars
and they will send you the study from home
material. When you are finished, then you too can
convert Christians to ?Judaism.?
31By suggesting that messianics make aliyah from
the West, their Christian backers are attempting
to expand their influence and make further
inroads into Israeli society. In Israel, they
can integrate into society and, with a stealth
approach, encroach on the Jewish populace. In
America, these Christians even fill a few seats
at many orthodox congregations. A few years ago,
there was a notorious case of two Christians who
were stopped from making aliyah after having
spent at least a year living as orthodox Jews.
Just recently, a Chabad House in Florida removed
a Christian who had been there for several months
deceiving the community into believing that he
was a Jew. Why are they in our congregations?
Because they want to appear to be Jews so that
they can ultimately make aliyah and continue
proselytizing inside Israel.
32April 21, 2008 532PM Messianic Jews Win
Citizenship Victory in Israel Supreme Court rules
Messianic believers must be granted citizenship
rights in many cases. Tim MorganFor decades,
Israel has made it next to impossible for
immigrant Messianic Jews, who affirm belief in
Jesus as Messiah, to become citizens of Israel.
Often, if Messianic believers disclosed their
faith in 'Yeshua,' the name they use for Jesus,
government authorities would reject their
citizenship application.
33April 21, 2008 532PM Messianic Jews Win
Citizenship Victory in Israel Supreme Court rules
Messianic believers must be granted citizenship
rights in many cases. But last week, the Supreme
Court of Israel, ruled on a case involved 12
Messianic Jews who sued the government Ministry
of the Interior for their legal 'right of return'
(and then to become citizens of Israel).The
court in its ruling said The parties have
submitted to us the following notificationIn
their notification dated 13.04.08 the Respondents
declared, that the fact that a person is a
Messianic Jew has no bearing on an application
according to Sec. 7 of the Law of Citizenship, as
well as an application according to Sec. 4(A)(a)
of the Law of Return (as long as the person
applying according the abovementioned section of
the Law of Return is not considered to be Jewish,
as described in section 4B of the Law of Return).
The Respondents declare that in accordance with
their notification they will process the
applications of all Petitioners
34April 21, 2008 532PM Messianic Jews Win
Citizenship Victory in Israel Supreme Court rules
Messianic believers must be granted citizenship
rights in many cases. The parties have
submitted to us the following notificationIn
their notification dated 13.04.08 the Respondents
declared, that the fact that a person is a
Messianic Jew has no bearing on an application
according to Sec. 7 of the Law of Citizenship, as
well as an application according to Sec. 4(A)(a)
of the Law of Return (as long as the person
applying according the abovementioned section of
the Law of Return is not considered to be Jewish,
as described in section 4B of the Law of
Return). The Respondents declare that in
accordance with their notification they will
process the applications of all Petitioners as
soon as possible, as well as the application of
Alvetina Zibareva, and Valentina Zibareva who
requested to join the petition on 01.04.08 to the
extent that their request is similar. Due to
these circumstances the representatives of the
Petitioners requested to remove the petition
without a ruling regarding court costs. The
Petition is removed by consent as aforesaid.
35Ruling is a first step but still a
compromise Israel and Messianics Clarification A
pril 17, 2008 by derek4messiah I received a
communication today that clarifies the settlement
reached yesterday in Israel (see below, Breaking
News). The ruling would not cover all Messianic
Jews, but would cover many of them If a person
was not a Jew previously (religious definition)
but is a descendant of Jews, then they can make
aliyah (citizenship) without discrimination for
their current faith in Yeshua.
36- About Israel
- Capital and largest city) Jerusalem
- Official languages Hebrew,
- Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
- President Shimon Peres
- Independence -Â Declaration 14 May 1948
- Â 2008Â estimate 7,282,000 -Â
- 1995Â census 5,548,523
- Currency Israeli new sheqel (??)
37- About Israel
- Selected Events
- 14.2.1949 The first sitting of the Constituent
Assembly was held. Joseph Shprinzak was elected
as Speaker of the Assembly. - 16.2.1949 The Constituent Assembly ratified the
Transition Law, which changed its name to the
First Knesset, and elected Chaim Weizmann as the
first President of the State. - 17.2.1949 Inauguration ceremony of Chaim
Weizmann as President of the State of Israel. - 8.3.1949 David Ben Gurion formed the First
Government. - 4.4.1949 The Prime Minister reported on the
Ceasefire Agreements signed with Egypt, Lebanon
and - 11.5.1949 Israel was accepted into the United
Nations.16.8.1949 A special plenum sitting was
held marking the relocation of the remains of
Benjamin Zeev Herzl to Israel. - 5.12.1949 The Prime Minister made an
announcement regarding the United Nation's debate
on Jerusalem, and said it is the eternal capital
and core of the State of Israel.
38About Israel Israel is governed by a
multi-party parliamentary system. The President
of the State of Israel fulfills mainly ceremonial
duties and is not a part of the three branches of
government. 1. The legislative authority The
Knesset, Israel's Parliament, includes 120
members elected for a term of four years in
nationwide elections. Electoral System in
Israel Political Parties in Israel 2. The
executive authority The government headed by the
Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is elected in
nationwide elections for a period of four years.
All recent governments were formed by a coalition
of parties. The Ministers that head the
government ministries are appointed by the Prime
Minister generally from among the ranks of the
parties in the coalition. Prime Ministers of
39About Israel 1. The legislative authority The
Knesset, Israel's Parliament, includes 120
members elected for a term of four years in
nationwide elections.
40MKs of the Herut Movement. From left to right
Uri-Zvi Greenberg, Esther Raziel-Naor and Menahem
Begin, December 26th 1949
The first President of the State of Israel, Chaim
Weizmann, swears his allegiance, 17.2.1949.
Members of the First Government. From left to
right Golda Meirson, Shneor Zalman Shazar,
Bechor Sheetrit, Government Stenographer Yaakov
Maimion, Dov Yosef, Eliezer Kaplan, Moshe
Sharett, David Ben Gurion, Government Secretary
Zeev Sherf, Pinhas Rosen, David Remez, Moshe
Shapira, Rabbi Yitzhak Meir Levin, Rabbi Yehuda
Leib Maimon, May 1st 1949
Members of the First Government. From left to
right Golda Meirson, Shneor Zalman Shazar,
Bechor Sheetrit, Government Stenographer Yaakov
Maimion, Dov Yosef, Eliezer Kaplan, Moshe
Sharett, David Ben Gurion, Government Secretary
Zeev Sherf, Pinhas Rosen, David Remez, Moshe
Shapira, Rabbi Yitzhak Meir Levin, Rabbi Yehuda
Leib Maimon, May 1st 1949
44Selected Events 24.4.2006 A debate was held on
anti-Semitism, following Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejads calling for striking Israel
off the map.
Knesset Speaker, Dalia Itzik
45About Israel The executive authority The
government headed by the Prime Minister. The
Prime Minister is elected in nationwide elections
for a period of four years. All recent
governments were formed by a coalition of
parties. The Ministers that head the government
ministries are appointed by the Prime Minister
generally from among the ranks of the parties in
the coalition. Prime Ministers of Israel
46- About Israel
- Court
- Halacha Based Arbitration (Gishur KaHalacha)
- Israeli Institute for Commercial Arbitration
- Labor Courts
- Rabbinical Courts Regional
- Courts Regional
- Courts for Druze in Israel
- Religious Courts for Moslems
- Sanhedrin - The Council of Jewish Sages
- Supreme Court
47- About Israel
- Court
- Sanhedrin - The Council of Jewish Sages
-  new Last update - 1549 28/02/2007
Present-day Sanhedrin court seeks to revive
ancient Temple rituals By Nadav Shragai, Haaretz
Correspondent - The present-day Sanhedrin Court decided Tuesday
to purchase a herd of sheep for ritual sacrifice
at the site of the Temple on the eve of Passover,
conditions on the Temple Mount permitting. The
modern Sanhedrin was established several years
ago and is headed by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. It
claims to be renewing the ancient Jewish high
court, which existed until roughly 1600 years
ago, and meets once a week. Professor Hillel
Weiss, a member of the Sanhedrin, told Haaretz on
Tuesday that the action, even if merely symbolic,
is designed to demonstrate in a way that is
obvious to all that the expectation of Temple
rituals will resume is real, and not just talk.
48About Israel Sanhedrin - The Council of Jewish
Sages  A Sanhedrin "sitting together," hence
"assembly" or "council") is an assembly of
twenty-three judges mandated by Jewish law to be
created in every city. The Great Sanhedrin was
an assembly of Jewish judges who constituted the
supreme court and legislative body of ancient
Israel. In total there were 71 sanhedrin
members. The make-up of the Great Sanhedrin
included a Chief/Prince/Leader called Nasi, a
Cohen Gadol or the High Priest, a vice chief
justice (Av Beit Din), and sixty-nine general
49About Israel Sanhedrin - The Council of Jewish
Sages The last universally recognized binding
decision of the Sanhedrin is usually dated 358,
when the rule-based Hebrew Calendar was adopted
to replace the calendar determined by the Court.
The Sanhedrin was dissolved after continued
persecution by the authorities of the Roman
Empire, and since that time there has been no
universally recognized authority within Jewish
law. .
50About Israel Rebuilding the Temple On Feb. 9,
just a few weeks after the Sanhedrin's
re-establishment, another enormously important
development took place. The religious sages
began to consider the rebuilding of the Temple
and reinstitution of ancient animal sacrifices as
prescribed in the Law of Moses. The first step
toward facilitating this monumental endeavor was
to seek to determine the exact location of the
Temple's foundation. Sanhedrin spokesman Rabbi
Chaim Richman told Arutz-7 It is appropriate
that the Sanhedrin convened to discuss this lofty
matter of the Temple's location this week ... the
Sanhedrin continues to move toward strengthening
the nation of Israel.
51Rebuilding the Temple The most difficult
problem is to determine with certainty exactly
where the previous Temple's foundations are.
Muslims have not allowed Israeli archeologists to
do archeological research on the Temple grounds.
As a matter of fact, the Muslim custodians of
this area, which they believe is their Third
Holiest site, have systematically sought to
destroy and remove any archeological evidence of
Israel ever having a Temple there. The
Sanhedrin determined that there are only two
viable theories as to where the Temple stood.
One teaches that the Temple stood on the same
basic site on which the Muslim mosque known as
the Dome of the Rock was built. The second
theory (which I am convinced is the most
accurate) is that the Temple was built north of
the Dome of the Rock
52About Israel Rebuilding the Temple (Revelation
111-2 NIV) This is what I was shown. "I was
given a reed like a measuring rod and was told,
'Go and measure the temple of God and the altar,
and count the worshipers there. But exclude the
outer court do not measure it, because it has
been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on
the holy city for 42 months.' So I measured off
the distance from the centerline to the point
where the wall of the inner court would stand.
There was at least 6 meters clearance from the
nearest points of the Dome of the Rock and the
Temple inner-court wall. The Apostle John clearly
predicts that "the outer court was not to be
included in the rebuilt Temple, because it was
given to the Gentiles." So what does all this
53About Israel The Temple can be rebuilt and
stand alongside the Dome of the Rock without
disturbing it. And since the outer court, also
known as the Court of the Gentiles, is given to
the Gentiles in this period just before the
Messiah comes, it infers that there would be a
Gentile building there, i.e., the Dome of the
Rock. The fact that a re-established Sanhedrin
is now considering the rebuilding of the Temple
after 2,000 years is extremely important to
students of Bible prophecy. I believe that we are
very near the final climactic events that end
with the Second Coming of Christ
54Etymologically, Sanhedrin is a late Hebrew
representation of the Greek word synedrion
s???d???? meaning "sitting together" as a
legislative assembly or Senate. It is
interesting to note that several aspects of the
U.S. Senate, including the semi-circle seating of
the senators, were derived from the Jewish
Sanhedrin by the Founding Fathers of the U.S.
Constitution. The Jewish Sanhedrin is a
governmental body that resembles aspects of both
the U.S. Senate and the Supreme Court.
55The authorized representatives of the Sanhedrin
are as follows
Rabbi Steinsaltz Teacher, philosopher, social
critic and prolific author who has been hailed by
Time magazine as a "once-in-a-millennium
scholar." His lifelong work in Jewish education
earned him the Israel Prize, his countrys
highest honor. Born in Jerusalem in 1937, Rabbi
Steinsaltz studied physics and chemistry at the
Hebrew University. Rabbi Steinsaltz has authored
some 60 books and hundreds of articles on
subjects ranging from theology to social
Rabbi Steinsaltz
56The authorized representatives of the Sanhedrin
are as follows
Rabbi Yoel Shwartz An outstanding Torah scholar
and prolific writer has published over 200
seforim. He is a product of the great Yeshivot
Poneviz and Mir and merited to study with the
famous Mashgiach of Yeshivat Mir, Rabbi Chaim
Shmuelevitch zt"l. Rabbi Schwartz brings scores
of years of experience in Torah education to the
Nahal Haredi. Rabbi Schwartz has served as a
spiritual advisor and educator since the
inception of the program in 1999. He resides in
Jerusalem with his wife, children and
Rabbi Yoel Shwartz
57The authorized representatives of the Sanhedrin
are as follows
Rabbi Dov Levanoni Torah scholar and author of
ha-Mikdash Teur Bet ha-Mikdash ha-Sheni lefi
shitat ha-Rambam HaMikdash a description of the
Second Temple according to the Rambam.
Rabbi Dov Levanoni
58The authorized representatives of the Sanhedrin
are as follows
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel A former Yeshiva head and
founder of the Machon Hamikdash. Rabbi Ariel was
the Rosh Yeshiva and spiritual leader of Yamit.
Rabbi Ariel is a scholar of great renown, and is
also the author of many Hebrew works, including
the highly acclaimed "Atlas of the Biblical
Boundaries of the Land of Israel." He served in
the paratrooper brigade which liberated the
Western Wall in the Six Day War of 1967, and was
one of the first soldiers to reach the Wall.
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel
59The authorized representatives of the Sanhedrin
are as follows
Rabbi Dov Meir Stein Received semikha for the
Rabbinut from Rav Sternberg of Edas Hareidi. A
pioneer in the Sanhedrin's renewal for the last
20 years, he has been secretary of the Sanhedrin
since its inception, dealing with logistical
aspects as well as interacting with recognized
Torah scholars and inviting rabbis to join the
Rabbi Dov Meir Stein
60The authorized representatives of the Sanhedrin
are as follows
Rabbi Evans is the Associate Messianic Rabbi of
Beth Chaim. He is an ordained minister and rabbi
and seminary graduate. Born into a Jewish home
and brought up Messianic. Aaron has developed
the beard required of a Sanhedrin Rabbi and
awaits confirmation for when they accept
Messianic Rabbis.
Rabbi Aaron Evans
61The authorized representatives of the Sanhedrin
are as follows
Rabbi Fielding disqualified for lack of facial
Rabbi Jay Fielding
What about now?
62About Israel Sanhedrin - The Council of Jewish
Sages The seven-member leadership council
(above) convenes on weekly basis within a larger
court of ordained rabbis from the general ranks
of the Sanhedrin that grows steadily, in the
ongoing development of a full Sanhedrin Qetanah
(small Sanhedrin) to lead the Sanhedrin. The
leadership of the developing Sanhedrin stress
that they are still in a transitional phase, and
that though today's members are Torah scholars
and experts in many secular and scientific
fields, every one of them has agreed to step
aside the moment a more deserving candidate
should step forward. Retrieved from
63About Israel Court Supreme Court The Supreme
Court, which stands at the head of the judicial
pyramid, is the authorized interpreter of laws
enacted by the Israeli parliament the Knesset.
It is he body that applies the binding norms in
Israel and develops the law in a proper and
lawful manner, one building block on top of the
next. In developing the law, the Supreme Court
gives expression to the values of the State of
Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, and
strives to achieve a just judicial result.
64Ezekiel 3816-23 You will advance against my
people Israel like a cloud that covers the land.
In days to come, O Gog, I will bring you against
my land, so that the nations may know me when I
show myself holy through you before their eyes.
. I will execute judgment upon him with plague
and bloodshed I will pour down torrents of rain,
hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on his
troops and on the many nations with him. And so I
will show my greatness and my holiness, and I
will make myself known in the sight of many
nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.
65John 1212-16 The Triumphal Entry The next day
the great crowd that had come for the Feast heard
that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took
palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,
Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name
of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!
Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it, as
it is written, Do not be afraid, O Daughter of
Zion see, your king is coming, seated on a
donkeys colt. At first his disciples did not
understand all this. Only after Jesus was
glorified did they realize that these things had
been written about him and that they had done
these things to him.
66STATE OF ISRAEL1948 End of British Mandate (14
May)State of Israel proclaimed (14 May).Israel
invaded by five Arab states (15 May).Israel
Defense Forces (IDF) established.War of
Independence (May 1948-July 1949). 1949
Armistice agreements signed with Egypt, Jordan,
Syria, Lebanon.Jerusalem divided under Israeli
and Jordanian rule. First Knesset (parliament)
elected. Israel admitted to United Nations as
59th member.1948-52Mass immigration from
Europe and Arab countries. 1962 Adolf Eichmann
tried and executed in Israel for his part in the
67STATE OF ISRAEL1967Six-Day War Jerusalem
reunited.1968-70Egypt's War of Attrition against
Israel 1973 Yom Kippur War 1975 Israel
becomes an associate member of the European
Common Market. 1979 Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty
signed.Prime Minister Menachem Begin and
President Anwar Sadat awarded Nobel Peace Prize.
1981Israel Air Force destroys Iraqi nuclear
reactor just before it is to become
operative.1982Israel's three-stage withdrawal
from Sinai Peninsula completed. 1987 Widespread
violence (Intifada) starts in Israeli-administered
68 1992 Diplomatic relations established with
China and India.New government headed by Yitzhak
Rabin of Labor Party.1993Declaration of
Principles on Interim Self-Government
Arrangements for the Palestinians signed by
Israel and PLO, as representative of the
Palestinian people (Oslo Accords). 1994
Implementation of Palestinian self-government in
Gaza Strip and Jericho area. 1995 Broadened
Palestinian self-government implemented in West
Bank and Gaza Strip Palestinian Council
elected.Prime Minister Rabin assassinated at
peace rally.Shimon Peres becomes prime
minister. 1996 Fundamentalist Arab terrorism
against Israel escalates.
691996 Fundamentalist Arab terrorism against
Israel escalates.Operation Grapes of Wrath,
retaliation for Hezbollah terrorists' attacks on
northern Israel. 1998 Israel celebrates its
50th anniversary.Israel and the PLO sign the Wye
River Memorandum to facilitate implementation of
the Interim Agreement. 1999 Israel and the PLO
sign the Sharm-el-Sheikh Memorandum. 2000 Visit
of Pope Paul II.Israel withdraws from the
Security Zone in southern Lebanon.Israel
admitted to UN Western European and Others
Group.Renewed violence (Second Intifada). Prime
Minister Barak resigns. 2002 Israel launches
Operation Defensive Shield in response to massive
Palestinian terrorist attacks. Israel begins
building the anti-terrorist fence to stop West
Bank terrorists from killing Israeli citizens.
702003 Right-of-center coalition government formed
by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Israel accepts
the Roadmap. 2005 Israel carries out the
Disengagement Plan, ending Israel's presence in
the Gaza Strip. 2006 After Prime Minister
Sharon suffers a stroke, Ehud Olmert becomes
acting prime minister. Following elections on 28
March, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert forms new
government led by the Kadima Party. Israel
carried out military operations against
Palestinian terrorists in Gaza after kidnapping
of Israeli soldier. The Second War in Lebanon,
during which Israel carried out military
operations against Hezbollah terrorism from
southern Lebanon, following missile attacks and
kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers. 2007 Shimon
Peres elected President by the Knesset.Israel
declares Gaza "hostile territory" following Hamas
violent takeover of Gaza Strip.
71Zechariah 143-9 Then the Lord will go out and
fight against those nations, as he fights in the
day of battle. On that day his feet will stand on
the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the
Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to
west, forming a great valley, with half of the
mountain moving north and half moving south.
You will flee by my mountain valley, for it
will extend to Azel. You will flee as you fled
from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of
Judah. Then the Lord my God will come, and all
the holy ones with him. The Lord will be
king over the whole earth. On that day there will
be one Lord, and his name the only name.