Title: Straw Contribution to Material Budget
1Straw Contribution to Material Budget
- OTR Module Material Budget
Module Element X / X0
Carbon Facing (4 x 80mm) 0.112
Panel Core (2 x Nomex) Panel Core (2 x Rohacel) 0.110 0.142
Aluminum Foil (2 x 20mm) 0.056
Glue joints (panel) 0.050
2 x Straw Layers 0.276
Glue joints (straws-panels) 0.050
Total Nomex Total Rohacel 0.658 0.690
Xstraw / Xmodule 40
Minimize Straw Material, but
2Straws Gas Tightness
, without compromising the straw gas-tightness
Having gas-tight straws gives the possibility to
protect the counting gas from impurities entering
the gas envelope around the straws
3New Straw Material
Replace 25?m Al ? pre-laminated 15mm Al glue
25mm Kapton
Avoid Aluminum-Kapton joint in winding/glueing
without significantly affecting straw material
budget Xstraw / X0 0.138 ? 0.115
4New Straw Material (contd)
40?m Kapton XC-160
Laminated Kapton-Alu
(Straw winding material budget 0.12 of 1X0)
5Straw Tests
Test sample of 100 straws with new
pre-laminated AlKapton foil delivered by LAMINA
Ltd. in August
- Tested successfully at Heidelberg and NIKHEF gas
tightness within specs - No difference observed between straws cured at
room room and higher temperature
- These straws are acceptable
- Test reliability/reproducibility of LAMINA Ltd.
6Straw Tube Summary
- Winded tubes (Lamina Dielectrics Ltd.)
- Materials (from inner toward outer)
- 40?m Kapton XC-160
- 25?m Kapton XC-100
- 12?m Aluminum
- CF4 presence ? chose polymer as cathode
material - Kapton XC-160 (25 volume doping with Carbon,
370 W/cm2 ? 12 KW/m) - Passed extensive ageing tests
- Second layer of Kapton improves gas-tightness
- a permeability of 10-6 m/bar/s gives less than
5 volume loss per gas exchange - Aluminum layer decreases level of analog
(straw-to-straw) cross-talk - Aluminum presence reduces cross-talk from 1.8
to 0.5