Title: Selecting Candidate Sections
1Selecting Candidate Sections
- When Funds are Constrained
2Network-Level Elements
- Inventory
- Condition Assessment
- Determination of needed work funds
- Identification of candidate projects
- Determination of impacts of funding alternatives
- Feedback
- Due to limited information available in most
network-level systems - Considerable manipulation of sections, treatments
timing during - project selection-level
- project-level analysis
- Sections selected at network-level are candidates
for selection at project selection project level
- Process of identifying the set of potential
sections that give the best return for the
funds spent - Of course, determining how to measure that return
is the area of quantifying benefits
5Ranking or Prioritization
- Ranking based on a set of rules
- Those in worst condition repaired first
- Severe cracking repaired first
- Those with highest benefit-cost ratio repaired
6Ranking Requirements
- Needs analysis completed first
- Identify those that need work based on a set of
rules - Rank those needs based on another set of rules
- Fund from highest to lowest rank until funds
exhausted - Can be repeated for subsequent years
- Those not selected can be considered in following
years - Funding can vary among years
7Non-Economic Approaches to Ranking
- Damage
- Repair those with greatest damage first
- Performance function
- Repair those with poorest condition index first
- Composite criteria (priority number)
- 0.5FI 0.5EI 0.5RI
0.5CI - PN -------------------- --------------------
- - Usage
8Worst First Neglects Preservation Return on
9Pay Me Now
- 3 Seal Coats at 0.70 /sy - 24 yrs
- 1 Overlay at 3.50 /sy - 8 yrs
- 2 Seal Coats at 0.70 /sy - 16 yrs
- Total 7.00 /sy for 56 yrs
10Pay Me Later
- 2 Remove Replace at 14.00 /sy
- 54 yrs
- Total 28.00 /sy for 54 yrs
- Pay Me Now
- Total 7.00 /sy for 56 yrs
- Pay Me Later
- Total 28.00 /sy for 54 yrs
- Which Gave Better Service?
12Economic Based Ranking Systems
- Least first cost
- Least present costs or equivalent uniform annual
costs - Greatest benefit/cost ration
- or greatest effectiveness - cost ratio
13Least First Cost
- Given defined constraints such as
- Alternative must be designed to last at least X
(say 40) years - Alternative must provide some minimum level of
service over that time - Select alternative with lowest cost
14Least Present Value (Cost)
- Select treatment with least present value
- All current future costs converted to present
value or EUAC
PV SFC 1/(1 I)n
PV present value FC cost of future activity i
interest (or discount) rate n number of years
until future activity
15Least Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost
Annualized present value
where EUAC equivalent uniform annual
cost PV present value i interest (or
discount) rate n number of years in analysis
16Benefit/Cost Ratio
- Net monetary benefits gained by public divided by
total costs incurred by responsible agency over
some selected design period
S Benefits to public B/C
------------------------- S Costs to
Benefits costs can be positive and negative
17Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
- Same as benefit cost - except
- surrogate used for benefit
- Must select fixed cost or fixed effectiveness
- Select measure of effectiveness
- Area under performance curve
- Remaining life
- Normally must develop weighting for usage
18Prioritization Based on Cost-Effectiveness
- Sections that will be in the best condition for
the longest time for least cost - Give best return on funds
- Should be repaired first
20Cost-Effectiveness Ratio
Cost-Effectiveness ---------------------
21- Which sections last the longest?
- Which cost the least to build?
- Must generally weight for usage
22Weighted Cost-Effectiveness Ratio
Area under Curve
Weighted Cost- Effectiveness
------------------------- X WF
EUAC/yd2 (m2)
23Weighted Cost-Effectiveness Ratio
Where WER weighted effectiveness
ratio AREA area under PCI curve YR
years affected WF weighting factor for
usage EUAC equivalent uniform annual cost
SY square yards in management section
24Weighting Factor
- Selected for usage
- Vehicle miles traveled
- Volume delivered
- Homes served
- Customers served
- Some function (log, etc.)
25Start Tues
- Selects best combination of
- Segments
- Treatment categories
- Application times
- Over selected analysis period
27Typical Formulation
Maximize or Minimize
Subject to
28where Xijt section i of m total sections with
alternative j of k total treatment alternatives
in year t of the analysis period Bijt present
value of annual benefits of section i with
alternative j built in year t, all discounted to
a base year at a selected discount rate Dijtt'
the actual treatment cost of section i with
alternative j built in year t, incurred in year
t Bt budget for year t'
29Optimization Procedures
- Linear programming
- Non-linear programming
- Integer programming
- Dynamic programming
- Heuristics
30Linear Programming
31Solution to Linear Programming
32Non-Linear Programming
33Integer Programming
34Dynamic Programming
35Hueristic Solutions
36Optimization Process
- Establish objective
- Define benefit (monetary or effectiveness)
- Formulate mathematical model
- Solve mathematical problem
37Annual versus Long-term Optimization
- Annual
- Selects which sections what treatment
- Repeat for each year
- Long-term
- Selects which sections, what treatment, when to
38Annual Optimization
39Long-Term Optimization
40Probabilistic (or Fuzzy) versus Deterministic
- Considers inherent variability in future changes
- Typical
- Markov
- Survivor probability
41Other Approaches
- Artificial Neural Network
- Fuzzy Neural Network
- Genetic Algorithms
42Multivariate Analysis
- Consider more than one objective
- Goal programming
- Multivariate utility analysis
43Optimization Limitations
- Work best in limited solution space
- Many infrastructure problems have large solution
spaces - Small changes in constraints may result in jumps
among changing local optimal points
44Near Optimization(Multiple Year Prioritization)
- Allows identification of
- Sections
- Treatment categories
- Application time??
- Marginal cost-effectiveness
- Incremental cost-benefit analysis
- 1. Identify the feasible treatments
- 2. Calculate the effectiveness (E)
- 3. Calculate the cost (C) in net present value
terms - 4. Calculate the cost-effectiveness (CE) as the
ratio of E/C - 5. Select the treatment alternative and time for
each section with the best CE until the budget is
47- 6. calculate the marginal cost-effectiveness
(MCE) of all other strategies for all sections as
follows - MCE (Es - Er)/(Cs - Cr)
- where
- Es effectiveness of the strategy selected in
step 5 - Er effectiveness of the strategy for comparison
- Cs cost of the strategy selected in step 5
- Cr cost of the strategy for comparison
48- 7. If the MCE is negative, or if Er is less than
Es, the comparative strategy is eliminated from
further consideration if not, it replaces the
strategy selected in 5 - 8. This process is repeated until no further
selections can be made in any year of the
analysis period
49Factors Affecting Network-Level
50Management Organization
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54Multiple Funding Sources
- Especially
- Non-exclusive funds
- Interdependent funding requirements
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56Prioritize After Fund Allocated to Funding
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60Resources of the Agency
- To conduct process
- To fund treatments
61Reality of Use
- How will results be applied?
- Candidate section versus selecting sections and
treatments - What will changes do to credibility?
- How will list be changed with small changes in