Title: The Solar Interior
1The Solar Interior
2What makes the Sun Shine?
3Thermonuclear Fusion
4a positron
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7Mass of 4 H - atoms 4.03130 atomic mass
units Mass of He - atom 4.00268 atomic mass
8Mass of 4 H - atoms 4.03130 atomic mass
units Mass of He - atom 4.00268 atomic mass
units Difference 0.02862 atomic mass units
9Mass of 4 H - atoms 4.03130 atomic mass
units Mass of He - atom 4.00268 atomic mass
units Difference 0.02862 atomic mass
units What happened to the missing mass?
10E mc2 E energy released m mass
converted c speed of light
11The Sun processes 600 million tons of H per
12The Sun processes 600 million tons of H per
second! At this rate it will take a total of 10
billion years to deplete the H in the Suns core
13The Solar Interior
5800 K
The Photosphere oscillates with a 5 minute period
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16Neutrinos Revisited
17Homestake Neutrino Detector
Cl Neutrino -gt Ar
18Kamioke, Japan
H2O Neutrino -gt Photon
19GALLEX - Italy
Gallium Neutrino -gt Germanium
20GALLEX - Italy
21The Neutrino Problem
22The Neutrino Solution 1. Neutrino production
rates are slower than predicted - disproved with
23The Neutrino Solution 1. Neutrino production
rates are slower than predicted - disproved with
Helioseismology 2. Neutrinos change phase
once created (Neutrino Oscillation) -gt verified
by Kamioke in 1998
24- The Neutrino Solution
- 1. Neutrino production rates are slower than
predicted - disproved with Helioseismology - Neutrinos change phase once
- created (Neutrino Oscillation)
- -gt verified by Kamioke in 1998
- This implies a neutrino mass of about 1/5,000,000
of an electron