Title: Navy Marine Mammal Program Foundation Dr. Cynthia Smith, DVM
1Navy Marine Mammal Program FoundationDr. Cynthia
Smith, DVM
2Navy Marine Mammal Program
3Navy Marine Mammal Program
- Home base at SSC PACIFIC on Point Loma in San
Diego - Program trains teams of dolphins, sea lions,
human companions to perform mission critical
tasks - Protect ships and ports from swimmer attack
- Locate and recover valuable equipment
- Alert our forces to undersea mines
- Animals receive
- highest level of care
4Navy Marine Mammal Program
- Planning for the day technology replaces need for
animal participation - Navy marine mammals a unique national asset
- Navy Marine Mammal Program has been largest
contributor to marine mammal literature - Benefits to scientific community and marine
mammals world wide - Current need for a national marine mammal
research center (NRC, MMC)
5Navy Marine Mammal Program Foundation
- 501C(3) nonprofit organization created to
transition program into the future - Mission
- To enhance the lives of marine mammals and
humans through scientific exploration and
human-animal collaboration - and to inspire creative thinking and a
commitment to ocean conservation in future
6Navy Marine Mammal Program Foundation Today
- Provide medical, research, management support
- Working to raise capital and develop strategic
partnerships to support the mission - Conducting site surveys to determine best home
for visitors center, museum, research
7Navy Marine Mammal Program Foundation Tomorrow
- Continue human-animal collaboration to support
DoD, while identifying new areas of need - Develop a national marine mammal research center
- Create a visitors center to facilitate
educational outreach
8Navy Marine Mammal Program Foundation
Please contact to discuss interests and potential
opportunities Dr. Sam Ridgway, President sam.ridgw
ay_at_nmmpfoundation.org Dr. Cynthia Smith, Director
of Medicine cynthia.smith_at_nmmpfoundation.org Dr.
Stephanie Venn-Watson, Director of
Research stephanie.venn-watson_at_nmmpfoundation.org
Erika Putman, Director of Education erika.putman